My unproduced “Supernatural” script

If you are trying to write for a television series, the one thing you don’t do is send them a script for their actual program because you can’t possibly match their voice.

Nevertheless, I came up with an idea for the television program “Supernatural” and couldn’t get it out of my head. It was a sequel to the wonderfully hilarious episode “The French Mistake” in which Sam and Dean Winchester find themselves in an alternate universe where they are believed to be Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the stars of a TV series entitled “Supernatural.” All I could think of was, “What happened to the ‘real’ Jared and Jensen when the Supernatural brothers took their place?”

The good news is that my agent is friends with series creator Eric Kripke, so he sent it to Kripke and asked him to send it along to the producers. Kripke happily agreed to do so and did just that.

Over a year later the producers have still not bothered to read it, at least to the best of my knowledge. So I figured that I wanted someone to have a chance to read it. I’ve posted it on my Patreon page, so everyone currently following that can check it out.

For those unsure, I am reproducing the Teaser here so you can judge for yourself. If you like what you read, then go here.

And here’s the teaser. Pardon the slightly improper script style; the site won’t allow me to print it in the standard format.




WE HEAR a steady HAMMERING sound and PULL BACK TO REVEAL that a property SALES REP is hammering in a “For Sale” sign into the front lawn. A cheerful MORMON, wearing a white shirt, black slacks and tie strolls up, a smile on his face. He is looking at the house and SEES…
A brief movement of a shadow within.
He taps the sales rep on the shoulder who JUMPS, slightly startled.

Didn’t mean to scare you.

And yet you succeeded.
(she glances at the book and cuts the Mormon off)
Don’t even start.

Well, maybe the person at home might be interested.

There’s no one at home. Hasn’t been for years. This place is being taken by the state.

Pretty sure I saw someone moving around inside.

It’s your imagination.

Would you mind if I took a look?

Knock yourself out.

As the Mormon walks away, the sales rep mutters under her breath.

The Mormon strides up to the door, glances around for a bell, doesn’t see one, and knocks on the door.

The door opens. We are angled FROM BEHIND the person so we don’t see him clearly, but whatever it is, the Mormon’s eyes open wide; he is frozen in terror. He is yanked INTO the house and the door SLAMS.

This noise catches the sales rep’s attention. She frowns, puzzled, and heads for the door. She knocks, and the door opens.

Once again we’re angled behind and she looks startled. The person answering the door: once again we don’t see his face, but we know that voice: It’s RUFUS TURNER. He is holding up the book.

You ever read this? It’s hilarious.

She turns to bolt and he grabs her arm and YANKS HER IN. The door once again SLAMS and we…



We MATCH THE SHOT to the door closing with a door OPENING. SAM and DEAN WINCHESTER enter. The WAITRESS is standing with her back to the door, which she hears open because of a little bell attached to it. She is busy adding checks and doesn’t bother to turn around. She gestures in a vague manner.

Just sit wherever you want, honey.

They shrug and move toward a table and sit.

I’m just saying, 27 to 7? That’s a football score, not a baseball one.

So the bullpen had a bad day…

The bullpen? EVERYBODY had a bad day. Five errors? How the hëll do they make five errors? What is this, little league?

Sam is grinning. Dean doesn’t notice at first.

I’ll tell you where the problem is: it’s the manager. He’s supposed to pull that bunch of millionaire idiots together and teach them the fundamentals. Keep you eye on the ball! That’s rule one in baseball! Well, no, rule one is no crying, but it’s a close second. It’s…

He notices Sam’s reaction.

What? What’s so funny?

Nothing’s funny. It’s just…this.

What “this?”

This! Us! Talking about baseball. Not witches or vampires or Armageddon or Lucifer’s baby. Just ordinary, routine, y’know, stuff.

You remember that five hours ago we were wiping out a coven, right?

Yeah, but now we’re…it’s like we’re normal!

We ARE normal.

