Apparently I should just stick to writing comics

As I occasionally do on Twitter, for the past day or so I have taken potshots at #FakePOTUS, pointing out his lies and attempts at deception.

This seemed to have annoyed some people, because this afternoon Kathleen discovered on Twitter that four different individuals all felt the need to tell me to knock it off. Speaking in almost perfect unison, as GOPers are wont to do, they declared that I should keep my mouth shut about politics and stick to writing comic books.

Kathleen promptly blocked them on Twitter, but I feel that’s something worth addressing.

See, here’s the thing: People don’t really care if I’m writing something other than comics. I wrote “But I Digress” for fifteen years, commenting on all manner of things, and no one told me to stick to comics. I’ve had over a hundred novels published; I don’t recall reviewers or fans declaring I should just write comics. Viewers of “Space Cases,” “Babylon 5” or “Young Justice” never demanded to know why I wasn’t sticking with comics.

Yet amazingly when I voice my political views, suddenly there’s an assertion that my words should be limited to the colorful pages of comics. As a matter of fact, noted singers are told they should stick to singing and actors to acting when they likewise criticize the #FakePOTUS, even though if they happen to publish books, no one asserts they should stick to music or acting.

Upon giving this some thought, I’m forced to the ineluctable conclusion that people don’t really care that I’m branching beyond comics when I criticize #FakePOTUS. Instead they are upset because I’m saying things with which they disagree, and far more people are listening to me than would listen to them considering I have nearly 16,000 followers and they have nine (and actors and musicians have far more.)

So how about this: Instead of stating that you think I should stop embarrassing myself making comments that over three hundred people liked, why don’t you just be honest and declare you either envy my ability to express myself or just hate my guts because I think Trump is an idiot who could launch world War III because he felt pissy that day, and you’re too busy kissing his ášš to admit it or simply too stupid to realize it.

Does it sound as if I’m encouraging hate speech? No. I just find hypocrisy almost as irritating.