Freak Out Friday – January 12, 2018

This could have been such a good week for Trump. Positive things actually happened which he could easily have claimed credit for. He’s good at that, after all. Walmart has announced they are increasing their minimum wages and bonuses. A new poll indicated rising faith in the US economy. He could easily have said, “See! Everything I’m doing is encouraging for our future!” For one dámņëd week he could have had it easy.


1) The fans hit the šhìŧ. In a White House meeting on the topic of immigration, he not only rejected a proposal that would have solved the problems of the Dreamers, but he demanded to know why we have to let in anyone in “šhìŧhølë” countries such as Haiti and sections of Africa. Why, he demanded, can’t we get people in from Norway? You know, all those white skinned, blonde people. It was beyond question the most racist thing he’s been quoted as saying since Charlottesville.

There are, of course, several answers with which to respond. The first is that we have a three hundred and five foot statue in New York harbor that declares, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” As a matter of fact, I’m going to take the opportunity here to quote the entire poem, “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

The statue has a gøddámņëd name: Mother of Exiles. That is what this country stands for. That is why we help people escaping war, poverty, famine and death. Because it’s what we are supposed to do in this dámņëd country.

Why aren’t we getting people from Norway? Well, according to CNN, “Norway has a rich economy, generous social welfare programs, a highly-rated (and free) education system, and exemplary gender parity practices, to name a few of the benefits.” Last year the United Nations said Norway was the happiest country in the world. Where was the US? Fourteenth. And I very much suspect it’s plummeted since then.

Now Trump could have backtracked. Issued apologies, try to swing focus back to the good news. Nope. He did exactly what you knew he’d do: he claimed he didn’t say it. His assertion was that Democrats made it up. Because above all else–above his ego, above his narcissism–Trump must always be the victim. He never does anything wrong; everyone is out to get him and will lie constantly in order to do so.

The really hilarious thing is that Fox News is actually trying to defend him. This is just locker room talk (again.). It’s what the “forgotten man” says.

He’s not a forgotten man, you áššhølëš. He’s the president of the United Freaking States. He’s supposed to represent in action what the Statue of Liberty represents in standing.

Is it enough to make you sick? If so, let’s hope that you’re not poor and on Medicaid because…

2). Medicaid šhìŧ. For the first time since Medicaid was established fifty years ago, Trump permitted states to start instituting programs which add a condition that you must be working in order to have Medicaid. So basically if you’re poor and unemployed, you would effectively be screwed. Not that that would bother the Ðûmbášš in Chief in the slightest.

3). Wait, which side am I on?. Trump wound up boning his own advisors when, while watching Fox News, they urged him to block the renewal of a security and surveillance bill. Trump immediately tweeted out that the bill should be stopped, without realizing that his own people have been actively lobbying for it to be renewed. Hours later he put up a new tweet that basically reversed the previous one. These days he changes his mind so often that you can get whiplash watching it.

4). The Wall Shìŧ Journal. . To top it off, he gave an extended interview to the Wall Street Journal He not only once again talked about pulling out of NAFTA, but also implied that he’s friends with Kim Jong un. The only possible explanation for this is that there’s another guy named Kim Jong un that Trump was referring to, because I feel reasonably confident in saying that the one we’re all thinking about does NOT consider Trump his pal.

So, to summarize: Trump is a racist. We’ve all known that. This is just further confirmation.

Did he do anything right? No.


Finally pain free

The pinched nerve that has made my life a living hëll is gone. The neurologists who were treating it shot some Lidocaine and some steroids into the nerve and presto. No pain and I can walk again. Huzzah.


Freak Out Friday – January 5, 2018

I think we can safely assume that Trump did not, as a New Year’s resolution, resolve to cut back on tweeting. From the moment he returned to the actual White House, he has been on a twitter binge that is filled with his usual ranting and insults, and continues to make every thinking person worry about World War III. It is nuts that we have to count on Kim Jong-un to have more common sense than the ostensible leader of the free world.