Campaign, Day Four – the Second Thank You Gift reached

I continue to be stunned by the generosity of both fans and friends. It never occurred to me that we would reach the $55,000 level in four days.

It helps that I have some incredibly generous friends. George Takei, JMS and Wendy & Richard Pini each donated $1000 on GoFundMe while George Perez donated an astounding $5000.

Meanwhile I went to the PO box today for the first time, wondering if I would find anything to autograph. Instead there were simply half a dozen letters (and one card) with checks enclosed. They weren’t asking for anything; they were instead thanking me for the years of enjoyment they’ve derived from my work. I assume because they sent checks they want anonymity, but one fan–you know who you are, Susan–sent a check for $2000. It’s astounding.

You have to understand that being a writer (or an artist for that matter) is fundamentally a lonely life. You have no coworkers in your office typically. It’s just you and the computer screen or art board, and you do your work and toss it out there and hope that maybe, just maybe, people like your work. If this endeavor to get myself out from under has proven anything to me, it’s that you guys are terrific. It makes my life’s work seem worthwhile.

I am also taking very seriously the people who contend that I should allow for the notion that the IRS is going to want taxes on the $88,000 on top. Furthermore, my critics (there are always critics) have declared that I should just work to earn the money. One guy declared that when Willie Nelson ran into tax problems, he made a record and all the funds went to the IRS. On the surface of it, that’s an idiotic comment. There is simply no project I can generate on my own that can raise that sort of money, and I doubt recording a cover of “On the Road Again” would do much in terms of income. But on the other hand, I very much prefer the notion of working for money rather than just asking for it.

I’ve found out about the fact that there is a revival of the patronage system of a couple centuries ago. There is a site called that is designed specifically for that. For a monthly fee, fans can support artists that they appreciate. Colleen Doran has one, as do a number of writers. So when this is done, I’m going to set one up myself. For varying monthly fees you’ll get all kinds of neat stuff, including new works, behind the scenes stuff, neat pictures, etc. And every cent from that will go into a separate bank fund that will be maintained exclusively for taxes so I don’t find myself behind the eight ball next year.

Also, remember Colleen Doran is having an auction on eBay? For the Hulk page, right here? Well, I decided to add something to it. DC Comics just sent me my author copies of the upcoming Young Justice trade paperback which will hit the stores the end of April. So we’re going to add a copy to the auction, which finishes in two days. I will send a personalized copy of it to the winner, who will undoubtedly be the first on his block to have a copy.

And lastly, I haven’t forgotten. We are uploading the never-before-seen Space Cases, Season 2 blooper reel. The problem is that we have crap upload speed at the house and it won’t be finished for another two and a half hours. So check back here around 10:30 and ideally we’ll have a link up. A couple of historical notes: For you folks who never saw the show, yes, the young lady with the rainbow hair is Jewel Staite. Also, during the green screen sequence that features Rosie’s parents, the woman is in fact the mother of Paige Heuser who played Rosie. Enjoy.


UPDATE AT 10:40–Okay, guys. Here it is!

Campaign, Day Three–First Thank You level reached

I have to admit, I am somewhat stunned that we got to the first thank you level that fast. A huge shout out should go out to Robert Kirkman who donated an insanely large amount of money, which means I’m going to have to start watching “The Walking Dead.”

So, just as I promised, the story “Memento Morrie” has been posted onto the Crazy 8 website. Which means that we can now focus on the next level of $55,000. I was wondering what to make it and decided to start turning my attention to what started it all: Space Cases. So my daughter Caroline has been going through all my old video tapes from when the show was in production, and has turned up some gems. When we hit level $55,000, I will put up on Youtube the never-before-seen gag reel from the second season of Space Cases. Walter Jones, the Black Power Ranger, as our lead Harlan. A teenage girl named Jewel Staite as our engineering genius (yes, we reached through time and space and ripped off Joss Whedon ten years early.) Plus the rest of our wonderful cast who brought each script to life. Watching it brought back all manner of pleasant memories of the series, its cast and crew and my collaboration with the immortal Bill Mumy.

In the meantime, enjoy Memento Morrie.


The Campaign, Day Two

I have to admit, in recent months, I have been discouraged by humanity. As I constantly read about how Trump’s election has resulted in a country wide coming out party for haters, I was left wondering what the hëll was wrong with everybody. To be honest, when I began this endeavor to square myself with the IRS, I was concerned I was pointlessly embarrassing myself for little gain. I suspected people would just tell me to solve my own problems, which admittedly some did.

But I was wrong. Thus far the support has been tremendous, both on my website and my GoFundMe page. Money has been coming in both from long time friends ($1000 from Elayne and Robin Riggs) and even long time opponents ($200 from Erik Larsen.) Colleen Doran is auctioning a piece on eBay here. Even more heartening have been the words of support, from people who have been in my situation and people who have been long time fans of my work.

Thus far people have given me, in combining both locations, around $30,000. I want to give something back.

So I’m going to be instituting a rewards program.

When the amount reaches $40,000—the first level, which would get me almost halfway to my goal—I will post an original short story on the Crazy 8 website. It is entitled “Memento Morrie.” Let’s just say it was inspired by recent governmental events. I have just finished it and was going to begin sending it around to magazines, but to hëll with it. You guys have earned it. There will also be rewards for $55,000, $75,000 and the final $88,000.

I figure it’s the least I can do for so much generosity.