Freak Out Friday – January 26, 2018

If you felt a lessening of the dark side of the Force around you, it’s because President Dumpf left the country. In his wake he left his supporters once again lying to try and cover his actions, and he didn’t get the world’s best reception at the meeting he went to.

1). You’re fired. After months of the White House denying that Trump ever intended to fire Robert Mueller, the New York Times broke the story that Trump had decided to do just that. But the White House counsel, Donald McGhan II, point blank refused to do so and said that he would rather resign then carry out the order. Perhaps realizing that an unfettered McGhan would prove to be a considerable problem, likely by going straight to the press and inform them of Trump’s attempt, Trump backed off. But now the press has broken it open. Naturally Trump dismissed it as “fake news,” but his protests are ringing more and more hollow.

2). Welcome to Switzerland, áššhølë. In Davos, Trump gave a speech in which he pushed his “Make America First” platitudes and informed everyone that America was a great place to do business. His speech was reasonably received…but after it concluded, he went off on a rant about the Democrats and their friends, the fake news media. And immediately he was greeted with loud boos and derision. That’s right: they booed the President of the United States. Which we do as well, but we’re the idiots who put him in office in the first place.

3). Remember when Mexico was paying for it? Good times.. Trump is holding the Dreamers hostage. He claims that he is willing to bend on the immigration law and permit a path for the Dreamers to become American citizens, but only if he gets $25 billion to pay for his border wall. A wall that sixty percent of Americans polled are in opposition to. And for all we know, the remaining forty percent won’t be so hot on it if they find out we are paying for it.

4). He said/he said. Trump stated that he would have no problem with talking to Robert Mueller under oath. But Trump’s legal counsel shortly thereafter said his client had misspoken and Trump would NOT talk to him under oath. Smart counsel. When Trump contradicts himself on Twitter or during press conferences, there’s no consequence for it. If he did it under oath, it’s perjury, which triggered the impeachment process against Bill Clinton. Counsel sees swearing in the president under oath as a lose/lose proposition.

5). Stormy Weather.. Imagine if Obama or Hillary had been found to have paid off a pørņ star so word of their affair hadn’t leaked. The GOP would have gone batshit. The religious right would have risen in condemnation. But Trump does it and they defend him. They DEFEND him. Because that is how far Trump has lowered the bar of contempt. One wonders if this country can ever recover from the damage he has done to us as a people.

6). Trump doesn’t shoot his mouth off.. Trump has not, to my knowledge, commented on the fact that we have had eleven school shootings this year, and it’s not even the end of January. But Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to spin the story to reporters that the Administration is seriously concerned “about crime.” When reporters didn’t back away from Trump’s lack of comment, she angrily asserted that they were insinuating Trump was complicit in school shootings. This was a hëll of an accusation to make, considering the GOP had released a commercial that flat out stated Democrats who opposed the wall were complicit with any murder performed by an illegal immigrant. Kind of sucks when the people you don’t like use your own tactics against you, huh.

Did he do anything right? Yes. He left.