Freak Out Friday – March 30, 2018

I am currently attending the Indianapolis Comic Con, and I’m in a rare good mood. The fans are great, my books are selling. Everything is great, which means I’m in no spirit to do the mental tailspin I have to embrace when talking about Trump.

So I’m going to do something different this week. I’m going to recommend a book to you. It’s called “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.”

Now you must understand that modern psychiatry is bound by something called the Goldwater Rule. The requirement of this rule is that psychiatrists will not write psychological profiles of public figures if they had not had a chance to examine them personally.

Doctor Brandy Lee, the book’s editor, argues rather convincingly that psychiatrists have another duty that takes precedence: to warn the public when there is an individual whose actions and thinking provides–with all respect to Oliver Wendell Holmes–a clear and present danger. The psychiatrists who contributed to this book are convinced that Trump meets that criteria.

I am currently in the process of reading it, and it’s fascinating. When you or I claim that Trump is a dangerous narcissist, those are the opinions of laymen with some fundamental psychological knowledge garnered from reading. When psychiatrists are saying it, that gives the diagnosis far greater weight.

I will be writing a full review of this book by next Friday. I will then throw it open for discussion. If you want to join in, grab a copy and start reading. It will both fascinate and terrify you.