Freak Out Friday – October 26, 2018

I know I’ve been gone for the last several weeks. It’s just been too much of Trump doing the exact same thing: Vilifying opponents (mostly female or black or black females), blaming the Democrats for every single thing that he’s caused to go wrong, calling the press the enemy of the people because they dare to criticize him, and lying, lying, lying (over five thousand as of last month, according to the Washington Post.). It’s just…it’s so much the same that I was feeling sick of it.

And then we had a new wrinkle. We had the bombs or, as Trump put it on Twitter, “Bombs.” Right there, right in front of millions of people, he put basically air quotes around the word as if to imply that it’s all some show, some false flag thing put together by the evil Democrats. The ones who he claims will get rid of pre-existing medical coverage, which is explicitly what the Republicans want to do. The ones he falsely claims came up with laws compounding the immigrant situation. The ones he blames for everything that he and his fellow GOPers do that screws things up. And now he was implying that the entire bomb situation, where bombs were being sent to all his opponents and news organizations, wasn’t real. That it was all being arranged by Democratic operatives in order to make the GOP look bad (as if everything they say or do doesn’t accomplish that.)

Of course, the problem is that the GOP loves conspiracy theories, embraces them, broadcasts them, reports on them as news items on Fox. They claim that George Soros, a philanthropic Jew, organized the migrant march. They still claim that Barack Obama is a Muslim born outside of the USA; Trump was their standard bearer for that one. And their latest was that the left itself was behind the attempted bombings. Despite the fact that the typos in the return addresses screamed it was GOP because a startling percentage of Trump followers have trouble with spelling.

Except now an arrest has been made. In Florida; of course Florida. The lunatic drives a van that is festooned with Trump stickers and a photo of Hillary Clinton with a target on it. He has a criminal record and is a registered Republican.

Trump’s reaction before the man was arrested? He claimed that we need to come together, to become a vast United America. He did it in his trademark soft, barely awake voice that he uses when he’s saying something he really doesn’t want to say. Because the simple fact is this: there is no more divisive man with a microphone as Donald Trump. He creates splits between our allies, he cuts his friends loose the moment they run into trouble, often claiming he barely even knows them. He complains how Brett Kavanaugh was falsely and hastily judged while encouraging shouts of “Lock her up” at rallies over women (of course) who have committed no crime.

After he was arrested? Trump congratulated law enforcement. Which is fine, but is not what needs to be addressed.

The simple fact is this: Trump should shoulder some, if not all, of the blame for this.

Trump loves violence. He has since the campaign began. He has embraced it wholeheartedly. He encouraged his followers to beat up protestors at rallies, claiming that he would cover their legal fees. He urged police officers to bang around suspects who were under arrest. He embraced a politician who beat up a reporter, calling him “my kind of…my man!” He loves Putin who kills reporters, Kim Jong un who had his step brother and uncle assassinated. Trump is, and always has been, a brute. He either embraces violent answers to questions, or uses threats of violence to intimidate his idiot followers. That’s why he claims without any proof that terrorists are marching toward us in the caravan. That’s why he described Mexicans as rapists and gang members. He wants to keep his base in fear and use violence against those whom he dislikes.

Naturally it culminated in a Florida sicko who rose to his master’s words and attempted to bomb anyone who Trump disliked.

Will Trump take any responsibility? Of course not. Instead he and the right will shout “Baseball shooter” because they think that one idiot doing something on impulse is comparable to a Trump nut systematically trying to bomb everyone that Trump doesn’t like. Trump has yet to conceive of the fact that words have meaning. That when you rail against people and endorse violent means to an end, people are going to take that and run with it, believing that they are doing what you would want them to. Even more to the point, it is quite simply insane that they take wrongdoing on the part of the Left as an excuse when someone on the right does something ten times worse. The right should aspire to be better than the left, just as the left does with the right. “Whataboutism” is pretty much a right defense. I don’t use the right’s obsession with analyzing and scrutinizing everything Obama ever did in a restaurant as a reason to excuse leftists harassing GOPers who are just trying to have an evening out.

The worst is when righties try to claim that Trump has done “so much good” for the country. Typically they’re wrong, buying into actions that are misreported, false, or insanely exaggerated. But you know what? Let’s say, just for fun, that Trump has done positive things. You know what? Hitler built up a sizable infrastructure in Germany, including the Autobahn. And Mussolini made the trains run on time. Does that make them admirable leaders and good guys?

This bomber is yet another Trump production, even if he doesn’t have Trump’s name on his back in gold letters. Trump’s supporters will of course not cop to that either. This guy is the face of home grown, Trump spawned terrorism, but Trumpies will declare he’s a single lone mentally ill nut who should not be accorded any importance. An isolated incident, that’s all.

No. He’s a landmark, a map, a guide for others to follow. I’d wager there are White Supremacists already putting together a GoFundMe page to pay for his defense. His kind has millions of supporters, and God only knows what they’re doing now. Now that the door has been opened to launch a terrorist attack on people Trump hates, it’s likely going to be kicked wide open and others will come marching through.

But what’s Trump worried about? He’s busy claiming Twitter is cutting back on his followers. Well, I know of one guy in Florida who may have been dropped off by now.