Why the hell are people ragging on “Young Sheldon?”

Facebook has erupted with people trashing this perfectly sweet family comedy.

With a style that is 180 degrees away from “The Big Bang Theory,” “Young Sheldon” tells the backstory of Sheldon Cooper (a perfectly cast Iain Armitage) as he starts his first day of high school at the age of, I dunno, eight. Nine. Something like that. He’s in the same class as his mortified older brother and is immediately ratting out kids who aren’t following the dress code. We see the groundwork being laid both for the pain-in-the-ášš that is his older self, but the same one who has love deeply buried in him that he was able to become engaged to Amy in the preceding episode of BBT. It is filled with tons of sweet moments, and yet all over Facebook people are slagging in, a number of them doing so without even bothering to watch it.

Is this where we are in Trump’s America, where even a delightful new program that should be unassailably adored is slammed by know-nothings who can’t even take a half an hour to see it and develop an informed opinion?