My unproduced “Supernatural” script

If you are trying to write for a television series, the one thing you don’t do is send them a script for their actual program because you can’t possibly match their voice.

Nevertheless, I came up with an idea for the television program “Supernatural” and couldn’t get it out of my head. It was a sequel to the wonderfully hilarious episode “The French Mistake” in which Sam and Dean Winchester find themselves in an alternate universe where they are believed to be Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the stars of a TV series entitled “Supernatural.” All I could think of was, “What happened to the ‘real’ Jared and Jensen when the Supernatural brothers took their place?”

The good news is that my agent is friends with series creator Eric Kripke, so he sent it to Kripke and asked him to send it along to the producers. Kripke happily agreed to do so and did just that.

Over a year later the producers have still not bothered to read it, at least to the best of my knowledge. So I figured that I wanted someone to have a chance to read it. I’ve posted it on my Patreon page, so everyone currently following that can check it out.

For those unsure, I am reproducing the Teaser here so you can judge for yourself. If you like what you read, then go here.

And here’s the teaser. Pardon the slightly improper script style; the site won’t allow me to print it in the standard format.

Apparently I should just stick to writing comics

As I occasionally do on Twitter, for the past day or so I have taken potshots at #FakePOTUS, pointing out his lies and attempts at deception.

This seemed to have annoyed some people, because this afternoon Kathleen discovered on Twitter that four different individuals all felt the need to tell me to knock it off. Speaking in almost perfect unison, as GOPers are wont to do, they declared that I should keep my mouth shut about politics and stick to writing comic books.

Kathleen promptly blocked them on Twitter, but I feel that’s something worth addressing.

See, here’s the thing: People don’t really care if I’m writing something other than comics. I wrote “But I Digress” for fifteen years, commenting on all manner of things, and no one told me to stick to comics. I’ve had over a hundred novels published; I don’t recall reviewers or fans declaring I should just write comics. Viewers of “Space Cases,” “Babylon 5” or “Young Justice” never demanded to know why I wasn’t sticking with comics.

Yet amazingly when I voice my political views, suddenly there’s an assertion that my words should be limited to the colorful pages of comics. As a matter of fact, noted singers are told they should stick to singing and actors to acting when they likewise criticize the #FakePOTUS, even though if they happen to publish books, no one asserts they should stick to music or acting.

Upon giving this some thought, I’m forced to the ineluctable conclusion that people don’t really care that I’m branching beyond comics when I criticize #FakePOTUS. Instead they are upset because I’m saying things with which they disagree, and far more people are listening to me than would listen to them considering I have nearly 16,000 followers and they have nine (and actors and musicians have far more.)

So how about this: Instead of stating that you think I should stop embarrassing myself making comments that over three hundred people liked, why don’t you just be honest and declare you either envy my ability to express myself or just hate my guts because I think Trump is an idiot who could launch world War III because he felt pissy that day, and you’re too busy kissing his ášš to admit it or simply too stupid to realize it.

Does it sound as if I’m encouraging hate speech? No. I just find hypocrisy almost as irritating.


New Blackmail Threat – Be Warned

I was perusing my spam filter, as I do occasionally since sometimes genuine email winds up being shunted over there, and I found something shocking.

It was addressed to me and featured one of my older passwords as “proof” that it was legitimate. It claimed to have video of me pursuing pørņ sites, that the writer had hacked into my computer camera to observe me doing fun things in front of one, and that if I did not give the writer $3200 in bitcoins that he was going to email it to all my friends and family.

I was stunned by this, especially because I don’t go on pørņ sites. Have I stumbled onto them while perusing the internet. Yes, and I immediately go “Yecchhh” and turn away from it.

As any man who has something to hide does, I immediately went to my wife and showed her the letter. Since Kathleen is far smarter than me, she entered “Pørņ bitcoin threat” into google and immediately discovered reports on sources ranging from Gizmodo to CNN that quoted the exact letter sent to me.

Is it possible it will hit some genuine users of pørņ? Yes. But you shouldn’t be blackmailed for that.

So beware if you get this thing. It’s a scam.


Freak Out Friday – July 13, 2018

I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: It is likely going to take an entire generation to undo the damage that Donald Trump is doing to this country.

And believe me, I wish I didn’t feel compelled to write about all his idiocies. I take no joy from it. I would have been thrilled if he had been able to, as many of his supporters or apologists claimed, set aside the demented narcissist that he had been during the campaign and actually grown into the presidency. Instead as time has passed, he has dragged the presidency down to his level. And Christ only knows what happens if he gets re-elected.

1) 90,000 Englishmen can’t be wrong. That is the expected number of protestors who will be assembling to protest him as he goes to London to–God help us all–have tea with the Queen. It is safe to say that he will be unlike anyone she has ever met, because everyone else in the world knows all the politics involved: what you should say, what you should not say. And Trump will naturally attend to none of that. Meanwhile a giant blimp will be floating near Parliament that is supposed to be representative of him. It really isn’t; it looks better than he does. But Trump is declaring that he is the most popular member of the GOP in history–more popular than Lincoln. He truly doesn’t understand that managing to accept a few thousand of braying crowds of die-hard supporters does not make you popular. He doesn’t get that losing the popular vote by three million doesn’t make you popular. Meanwhile he also took potshots at British Prime Minister Theresa May, claiming that her negotiations with Brexit could–according to NBC News–scuttle a trade agreement with the UK. That’s what top politicians want to hear when you visit their country: all out assault.

2) NATO to tangle. NATO members remain concerned that Trump was endeavoring to blow NATO sky high. His visit to England was preceded by a two day confab with NATO allies during which time he asserted that if NATO did not meet his demands, the US would consider “going it alone,” meaning that he would pull out of it. What followed was 48 hours of Trump acting like Trump: picking fights, making threats and insulting nations that have been our allies since the end of World War II, all the while prepping for his one on one confab with Putin, his boss. I would kill to be a fly on that wall. He also had a press conference where he trotted out a number of his usual falsehoods, exaggerations and outright lies, ranging from distortions and lies about NATO to claiming that he won Wisconsin whereas Ronald Reagan did not (a lie: Reagan won it in 1980 and 1984.)

There’s more I could go into, but screw it. There’s only so much I can take.


Freak Out Friday = July 6, 2018

Well, last week was certainly something of a f-ckfest as Justice Kennedy announced his retirement, which means that Trump will have the opportunity to put yet another judge on the SCOTUS. This is, of course, a disaster. Kennedy was conservative, but he was reasonable on some issues which made him a swing vote on some cases which resulted in liberals holding a favorable view of him. We can rest assured that Trump will not select any sort of reasonable individual, and that means that it’s going to take an entire generation to undo the damage he will cause. Roe v. Wade is the most immediate decision under fire, and a conservative dream court will now be sitting and ruling on any cases involving abortion. And you know that conservatives are going to fast track one even before the dust settles on the confirmation hearing.