You know what I mean. We’re not being hunters. We’re just being brothers talking about baseball. I just…sometimes I wish it could always be like this.

Fat chance. Something’s always gonna snap us back to the life.

Optimist. I’m gonna hit the men’s room.

He gets up and walks toward the visible rest room sign. The waitress has walked over and she’s staring down at Dean, confused.

What do you think you’re doing?

Um…talking about baseball.

Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?

I don’t think so. You can tell by the lack of humor.

Why are you sitting here?

My brother and I wanted to get lunch. And you said sit anywhere.
Honey. There was definitely a “honey” in there when you said it.

I don’t know what you think you’re playing at, but your shift isn’t over for another five hours. So get back to work.

Look…Miss…I’m trying my best to be polite here, but it’s obvious that you have me confused with somebody else.

I see you every day. So that’s not really likely. Now get back to your job.

Yeah, that’s it. I’m going.

He stands up.

Tell my brother I’ll be out in the car.

(her voice louder)


The kitchen door swings wide and JENSEN ACKLES, beard stubble, dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt and an apron, with netting on his hair, steps out.

Whatta you wan–?

His jaw drops.

Dean’s expression is a mirror image.




10 comments on “My unproduced “Supernatural” script

  1. Peter,

    I am a first time visitor of your site and glad I found it. I actually did a search for you because Space Cases had randomly come up in conversation I was having earlier today and it had me thinking of your daughter Gwen. We went to school together and had taken Project Adventure the same year. Unfortunately, I did not get to know her very well since she was a grade ahead of me, although I do remember that we share the same birthday. (If I recall my Jr. year conversation with her, she started early in private school or something like that.) Well, either way, please let her know that an old schoolmate has come by and was thinking of her and after reading the Supernatural Script, I can tell you that as a huge fan of the show, it is a shame that it has not been published. (Yet if I can be optimistic)

  2. I read the Patreon post. Pretty cool. I’m not in the Supernatural fandom, and haven’t seen it in quite some time, but it read like something that would fit well as an episode. The

    1. I hate posting on my phone…
      The alt reality one wasn’t one I’d seen, so it required a refresher and research, but this could really be good with that cast.
      Sorry it’s stuck in limbo.

  3. Hey Peter. Quite spooky reading your intro to this as it was a bit as if someone had stepped inside my head. I had a few novels published locally in the UK without any great success but like you I couldn’t get the yearning to write for the screen out of my head. Like you, I had the exact same thought about Supernatural in terms of a sequel to the French Mistake showing what happened to Jensen and Jared when Sam and Dean crossed over into “our” world. And like you, I thought f**k it and I went ahead and wrote it. Unlike you I have no connections (not even an agent) so I kinda forgot about it and posted it up on Wattpad and here –

    I’m very curious to read yours and see where you ran with it, so I shall be subscribing to your Patreon later today. I find it utterly remarkable that a show that has gone on for so long as Supernatural has and has (to be frank) copy-pasted so many samey episodes down those seasons hasn’t went back to the rich wellspring of French Mistake, one of my favourite episodes of television ever.

    Looking forward immensely to reading your screenplay and feeling bizarrely pleased with myself for having a similar plot bunny to one of my long time writing heroes.

  4. You know, after reading the B5 script books, this makes me ask: would there be any rights issues with you publishing a book of your scripts, produced and otherwise? Like for Oblivion and Trancers in addition to things like this? My roomie treasures the signed Space Cases script I got her, but she’s terrified of handling/reading it. 🙂

  5. Peter, I don’t see a contact page or email link, so I guess I’ll just have to ask here: I see that Target is coming out with a series of Disney Princess comics collections/graphic novels. Is any of your work featured in these? I’m thinking of the example of your ‘Little Mermaid’ miniseries.

      1. Well, thanks for the reply. Maybe you’ll get some checks for these eventually.

    1. You got me interested, so I ordered a copy of the book I think you were referring to. It’s entitled “Disney Princess Comics Treasury.” And yes, it has my Ariel stories in it.

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