My apologies to GalaxyCon Richmond

I wound up double-booking myself for the weekend of May 30, accepting an invitation to do a store signing and lecture at a library in Knoxville, Tennessee. When the conflict was discovered, I elected to stick with Knoxville because there are lots of guests for Virginia but only one me for Tennessee.

I very much apologize to the convention organizers and to any Virginia fans who were looking forward to meeting me. I assure you there are still PLENTY of terrific guests coming to Virginia and I cannot recommend the convention highly enough.

Kindly do NOT blame the GalaxyCon staff, who are a great bunch of folks. This was entirely my screw up and I’m sorry for any confusion.


Freak Out Friday – April 19, 2019

There is obviously only one story regarding Trump dominating the news, and that is the Robert Mueller report. The report which Trump has repeatedly dismissed as a witch hunt even though dozens of people have been prosecuted and convicted because of it is finally available to be read. Or at least most of it is. Attorney General William Barr, redacted portions of it, ostensibly for security reasons.

The problem is that we all know Barr is Trump’s stooge. That’s been evident from the get-go, when Barr was trashing Mueller’s undertaking and declaring that Trump could not possibly be charged with any crimes: effectively saying he was above the law, which is naturally exactly what Trump wants to hear and believe.

Symbiote Spider-Man #1

Wow. People are loving this book. It helped that Marvel sent out advance reading copies for reviews.

Me, I loved the artwork. Very well done.

I just read the finals for issue #2. It just gets better.


Freak Out Friday – April 5, 2019

So Trump has been spending the past two weeks claiming that the Robert Mueller report completely exonerates him, even though the four page summary of the 400 page report produced by Trump flunky William Barr explicitly states that it does not exonerate him. I mean, of course we know Trump is lying because, well, he’s Tweeting and speaking, so naturally it’s lies. But what makes this even more intriguing is that Mueller’s notoriously press-shy employees have told the New York Times that they are extremely dissatisfied with Barr’s summary of the report. That there is ostensibly plenty of dámņìņg evidence in there about Trump that Barr is anxious to sweep under the rug.

This is only to be expected. Barr got the job entirely because he was already on record about how much he despised the entire concept of the report and felt that the President was pretty much immune to prosecution. So naturally he would endeavor to whitewash the results.