Freaked out Friday: No Pain No Gain but Peter has gained a lot

Kath here.

Peter is practically incapacitated by pain so our world is the four walls and the Doctor office visits. We know things are going on but right now we don’t care. We are just so very grateful that we have health insurance and our Patreon supporters have made it possible to not worry about co-pays and pharmacy costs. We have a January appointment for pain management but are on the list if there is a cancellation. So think good thoughts for Peter as he navigates his way back to health.

Yes, we know that that tax cut for Senators, Trumps, and their monied backers passed.

Yes, we know that they cancelled Christmas in Jerusalem (or rather the usual festivities) due to 45 and his bull in the china shop diplomacy.

We know that the stop gap measure passed so that we will have what is left of our government in the new year.

There is the continued destruction of various departments and public lands all in the name of the almighty dollar.

But right now I think we will settle for Peter getting a solid night’s sleep or being able to walk without support or pain.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

Hug your loved ones and tell them how you feel about them. Things can change in an instant.