Freak Out Friday – February 16, 2018

It would seem that there’s really only one thing to talk about this week, but surprisingly, no, there’s a couple of things. So let’s see what we’ve got.

1) This sort of behavior totally ruins my Lysistrata plan. Turns out Trump is being accused of a second affair, this time two years into his marriage with Melania. Traditionally when the first couple heads to Air Force One, they take a helicopter dubbed Marine One to it. Not this time; Melania headed over to it via car so she could travel separately from her husband. That does not bode well for the two of them, and I am convinced that at this point she is waiting for him to die because she’d rather be a widow than just another cast off wife.

2) And so it begins. Robert Mueller indicted thirteen Russians in interfering with the election. While Trump claimed that the efforts did not affect the election (it did) and of course there was “no collusion,” which is going to be a huge meme once he’s convicted of collusion, Hillary Clinton’s assistant, Nick Merrill, was much more specific in his comments: “Today’s revelations confirm what we’ve long known. Time will tell us more, but Russia went to great lengths to undermine our democracy, & the President won’t protect us. No matter your politics, it’s un-American. We have an adversary that is laughing at us, who will act again.” Yes, they absolutely will, as soon as the 2018 elections. Let’s hope to God that vote tabulators will have learned from the 2016 election and will be prepared to prevent it. If they’re smart, they will return to paper ballots which can not be interfered with by hackers.

3) The Rob Porter fiasco. Rob Porter, a former White House secretary, indisputably beat two wives. There’s photos of them,.Yet Trump’s administration incredibly tried to side with him. The White House administration claimed that the FBI was still conducting their investigation, except no, the FBI states that they finished their investigation back in January. But hey, I suppose that wife beaters who hit their wives so hard there are bruises on her face…I’m sure that a lot of them are really great guys.

4) Florida. You need to understand something: I have a fifteen year old. Every single day when I send her off to school, I have no idea whether I’m going to see her at the end of the day. Her school has no metal detectors, which I used to not be in favor of but now am. I am seriously considering getting her a Kevlar vest if I can come up with the $500 required to get a good one. I mean, I always had a sense that when she goes out into the world, anything can happen. She could be robbed, beaten. Then again, she took kung fu lessons so that anyone who tries to attack her will ideally have a really lousy time of it. And my third daughter teaches at a school and also took Kung fu. But if a lunatic comes in shooting, what can they reasonably do? And what did Trump do? He blamed the victims. He blamed the victims. He tweeted, “So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior..Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!” You believable fûçkìņg moron. He was reported repeatedly. The police had been brought in by his mother. He was expelled from high school because he was considered too dangerous. He was a White Supremacist. Every single check system that Trump and his NRA šhìŧhëádš will allow was in place and he still had no trouble buying an AR-15, a gun that has no place in a private citizen’s hands. You don’t need it for hunting; it will shred whatever it is you’re trying to catch. You don’t need it for protection unless you’re anticipating a zombie Apocalypse. It has one reason and one reason only to exist: To kill lots of people very quickly. It is the weapon of choice for demented šhìŧbágš who intend to blow a ton of people away. And what does Trump do? He revokes an Obama-era rule that made it harder for people with psychological problems to obtain guns. Gun advocates, of course, hated it, because they claimed it infringed on the Second amendment. No, it didn’t, you morons. The Founding Fathers passed the Second amendment to make it easier for colonists to form militias, not to allow demented psychopaths to acquire whatever weapons they wanted so they could slaughter dozens of people. Don’t you get that the weapons the founders were familiar with shot one bullet a minute, not forty-six. This has got to end.

Did he do anything right? No.