7 comments on “Freak Out Friday – June 29, 2018

  1. On the plus side, after the Maryland newspaper shooting Trump actually spoke out in support of the media: ““This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job.” However, since Trump usually listens to the last voice he hears, it is extremely uncertain whether this will list, or whether he’ll go back to bashing the media as “the enemy of the people” at rallies and calling CNN “fake news” every time they report something he doesn’t like.

    1. As someone who’s worked in the media his entire life, the whole “fake news” thing always pìššëš me off. I have never heard an editor of mine or others go “make it more biased!” it’s always is it correct? Legitimate media makes mistakes and corrects it (unlike Fox). I want to go to the job of anyone who uses the phrase and watch over their work. If your restaurant serves a wrong meal, is it a “Fake restaurant?” If a mailman gives you your neighbor’s mail, is he a “fake mailman?”

    2. James Lynch: On the plus side, after the Maryland newspaper shooting Trump actually spoke out in support of the media: ““This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job.”
      Luigi Novi: That doesn’t sound like Trump. The words “tremendous”, “beautiful” and “talented” don’t appear anywhere in that statement. Definitely written by a speechwriter. Or at least someone who knows how to compose a coherent sentence in the English language.

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