Freak Out Friday – September 22, 2017

He’s going to get us into World War III. The reality of that assessment is becoming more and more certain with every passing week.

1) First off, I actually know what a “dotard” is. I knew the word long before Kim Jong-un labeled Trump as such. And frankly, I hate to say it, but that’s pretty much a fair assessment. If Trump doesn’t have syphilis, then he is definitely skidding into mental degradation attached to age. Indeed, it actually has the merit of being an insult. Nicknaming Kim Jong-un “Rocketman” is not an insult. Derived from an Elton John song, that’s the kind of name one tags to a baseball hitter. “And that’s gone, a bomb into the upper decks off the bat of Rocketman!” “Strike three, an absolute meteor blows right past the batter and it’s game over, a one hitter for the Rocketman!” . While Trump makes Kim sound way cooler than he is, he busily terrifies the world with his rhetoric, such as…

2). Serial Killer.. This was a no brainer speech. Trump just had to get up before the United Nations, speak about efforts to attain world peace, and not get up there and sound like a thumping lunatic. Instead he did the exact opposite. There are approximately 25 million people residing in North Korea, and Trump stood in front of the United Nations and swore that he was going to destroy them all. One assumes that he means he is going to launch nuclear missiles and blow the entire country to hëll. Twenty five million people, dead, because Trump is engaged in a dìçk measuring contest with the country’s leader. Perhaps he believes that his comments are going to convince Kim Jong-un’s own people to execute him and throw him out of power. I very much doubt that’s going to happen. Instead Kim Jong-un is going to use Trump’s speech in front of an organization that’s dedicated to world peace as proof that the only thing which will keep his country safe is having its own nuclear arsenal. I very much doubt Kim Jong-un will launch the first missiles at us because I frankly don’t think he’s that insane. But I totally believe Trump is that insane. I could very easily see him giving Kim Jong-un some sort of deadline to stand down that Kim will fail to meet, assuming that Trump would never take the first strike, and then Trump orders it done. At which point we are then counting on the military to stand up to the president and effectively perform a coup d’etat. Is it possible? Very much so. Because if it isn’t, we’re going to be at war with what’s left of North Korea. So for all you idiots who saw no difference between Hillary and Trump, do a single one of you think that she would have done that? Of course not. No sane person would have.

3). Hail Mary. For some reason that I am still rather fuzzy on, the GOP must pass a health bill before the end of September. It has something to do with only requiring fifty votes; as of October 1, they would need sixty votes, which means that they would actually have to get help from the Democrats. Because they are SO desperate to avoid having to actually reach across the aisle and work with the opposing party, they are slamming forward at top speed the Graham-Cassidy bill, which seems to exist mainly to make all their previous undertakings regarding health care look even better. This one is apparently the worst of all. Various large states such as New York will see cuts in Federal support of tens of billions of dollars. Care for pre-existing conditions would go out the window, particularly in states that voted for Trump. Poor children and non-disabled adults would get hit hardest with massive Medicaid cuts. Every medical organization you can name plus most health insurers have come out against it.

And what did Trump say? He said it was a great bill. Of course he did.

Because he’s a dotard.

Did he do anything right this week? No.