Freak Out Friday – November 30, 2018

Robert Mueller is closing in on Trump, and Trump knows it. That’s why for something like four straight days he railed on about Mueller, falsely claiming that an investigation which has nailed over two dozen people is false and a waste of time. He’s been changing the amount of money that he claims it costs, and has been shouting “No collusion” with such intensity and frequency that you would have to be blind, deaf and dumb–in other words, a Trump supporter–to believe that he hasn’t been in bed with the Russians. A couple of years ago he claimed he wasn’t; now he’s saying that he wasn’t but, hey, if he was, he had the right to be and it was no big deal. I can assure you, whenever anyone says, Even if I did it, there was nothing wrong with it,” that means he did it and he knows dámņëd well there’s something wrong with it.

So let’s see how his week has been going.