Rick Santorum is an asshole

Rick Santorum, former presidential candidate and royal dickweed, had this to say during “State of the Nation,” a CNN program, about the kids protesting guns this past Saturday. Do not read this while drinking coffee since you will likely do a spit take:

“How about those kids, instead of looking to someone else to solve their problems, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations where there is a violent shooter and you can actually respond to that. They took action to ask someone to pass a law. They didn’t take action to say, ‘How do I as an individual deal with this problem? How am I gonna do something about stopping bullying in my community. What am I gonna do to actually help respond to a shooter.”

So basically, Rick Santorum, who used to be a senator, is flat out stating that expecting congress to make laws that ban certain weapons, increases the age where one can buy a gun, or demands far more stringent background checks before handing someone a weapon of death, is a waste of time. That the NRA has their nuts in such a collective stranglehold. that demanding something be done will accomplish nothing. Do not expect your representatives to represent you. Do not ask the lawmakers to make laws.

Instead the only thing you can do is accept that violence will be done to you at the will of shooters, and the ONLY thing you can do is learn CPR. Realize that the people in charge of passing laws for your protection are leaving you on your own.

What in God’s name does any of this have to do with bullying? The shooters aren’t bullies; they’re homicidal lunatics. Bullies harass you for your lunch money. If they’re shooting guns at you, then it’s an attempted murderer.

I mean, part of me thinks the kids may really be wasting their time because the NRA will never let anything be done to pull back America’s obsession with guns. But I support their “We’re not gonna take it” attitude. Plus let us not forget that many of them are going to be voting in 2020, and they are not going to forget how Trump and Santorum’s former colleagues left them hung out to dry while accepting donations and instructions from the NRA.