One of the main reasons I liked “The Orville”

I have seen any number of ads for “Star Trek: Discovery” and here’s my problem with it.

I have no idea what any of it looks like.

Every single scene was apparently filmed in a power outage. The sets are dark, the costumes are dark, everything is so dámņëd dark. I mean, yes, people said that the new Enterprise in the Abrams film looked like an Apple store, but at least you could see it. I can’t see crap in ST:D.


ST:D? The abbreviation for the new show is STD? I admit I haven’t been active on Trek boards, but has anyone else commented on that? TOS, TNG, that’s fine. But STD? Jesus Christ, was anyone thinking about that?

Okay, anyway: “The Orville” is at least lit like the original series. Everything is bright. Everything is open. The bridge, while having some commonality with the TNG bridge, is sufficiently different. It’s certainly larger. They have a panoramic array of windows rather than just staring at a viewscreen.

The whole place is colorful and cheerful and old-style pleasant. People are crying it’s a rip off of “Star Trek.” Okay, here’s a news flash: I LIKE “Star Trek.” It seems to me that MacFarlane is trying to do something that evokes all the best things about “Trek” and leaving out all the stuff we hate. And I’m fine with that. The same people who are harshly judging it after one episode gave STTNG three freaking YEARS to find its footing.

So I’m aboard for “The Orville.”

I’ve also posted a Cowboy Pete review over on my Patreon account.