Freak Out Friday – May 19, 2017

I have to admit, when I first launched Freak Out Friday, I honestly thought that there would at least be SOME weeks where Trump would neither say nor do anything that prompted commentary. Yet here we are, over a hundred days into his presidency, and every dámņëd week there’s something.

1). Someone needs history lessons. Trump is naturally incensed that former FBI head Robert Mueller has been appointed as special counsel to investigate whether Russia helped Trump to be elected. Trump declared that “It also happens to be a pure excuse for the Democrats having lost an election that they should have easily won because of the Electoral College being slanted so much in their way.” Right. The Electoral college is tremendously slanted toward the Democrats. That is why twice in this century, Democrats have won the popular vote for the presidency while the Republicans have won the Electoral College. The fact is that the Electoral College favors the GOP, if for no other reason than that Democratic voters sat on their dámņëd hands during the election while the GOP turned out in force.

2). Seriously?. Trump declared this investigation to be “the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!” Really? Really?. Hillary Clinton having to endure months of testimony over a terrorist attack that she had nothing to do with? Barack Obama constantly having to endure Trump and company’s obsession with proving that he was not born in Hawaii? Trump declared “No politician in history has been treated worse or more unfairly.” I think Nelson Mandela might have had something to say about that.

3). Gee. Who to believe? It seems that we are being left with a real head scratcher. On the one hand, we have James Comey who stated that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn; that Trump demanded a loyalty oath; that this whole Russian investigation be dropped. On the other hand, we have Trump, who easily has the record for the most lies told by any president (not to mention Presidential candidate) in the modern era, if not the history of the country. So it’s a real toss up as to whose side we should come down on here. Wait…no. It’s really not.

4). Yeah. That’s how to get Jews to love you. Trump’s popularity in Israel has been plummeting, and his upcoming trip is not going to help. When Obama went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum there, he spent at least an hour. Trump’s people want to limit his time there to a brisk fifteen minutes, long enough to sign the guest book and give a fast speech. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush both took helicopters to the base of Masada and then rode cable cars to the top. Not Trump. Once he was told his chopper couldn’t land on the top of the fragile fortress, he canceled his trip entirely. Because when you’re a president who neglects to mention that the Nazis killed Jews and your press secretary is clueless that Hitler used gas on his victims, you absolutely want to do everything you can to curtail your visits in the Jewish homeland. That’ll put the anti-Semitic accusations to rest.

Did he do anything right this week? Well, he didn’t get us into a war. Which shows how low the bar is for measuring success.