My beloved wife

Sixteen years ago today I began my life all over again. The beautiful Kathleen O’Shea stood next to me as we took our wedding vows and began our existence together. The time has literally flown by.

I love you, Kath. Life is good.


Freak Out Friday – May 26, 2017

You’d think that since he’s out of the country, Trump could manage to stay out of trouble. But no, he can aggravate people long distance.

1). The Price is Wrong. Trump has submitted his 2018 budget to Congress, and they aren’t having any of it. Particularly interesting is the GOP’s reactions: his own party is saying No Way. His $610 billion cut to Medicare (along with the GOP’s healthcare bill of $880 billion cut) is a non-starter, along with his banishing of Meals on Wheels and crop insurance funding (yeah, the farmers love him for that.). However the criticism I must take issue with was Chuck Schumer stating, “The Trump budget is comic-book-villain.” Excuse me, no. We’ve HAD supervillains as presidents, and frankly they’ve done a better job. Can you see Lex Luthor doing away with Meals on Wheels? Seriously? Because I sure can’t. I can personally guarantee that super villains would take a look at the proposed budget and say, “I don’t want any piece of this.”

2) I wanna hold your hand. No matter what one said about the Obamas, no one can be blind to the notion that they are a loving couple. Can’t exactly say the same of Trump and Melania as every time he tries to take the first lady’s hand, she pushes it away. When you can’t make any sort of physical contact with your wife publicly, there is definitely something wrong.

3) Fun in the Hellhole. After having a great old time in the Middle East hanging out with dictators who deplore free speech–his kind of people–Trump went to Brussels, the city he once described as a hellhole. There, after shoving aside the Prime Minister of Montenegro to get to the front of the group, refused to support Article 5 (which states that any member of NATO who is attacked will be supported by all the other members) despite the fact that every president since Truman has done so, and ultimately ignored the core security purpose of NATO so that he could instead badger them about dollars and cents. This from a guy whose budget has a two trillion dollar error in it.

Did he do anything right? He left the country. With any luck, he won’t come back.