Freak Out Friday – May 11, 2018

Been a busy week.

1). You can’t fake this stuff.. After complaining about “fake news” for two years, Trump has actually finally defined it.

Declaring that the “fake news” is “working overtime,” Trump went on to tweet, “Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake).”

So now we understand the disconnect. To the rest of the world, “fake” means fabricated. False. Untrue. A lie. You remember a lie: the thing that comes out of Trump’s mouth whenever it’s open. But to Trump, “fake” means something that is critical of him. You see, Trump is so star spangled awesome that any critique, complaint, or negative observation of him cannot possibly be true, because no sane person would see anything wrong with him.

To any reasonable person, that is of course complete bûllšhìŧ. People get criticized constantly: by news media, on social media, by spouses or loved ones, teachers, bosses, friends and enemies alike. And they respond to it in a variety of ways: by considering the criticism, apologizing, trying to make amends, ignoring it, even doubling down (which is the typical hard right strategy.) But I can’t recall anyone flat out stating that any criticism of him at any point across the board is flat out untrue. That’s nuts.

And that’s Trump.

2). Iran away. Trump has been assiduously stating that the Iran anti-nuke deal was “the worst” ever made and that Iran was cheating on it. Curiously, our allies asserted that Iran was remaining faithful to it. These were the same allies who asserted that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, which George W. ignored and launched a war that cost the lives of 4500 Americans and one million Iraqis before we found out that, no, he had no WMDs. So that worked out well.

But because, as the saying goes, those who do not listen to the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it, Trump has just taken the first step into destabilizing the Middle East even further (admittedly it’s not all that stable now) by terminating America’s adherence to the Iranian deal. Because a month before you go into a meeting with a North Korean dictator to make a deal, that’s exactly the message you want to send: That you can’t be trusted to keep a deal that your country makes. You’d think that a man who allegedly wrote a book called “Art of the Deal” would know that you should never break a deal. Which, actually, he has been quoted on previous occasions: you don’t break a deal. You’re sending a message that your word can’t be trusted.

Trump can come up with all the BS excuses he wants, but it’s painfully obvious why he broke the deal: Because it was something that Obama had done. Trump, like any demented racist, is determined to shatter every single accomplishment of his predecessor. He wants to create his ideal America, one where Obama was never president because, look, nothing he ever allegedly did lasted. This is the same dìçk who keeps blaming the Democrats for HIS demolishing of DACA. If he could find a way to remove Obama’s and Michelle’s portraits from the White House, he would do so in a heartbeat.

In the meantime, Israel has taken encouragement from this dûmbášš move and is currently exchanging missiles with Iran. We could wind up seeing a full blown war between Iran and Israel with nuclear missiles flying. All because Trump has taken away the main incentive for Iran to refrain from developing nuclear weapons.

3). Get rid of your poor, your tired…. A new plan to hurt immigrants has doctors and hospitals extremely concerned. The potential new policy calls for the following: If any legal immigrant holding a visa uses Medicare, food stamps, Obamacare or a number of other government policies, then their application for a green card can be denied. But what if your child was born here, meaning they’re American citizens? Doesn’t matter: it could still cause the parents to have their green card refused. The concern is that immigrants will starve or not seek medical care lest their green card becomes lost to them. Which of course the government knows, so hey: gets rid of immigrants, right? It’s all good.


4). Meanwhile in Cohen Land…. It turns out that Michael Cohen created a shell company, Essential Consultants LLC, which seemed to have one reason for existing: to sell access to Trump. It’s unclear if Trump knew about it at the time or not, but he knows about it now and he is extremely not happy with Cohen. It also seems to have bridged the gap between Stormy Daniels on the one hand and Russia on the other because companies with Russian ties have been “hiring” Essential Consultants. Which means Mueller’s playhouse has constructed a second floor.

Did he do anything right?. Somewhat, but he managed to get that wrong, too. Kim Jong un decided to free three prisoners in advance of meeting with Trump. Trump had been stating that he was working to do what Obama had failed to do and get the three of them released, even though only one of them had been taken while Obama was president and the other two were taken under Trump’s reign. Furthermore, it’s obvious that Kim is taking advantage of Trump’s idiocy by using the opportunity to present himself to the world as a wise, considered leader rather than the homicidal dictator we all know him to be. While idiot supporters are claiming that Trump should receive the Nobel prize, that’s absurd. Trump is a dictatorial bully, and the ONLY reason Korea is getting its act together is because they’re proving that they are collectively wiser than the idiot in chief. And then when he flew to welcome the returnees, he insanely speculated on how good the ratings they were getting were at 3 AM. When is he going to realize that ratings are NOT something the freaking president should be concerned about?

