The Campaign–Update

When I undertook this endeavor a week and a half ago, I was in a desperate situation. And for all I knew, my honesty might simply have been greeted with derision. Which naturally some people did. “Pay your taxes!” I was told, as if in twenty years I hadn’t paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes. Maybe it just comes down to that, for some, asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness.

But the rest of you, the support has been tremendous. I cannot thank you enough.

At this point the total income is about $68,000, which is staggering, but unfortunately still not enough. I will definitely be endeavoring to negotiate, but I didn’t want to bet everything on it working. And donations to both Paypal and GoFundMe“>GoFundMe page have trickled down.

I do have one bit of bright news. I checked with a tax attorney who stated that, since these are considered gifts, this income would NOT be taxable. A gift is any money given by someone that is under $14,000. So that would keep me in the clear. Nevertheless, when I do start my account, that money will be set aside to cover taxes on anything else I earn. In fact, I could use some help on that: what would you want to see in a Patreon account? I’m unsure what you guys would want to see me provide and how much I should charge for things. So anyone who wants to provide some thoughts, I’d be happy to hear it.

As for the rest of the money, well, I have a very slight bit of breathing space: a month and a half until I have to settle accounts. At this point I’m hoping maybe some millionaire fans–a baseball player or insanely highly paid TV actor or someone–will say, “Sure, I’ll give him $14,000 out of petty cash” and this is done. In the meantime, thanks for spreading the word to anyone who will listen.