I really began my career in book sales working for Playboy Paperbacks in NYC. Despite the name of the company, we published quite a few high class novels including a novelization of “Elfquest” by Wendy and Richard Pini. One time his daughter, Christie, came by to visit. That was cool. Never had a chance to meet Hef himself, though. But I will always be grateful to Playboy Paperbacks for giving me my start.

RIP Hef.


One comment on “RIP Hef”

  1. I’ve been collecting the books of a particular author—which includes the romance novels published by Playboy Press back in the ’70s and early ’80s. Considering that they’re romances, and from Playboy, I was expecting some pretty racy stuff. But this was clearly before romances became what they are now, with all the action described, because they are actually pretty chaste, and are more interested in the actual romance instead of the physical side of things. I’m always amused whenever I get another Playboy book and it doesn’t have very much sex at all!

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