Super Bowl Live Blog

Welcome all. As in previous years, I will be watching the Super Bowl starting at 6 PM and will comment on the commercials. I might also comment on the game if it starts getting interesting, but we’ll see. Kath and I really don’t have a stake in this game: We don’t like either team. If a jet crash landed on them, we’d be fine with that. As for the half time show, I still think Justin Timberlake will have Janet Jackson as a guest. We will see.

6:00–Could someone tell me who the hëll is singing?

6:04–Insurance? Really?! Great commercial until I saw what it was for

6:07–The Eagles are hungry and not just for a cheese steak. Okay, that’s funny.

6:11–Kraft: Un, no, please don’t.
US Bank: Aww, the doggie got nice place to live.
Merdes Benz–Okay that was funny.

6:13–Pizza Hut: I just saw Terrell Owens bowling on ESPN just a few hours ago. He’s not bad, although inconsistent.

6:22–McDONALDS: Guilty admission: I love the grand Big Macs. They remind me of how Macs seemed to me when I was a kid. I have to swing by McDonalds this week if those are back.

6:28–JURASSIC WORLD sequel. I am so freaking there. I have a real softness for those films, even though half of them suck.

5:42–TOYOTA–Wow. That’s one of the best car commercials I’ve ever seen.
VERIZON–I now have a new greatest fear: having robots laughing at me and saying I’m an idiot.

6:45–SOLO. Wow, and that was just the teaser trailer. Full trailer tomorrow. I’ll be there.
TURKISH AIRLINES: Eh. Still don’t care to fly to Turkey.
RISE: Well I’m not sure what that’s about, but if it’s from the producers of “Hamilton,” I’m definitely going to check it out.

6:53–M&Ms: Okay that was the greatest M&M commercial I’ve ever seen. I’ve never realized how much Danny DeVito looks like an M&M.

7:00–RAM: I hate this “full story stuff.” Can’t a commercial just be thirty or sixty seconds and that’s that?
WENDY: Now THAT was funny. Conflating McD’s with a historical disaster. It was a stretch but somehow it worked.

7:03=–CASTLE ROCK: Well, obviously if it’s a Stephen King project, I’m in.
NBC: All right, all right, I’ll watch the Olympics! Enough already!

7:09–DORITOS AND MOUNTAIN DEW: I’m not remotely sure what the hëll I just saw: Morgan Freeman and Peter Dinklage lip synching to promote snack food. Okay.
SKYSCRAPER: If this movie were made twenty years ago, it would have starred Bruce Willis.

7:16–BUD LIGHT: I don’t drink so I’m not remotely interested in Bud Light, but that was certainly a seriously overproduced commercial. You could have made a whole indy film with the commercial’s budget.
MISSIOIN IMPOSSIBLE: Tom Cruise attempts to make up for “The Mummy.” He’s got a long way to go for that.

7:20–ROCKET MORTGAGE: So he was the anger translator, but actually he was a life translator.
AVOCADOS: I have no idea what just happened.
THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX: Just when you thought it had been milked to death, now it’s on Netflix. Jesus.

7:25–DIET COKE: How in God’s name was that supposed to encourage you to drink Diet Coke?
TIDE: Now THAT was funny.
WEATHER TECH: Wonder if the company owners are Trump supporters.

7:32–PRINGLES: I feel sorry for Kevin. As for me, I don’t understand the obsession with giving chips flavor. Can’t they just have them taste like chips.
ULTRA: Captain America the extra. Cute.

7:44–SQUARESPACE: Was that Keanu Reeves in a commercial?
RAM: Seriously? You use an MLK speech to sell your car? That is pretty freaking stupid. Plus almost everyone in the commercial was white. Jesus.

7:55–DUNDEE: I’ve been wondering what the hëll that fake trailer flowing around on Youtube was. Worth it for the quick cameo of Paul Hogan.
PERSIL: TV dude should have been British. Then the commercial would have worked.
GOOD GIRLS: I thought that was a movie. It’s a TV series? Not sure about that.

8:04–Wow. That was a hëll of a play.


8:17–TOYOTA: GREAT commercial, but seriously: How could you not have them all walk into a bar?

8:18: PEPSI. Still prefer Coke.

8:35: My computer decided to screw around with me and it’s taken a few minutes to sort it out.

8:36: THE VOICE. Cute commercial. Still have no interest in the show.
OPTIMUM; You lost me Starz, you jáçkáššëš.

8:47–LEXUS: Ðámņ, I am so sick of car commercials that have nothing to do with the films. It’s not as bad as the Star Wars one, but still.
BUDWEISER: VERY nice, Budweiser. Very nice. Granted, it’s better if you don’t boast about something you did that was positive, but on the other hand, I guess you can blow your own horn if you want.

9:00–WRANGLER: Now THAT was a great use of a car in a movie. Top notch.
WESTWORLD: I have GOT to catch up with that series.

9:03–STINGER: I’m indifferent about the car, but Steve Tyler came to my daughter Shana’s college graduation. We have a picture of her hugging him.

9:12–AVENGERS. This movie is going to ROCK.
T-MOBILE. “Some people may see your differences and be threatened by them.” The problem is when one of them is running the country.
JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR: Yeah, we’ll be watching.

9:22–Did anybody outside of the New York try-state area see that great “Dirty Dancing” commercial with Eli Manning and Odell Beckham?

9:26–MONSTER; Huh?
ULTRA: Eh. Seemed like a lot of similar commercials that were done better.

9:38–ALEXA: That almost makes me want to go get an Alexa.

9:46–COKE: Since I can’t really drink Coke, there isn’t one for me.
UNIVERSAL: Remind me never to go on vacation wity Peyton Manning.]

9:52–HYUNDAI: Yet another company doing something nice and then getting press about it, but what can you do?

10:06==STELLER ARTOIS: Help us do good by buying our product.
TIDE–The Tide commercials haven’t been at all offensive. This evening, that’s a good thing to say about them.

10:15–God, this is an exciting game.

10:15–Please don’t let this get into overtime.

10:16–Thank you and good night.