Neil deGrasse Tyson can save us all

So we’ve had a week to mull over the UN report that says the effects of global warming are no longer something that will impact the next century. We’ve got from twelve to twenty two years to pull it together, or my children and grandchildren will find the world uninhabitable around them.

This requires immediate action, and there’s one thing in which we can take complete confidence: Trump will do nothing. Even if he said he’d do something, he’d do nothing (right, Elizabeth Warren?)

But some individual states have proven they’re willing to step in where Trump ignores the needs of the world. Now we need to widen that.

There is no more respected scientist in this country than Neil deGrasse Tyson (okay, MAYBE Bill Nye.). Everyone knows and respects him. So Tyson needs to organize GUST.

What is GUST, you ask? Governors United to Save Terra.

Tyson needs to organize a national convention attending by governors from all fifty states. He needs to bring them together to one place, summon a coterie of scientists, and have them lecture at, and work together with, the governors to lay out a plan for them to undertake that will help to decrease the undeniable impact of global warming. Yes, even the governors of states with coal miners need to get on board with this.

Where would the money for this come from? From us. If Tyson began a Kickstarter or GoFundMe page dedicated to organizing the GUST meeting in order to save the planet, he’d easily get the money to do the job. Everyone, Republicans and Democrats alike, respect Tyson and, oh, by the way, want to do what they can to save the Earth.

This is the United States of America, but as states we really haven’t been united since…I dunno…World War II. Now we need to come together. The Feds aren’t going to do it: Trump rejects global warming and the EPA is slowly disintegrating. The states need to do it, and Tyson can get it done.

Organize GUST, Neil deGrasse Tyson. Let a new wind blow through the environment.