Freak Out Friday – September 28, 2018

Normally when I write Freak Out Friday, I begin with a google search of Trump News to see what the idiot has been up to.

Wasn’t necessary this week. All of it played out on every TV station in this country. It was unavoidable. Indeed, being a total wuss, I wasn’t able to watch it for all that long as Dr. Ford struggled mightily–and for the most part successfully–to keep her act together. Meanwhile Judge Kavanaugh followed up with a shouting performance that utterly fell apart when the prospect of the FBI was raised.

I mean, I don’t know about you, but if a woman accused me of trying to rape her and I was offered the opportunity to have the FBI investigate it, I would not hesitate to take them up on it. “Take your time, get it right,” I’d say. Kavanaugh? Lapsed into silence, didn’t really answer, kicked it back to the committee. When someone remains unflustered and keeps themselves together, generally speaking they’re either a sociopath or have nothing to hide. Ford is no sociopath. When someone shouts and blusters and then backs down in the face of a thorough investigation, they’ve plenty to hide.