Freak Out Friday – July 13, 2018

I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: It is likely going to take an entire generation to undo the damage that Donald Trump is doing to this country.

And believe me, I wish I didn’t feel compelled to write about all his idiocies. I take no joy from it. I would have been thrilled if he had been able to, as many of his supporters or apologists claimed, set aside the demented narcissist that he had been during the campaign and actually grown into the presidency. Instead as time has passed, he has dragged the presidency down to his level. And Christ only knows what happens if he gets re-elected.

1) 90,000 Englishmen can’t be wrong. That is the expected number of protestors who will be assembling to protest him as he goes to London to–God help us all–have tea with the Queen. It is safe to say that he will be unlike anyone she has ever met, because everyone else in the world knows all the politics involved: what you should say, what you should not say. And Trump will naturally attend to none of that. Meanwhile a giant blimp will be floating near Parliament that is supposed to be representative of him. It really isn’t; it looks better than he does. But Trump is declaring that he is the most popular member of the GOP in history–more popular than Lincoln. He truly doesn’t understand that managing to accept a few thousand of braying crowds of die-hard supporters does not make you popular. He doesn’t get that losing the popular vote by three million doesn’t make you popular. Meanwhile he also took potshots at British Prime Minister Theresa May, claiming that her negotiations with Brexit could–according to NBC News–scuttle a trade agreement with the UK. That’s what top politicians want to hear when you visit their country: all out assault.

2) NATO to tangle. NATO members remain concerned that Trump was endeavoring to blow NATO sky high. His visit to England was preceded by a two day confab with NATO allies during which time he asserted that if NATO did not meet his demands, the US would consider “going it alone,” meaning that he would pull out of it. What followed was 48 hours of Trump acting like Trump: picking fights, making threats and insulting nations that have been our allies since the end of World War II, all the while prepping for his one on one confab with Putin, his boss. I would kill to be a fly on that wall. He also had a press conference where he trotted out a number of his usual falsehoods, exaggerations and outright lies, ranging from distortions and lies about NATO to claiming that he won Wisconsin whereas Ronald Reagan did not (a lie: Reagan won it in 1980 and 1984.)

There’s more I could go into, but screw it. There’s only so much I can take.