Freak Out Friday – April 28, 2017

I was going to give Trump a break this week. I didn’t want to think about him today. Why? Because today is the one-year birthday of my first grandson, Anthony Jack or simply A.J. You don’t usually give gifts to yourself on someone else’s birthday, but I felt like giving myself a little treat: no Trump.

And then he said this:

In an interview with Reuters, Trump decried the lack of privacy in his new role, stating that he was used to having little privacy in his old life, but this one was much worse. He also detests the constant Secret Service monitoring, declaring “You’re really into your own little cocoon because you have such massive protection that you really can’t go anywhere.” He misses being able to drive himself, misses so much about his old life.

But the real kicker was this:

“This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Oh my God. Oh my freaking God.

How in the hëll can any grown man, much less the POTUS, be this astoundingly stupid? Everyone with the slightest amount of brains knows that being the president is one of the hardest jobs in the entire world, with the only harder one being a bank guard in Alaska (everyone is wearing ski masks.) Easier? How can he never have looked at pictures of his predecessors? Hëll, his predecessor: Obama aged twenty years over the last eight. Did Trump think that Obama just hit a rough patch? A job that ages men the way this one does can’t in any way, shape or form be considered easier than pretty much any other job anywhere, ever. We are forced to the unavoidable conclusion that Donald Trump is quite simply the most stupid man ever to hold this office. Ever. He makes W. look like a member of Mensa.

Easier. Jesus Christ.

You know what? Here’s a picture of A.J. to make us all feel better.

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