The Republicans are winning…at least in Ohio

Ohio developed the kind of vote-purging scheme that makes GOP schemers all tingly. If you’re an Ohio voter and don’t vote for an election, they send you a postcard to make sure you’re still there, haven’t moved, and are alive. If you assume this card to be junk mail and toss it in the way that most people do, bam. When you show up at the next election, guess what? You’ll discover your name has been stricken from the voting rolls.

This is considered a dream law because it targets all the folks that Republicans hate because they typically vote Democrat: Students, the poor, Blacks and Hispanics.

The Ohio courts ruled in a case that that was illegal, so naturally it worked its way up to the Supreme Court. And thanks to the idiot that Trump installed (rather than the guy that the GOP prevented Obama from getting in) the SCOTUS voted 5-4 that the law was just fine. The dissenting judges saw this for what it was, but the conservative majority happily embraced it.

You can absolutely bet that with this new ruling in effect, Republican states will very likely produce their own versions of Ohio’s ban. This could potentially lock up a GOP presidential win in 2020 unless every dámņëd Democrat who decided to sit out the 2016 election makes dámņëd sure that they are still registered.