Pain trumps Freaked out Friday

Kath here,

We finally have a diagnosis on what is going on with Peter and it is a series of pinched nerves causing him to be in pretty much excruciating pain 24/7. He does have some medicine to dull the pain but he has not been pain free in over two weeks. We are now trying to find out how we get him back to something resembling normal because between the pain and the drugs, he is not at his best and feels it would be better to stay off the Internet for the most part. Participants in the Patreon program don’t worry y’all will continue to get things promised like Cowboy Peter but it may take a day or so.

Not that we haven’t seen both high and lows this week.

Thank goodness for everyone who voted in Alabama and gave Roy Moore his walking papers which, as of this typing, he has not excepted. The weirder thing I heard is that he believes that if the write-in was for a Republican then it is really a vote for him so he deserves that vote. I have no idea if that is real or fake but considering the other things he thinks is true, then it might be.

We no longer have net neutrality which is going to throttle new start ups and MMORPGs and other things on the Internet even though most of the Internet hardware is government owned.

Then there were all the other things that happened but we were focused on something else trying to get Peter to be able to move without screaming.

So feel free to tell us what freaked you out and what we missed by dealing with life outside the news cycle.