I’m betting never.


Michelle Wolf

So let me see if I understand this.

Comedienne Michelle Wolf is being castigated by Trump and his supporters, and even the press, for presenting a monologue during the White House Correspondents dinner that was deemed too mean and crossing the line.


Trump is condemning her?

Trump has dropped the level of discourse in this country to depths that it has never known, and HE is complaining?

The press barely reacts anymore to Trump’s non-stop verbal assaults on anyone and everyone, driving us to worry about nuclear war because he thinks calling a demented despot names is a good idea. To say nothing of the insulting nicknames that he hammered against everyone who ran against him, reducing the debates to something akin to squabbles in an elementary school playground. And THEY are complaining after doing nothing to challenge him over his behavior.

What the hëll, people.

All Wolf did was give as good as others have gotten, but boo hoo, the press thinks she went to far. Screw you guys. Trump goes too far on any day ending in the letter “y,” and the press does nothing about it aside from reporting it and then moving on to something else. And Trump, the insult president who doesn’t even have the balls to attend one of these dinners, thinks the entire thing should be shut down.

I’m warning everyone right now: when Trump decides to shut down the White House press briefing room, you don’t get to claim that it’s because Michelle Wolf was mean. It’ll be because you weren’t mean enough.


Avengers: Infinity War

This is the beginning of my Cowboy Pete review:

Ten years after the launching of the Marvel movie universe with the astoundingly successful (obvious in retrospect but shocking at the time) box office performance of Iron Man, Marvel has now finally come through on the teaser that they situated at the end of the first Avengers film. Thanos has been lurking around in films ever since, not really doing much of anything except for showing up in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie and just sitting there making threats, none of which he carried out.

Well, that all ends with the latest Avengers film: technically the third but really the fourth since Captain America: Civil War was actually an Avengers movie in all but title. Infinity War gives us the movie version of a story that fans of comics in general and Jim Starlin in particular know all too well: Thanos, the mad god of Titan, wants to destroy half of all lives in the universe. And the Avengers want to make sure that doesn’t happen.

What follows is a blink-and-you-miss it two hours and forty minutes that brings together every dámņëd character in the history of Marvel cinema, with the exceptions of Hawkeye and Ant-Man. Which is fine because a guy shooting arrows and a guy who shrinks or transforms into a lumbering giant wasn’t really going to make that much of a difference in the outcome.

And things happen. Oh boy, do things happen.

The rest can be found on my Patreon account.


Freak Out Friday – April 27, 2018

So Trump must be feeling pretty spiffy this morning. The GOP-controlled Senate released their findings that claimed there was no evidence of collusion with Russia.

This was a document with reasoning so flawed that they stated Trump’s endeavors to set up a backchannel to the Russian government was proof there was no collusion in the first place. How, they “reasoned,” could they have been colluding with Russians before the election when they were colluding with the Russians AFTER the election? Yes, I know that makes no sense. What made far more sense was the Democrats who stated that the GOP’s opinions “have been crafted to advance a political narrative that exonerates the President, downplays Russia’s preference and support for then-candidate Trump, explains away repeated contacts by Trump associates with Russia-aligned actors, and seeks to shift suspicion towards President Trump’s political opponents and the prior administration.”

And we’re left sitting there thinking, “Of course they did. They’re the GOP. It’s all about holding on to power and blaming Hillary and Obama for everything (which naturally they did in this report.). On “The Tonight Show” they had a guy with a microphone on the street asking people if they thought Hillary Clinton should be impeached and bunches of likely Trump fans said yes, absolutely, we should definitely impeach a woman who holds no political office.

Table of Contents for “They Keep Killing Glenn”

Introducing our list of contributors and the titles of their stories:

They Keep Killing Me: A Foreword of Last Words
The Killing Croak by David Gerrold
The Look on Your Face by David Mack
Revenge of the Clipper Kin by Joe Corallo
“Is it You?” by Bob Greenberger
The Hardwicke Files: The Case of Hauman’s Comet by Russ Colchamiro
House Hunting by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Patient Zero by Dean Scott
Buried in Books by Mary Fan
The Case of the Industrial Revolution by Kathleen O’Shea David
For Whom the Bell LOLs by Setsu Uzume
Too Ðámņ Tall by Lorraine J. Anderson
DuckBob: All In by Aaron Rosenberg
R is for Roadster by Blair Learn
The Long and the Short of It by Brett Hudgins
Marathon by S. Brady Calhoun
For Cockeysville by Michael Jan Friedman
Rhino by Amy Lewanski
Waking Things by Jenifer Purcell Rosenberg
The Day of Killing Endlessly by Paul Kupperberg
That’s All, Folks by Peter David