State of the Union live blog 2019

This will be in lieu of Freak Out Friday this week.

8:48: We’ve decided to tune in to CNN for the coverage.

8:52: Kathleen is going to be monitoring the NYT for fact checking, and as she brings me up to speed with lies I will relay them to you.

8:55: Well, all of Trump’s idiot conservative justices from the SCOTUS walked in. God, I hate Kavanaugh.

9:03: Good Christ. He looks even more orange than usual. What the hëll are they slathering on his skin. And I’m not sure if I’m imagining it, but does the applause sound far less thunderous than it usually does? I have a strong suspicion that a lot of them aren’t clapping.

9:06: Wow. What a sea of white. It’s a solidarity among women in honor of Suffragettes.

9:08: Yeah. Sure you’re ready to work with Democrats. Yes, we do hope that the two parties will govern together, but considering he already stated a previous draft went too soft on Dems, it’s unlikely.

9:09: He sounds like he’s half asleep.

9:09: Yup. No applause from the Democrats. They’re just sitting there.

9:11: Okay, that’s impressive. D-Day vets. Probably some of the few left alive.

9:12: Uh,no, Neil Armstrong planned the flag, I’m pretty sure.

9:13: Buzz Aldrin was honored at a $600 a plate dinner at Mar-A-Largo. So Trump benefited from him.

9:14: Considering the middle class is howling they are getting screwed by taxes this year, that’s going to be quite a trick.

9:15: Mr. “I’m not signing this without my wall” wants compromise? Uh huh.

9:16: He’s setting it up so that he can blame the Democrats for everything. “Greatness.” “Continue American greatness.” As he uses his tweets to tear down everyone who disagrees with him.

9:17: No. The economy has been growing non-stop since 2008. Meanwhile the tax cut is killing growth.

9:18: Wrong. Latvia, Poland, China and Greece have better economies. Meanwhile the economy slowed in the last quarter of 2018 and even more in the first quarter of 2019.

9:19: False. Yes, more people are working, but that’s only because there are more people in the United States. And the tax cut was aimed at the top one percent. Meanwhile the elimination of the estate tax only applies to people with estates over $10 million.

9:21: No, they’re not returning.

9:22: Pretty sure Russia and Saudi Arabia produce more oil.

9:24: Under Obama we gained 900,000 manufacturing jobs. Under trump, half that.

9:25: Trump administration has slowed down the pace of adopting new rules and wants to roll back some, especially environmental protection.

9:28: They have not created 5.3 million new jobs. Meanwhile the creation of manufacturing jobs has dropped since the 1990s and early 2000s.

9:29: Yes. He did one thing right in pardoning her. Dozens of things wrong, one things right. A batter with a .005 average is hardly a quality hitter.

9:30: Okay, turns out we did pass Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil.

9:32: Here we go.

9:33: Jesus, MORE troops? Christ.

9:34: As Trump brought up the caravans, Pelosi raised a hand to silence the booing from the Democrats.

9:35: Border crossings are not an urgent national crisis. they have been declining for the past two decades. It’s the separating of kids from their parents that is causing problems.

9:35: Did he just say compassion for immigrants is CRUEL? Congratulations, it’s officially 1984.

9:37: Yes. Drugs coming through legal ports of entry, you idiot. And no, MOST drugs do NOT come through the southern border.

9:39: Jesus. A shooting from an illegal alien. How terrible. Now let’s bring in people whose families were shot in Pittsburgh, and Las Vegas, and Connecticut, etc., by good old Americans.

9:41: And if Elvin’s family were trying to come in now, Trump’s policies would likely do everything they could to keep them out. And what is his obsession with sex crimes.

9:43: That’s a lie. They didn’t vote for a massive wall covering 2000 miles.

9:48: Yes, and the vast majority of the women are Democrats.

9:50: Crime in El Paso actually dropped over 30 percent before the wall was even constructed.

9:52: Trump’s speech thus far has covered seven pages. There’s another seven pages to go.

9:52: The problem is that auto workers have been laid off because we’re not getting in the steel from China.

9:54: I agree, except that’s called the Affordable Care Act, which he’s been trying to kill.

9:55: Is anybody reading this? I’ve gotten no comments.

9:56: They tried this before. It didn’t work.

9:59: Good for Grace.

10:01: School choice, so that religious and private schools can siphon off money from the public schools.

10:02: Oh my fûçkìņg God. He’s bought into the lies and trash about the new abortion laws. Late term abortion is NOT HAPPENING. It is NOT A THING. This is the beginning of the end of Roe v. Wade.

10:06: And so Trump decided to give Putin exactly what he wanted: the demolition of the treaty that Reagan put together so that the Russians can do whatever the hëll they want.

10:07: Lies. Nuclear testing has not stopped, and missiles have launched. Even his own people aren’t buying into his assertion that we’d be at war with North Korea right now.

10:08: Considering all the name calling he hurled at Kim Jong-un, he doesn’t really get to boast about great relations with them.

10:10: Thereby exacerbating relations between Israelis and Arabs.

10:15: Isis, if Trump clears out the troops, could easily resurge and take back all the territory they’ve lost.

10:18: Okay, NOW he brings up the Pittsburgh shootings.

10:21: Okay, that’s a pretty good story. Of course it’s Judah’s story, not Trumps, but still…

10:26: Yes that’s right. We used to face down evil empires. Which is why it’s so disturbing that Trump adores the dictator of modern day evil empires.

10:27: If by thrilling achievements he’s referring to his impeachment, I’m on board with that.

10:28: He’s definitely winding down.

10:29: It’s just hilarious to hear the most divisive president in our history talking about how we have to work together.

10:29: I mean, for all that he speaks about unity, as of tomorrow he’ll be back to tweeting divisive messages lambasting anyone he dislikes. It’s nice words, but he won’t live up to them.

I was going to live blog the Democrats, but screw that. Ninety minutes of this is enough.

My new granddaughter

Leliana Adalia Palermo, born to Ariel and Anthony yesterday. Eight pounds, eighteen and a half inches. She has a head of curly hair like her mom.

She is, of course, adorable, although to be fair I’ve only ever seen one ugly baby in all my life.

Here’s the most recent picture of her.