Freak Out Friday – August 25, 2017

I think it reasonably safe to say that no president in the history of this country has ever started his reelection campaign eight months into his presidency. The answer as to why is obvious: Trump is constantly being barraged with polls that are telling him how incredibly unpopular he is. How the majority of the citizens do not trust him. That he’s an idiot or has syphilis or is just insane. And his inflated ego is so fragile that the only way he can survive is surrounding himself with mobs of brainless supporters who will cheer everything he says. This despite the fact that several thousand protestors swarmed outside. This despite the fact that it was observed that people who had waited on line to get in were swarming toward the doors the longer he went on.

You know, I hate to say this, but I’m honestly feeling sorry for him. He is clearly miserable in office. Nobody goes on tweet rampages if they’re happy.

1). Clever editing.. At the Tuesday rally, Trump read from his attacks upon the demonstrators in Charlottesville in which he said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence.” He held that up as proof that he had remonstrated the White Supremacists and Nazis. However he conveniently dropped out the very words that got him in so much trouble: “…on many sides. On many sides.” His condemnation of the right wing instigators got him into no trouble; it was his attempt to draw a false equivalency between the haters and the protestors that landed him in hot water. He was obviously aware of this, which is why he left out the key words that he has since defended. Perhaps he truly believes that people are so unaware of history that they forget even something that was said only a week previously.

2). Filibuster Rhymes. Trump is insisting that Mitch McConnell use the nuclear option and remove the filibuster so that the Senate can vote bills into law with a simple majority. Unless that happens, Trump declares, “8 Democrats control the Senate!” Of course, since his grasp of history is tenuous-to-non-existent, Trump hasn’t considered the possibility that the GOP will not remain in control. That as of 2018 they might be in the minority, in which case the lack of filibuster will backfire against the GOP. By taking advantage of the nuclear option, it will be the GOP who suffers from the fall out. But it’s useless to explain that to Trump because, like any toddler, he wants what he wants when he wants it.

3). Climbing the wall. “If we have to close down our government, we’re building that wall.” He said that in Phoenix. “Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix the mess!” he tweeted as well. For someone who purports to be a good businessman, how can he be unaware that the last shutdown in October of 2013 resulted in $24 billion in lost economic output? Yet Trump is threatening to do just that: to shut down the government if congress doesn’t give him $20 billion dollars to build his wall. You remember the wall. The one that the Mexican government was going to pay for? Except now it turns out that no, he wants US taxpayers to handle the cost while the Mexicans will wind up reimbursing us somehow, magically. How will he make that happen? He’s given as much detail on that plan as he did with his plans for health care.

You know what? I think that if Disney puts him into the Hall of Presidents, he should be standing with his back to the audience. Or behind Obama so he can’t be seen. That would be the ultimate commentary on his idiot tweet in which he portrayed himself as eclipsing Obama, oblivious to the fact that he was implying Obama was the sun and Trump was just passing through briefly casting shadow before disappearing.

Did he do anything right?. Yes. He looked directly at the eclipse. He proved once and for all that he listens to absolutely no one.