9 comments on “#MarvelComics

  1. ….. *trying to analyze the comic covers in the background for clues….*

    Congrats, whatever it is, I look forward to it!

  2. there are so many names being announced.. are these more than 1 page stories in an anthology book?

    1. I was guessing 1-2 page stories, especially since George Perez is doing one. Much as I would LOVE to see George doing a full length story, I can’t envision it. Moreover, even Marvel is unlikely to unleash 40+ full-length one-shots in a single month on top of the regular monthly books.

    2. I’ve seen reports of a “Marvel Comics #1000” one-shot that fits the release time, and would jive with the format you’re predicting. It’s being reported as an 80-page issue with one-page stories by different teams, each spotlighting a different year in the publisher’s history, beginning with 1939.

  3. Peter, when will you be able to give us more details on this project? Any estimates or schedule on when the embargo will be lifted?

    1. At a guess, I’m thinking it’s the above mentioned Marvel Comics #1000.
      I’ve seen a number of other writers and artists posting a similar thing on social media- a writer name and and artist name on that template. It’s too many people to be new books that are lunching, so I’m guessing its part of the promotion for Marvel Comics #1000.
      Or I’m wrong and Marvel is about to make a really bold move in this market by launching a bunch of new books in August.

      1. Considering one of the artists whose name was in a similar announcement is the recently-retired (and magnificent) George Perez, I think that definitely lends itself to the Marvel Comics #1000 connection.

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