Freak Out Friday – July 14, 2017

The old saying is “Like father, like son.” And it apparently both applies and does not apply to Donald and Donald Junior.

1) Running off at the mouth. Junior is the opposite in that he seems to be obsessed with telling the truth. That could be a good thing. The bad thing is that he shares his father’s stupidity in that he doesn’t know when to shut the hëll up.

Junior released on Tuesday an email chain in which he was offered damaging evidence by a British journalist in relation to Hillary Clinton during the election, and was informed that the material was Russian and confidential. Now: the law clearly states, A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election. Did Junior therefore realize that information is a thing of value and therefore turn it down? Of course not. He said, “I love it.” He flat out admitted that he was contacted and embraced the entire concept.

Yet experts are divided on whether this acceptance constitutes a crime, because…well, because he’s GOP, really. If the situation were reversed and the exchange had been with Chelsea Clinton, Trump’s forces would be up in arms, the GOP would be shouting “Lock her up” every time Clinton (any of them) showed their faces, and Trump himself would be condemning her every hour on Twitter, instead of declaring his support for Junior.

One really wonders what, if anything, was going through Junior’s head. One is forced to the conclusion that he really doesn’t understand that what he did was wrong. It’s a foreign government. It’s the Russians. Anyone with a brain in his head would have known to write back, “No thanks,” and be done with it, but he embraced it.

What a freaking moron.

2) One is the loneliest number. I loved that a picture was released of him at the G-20 conference where every other world leader is engaged in discussion and Trump is sitting by himself alone. Could you imagine Obama sitting by himself and everyone else steering clear?

Did he do anything right? Maybe. At a press conference, he stated, in regards to his decision to pull out of the Paris environmental accord, “Something could happen with respect to the Paris accords, let’s see what happens. If it happens, that will be wonderful, and if it doesn’t, that’ll be OK too.” That is maddeningly vague, but some are seeing it as a hint that he might be thinking of reversing his decision to pull out of the agreement. Granted, it’s amusing that the one positive thing he did was hint that he might overturn his own stupid decision, but one gets one’s triumphs where one can.