You may have notice the lack of FOF this week

Peter is helping literacy in this country by attending an event in Knoxville, TN. Yesterday was his travel day so no time to write.

He asked me to post this so you can tell us what this week made you freak out or watch someone else freak out.

There was a lot of things that made me very unsettled.


10 comments on “You may have notice the lack of FOF this week

  1. Well, in keeping with the usual topic of FOF….
    1. The Trump administration’s Department of Agriculture proposes rolling back an Obama-era regulation mandating healthier foods for SNAP, or food samp recipients, by allowing spray cheese, beef jerky and stuffed olives to be counted as food staples, so that more stores can benefit from SNAP benefits.
    2. Trump is invoking his emergency authority to bypass Congress to complete 22 arms deals worth about $8 billion that will benefit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries, over the objections of both Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Congress, who fear the weapons may be used by Saudi Arabia against civilians in Yemen.
    3. And of course, following Robert’s Mueller’s Wednesday statement regarding the conclusions of the Mueller Report, and his explicit note that his team would have exonerated Trump if it felt that he committed no crime, and that they could not indict him because of Justice Department (and according to Mueller, Constitutional) rules prohibiting the President of being indicted for federal crimes, Trump ignored all this, and tweeted that Mueller would have indicted him if he had evidence of criminal activity on Trump’s part.



      “DemocratIC lawmakers in Congress. . . .”

      “Democrat” is when the word stands on its own as a noun (“Republicans and Democrats in Congress”). “Democratic” is when the word is used to modify another noun (“Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Congress”).

      Only unscrupulous Republicans and ignorant people use “Democrat” as an adjective.

  2. Take your pick:

    The 5% tariff increase per month on Mexico that will raise U.S. prices, Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General finding dangerous overcrowding and unsanitary conditions at a Border Patrol processing facility, Trump versus Mueller, House Republicans blocking the $19.1 billion disaster aid package for a third time, Trump’s good guy friend in North Korea probably executing his nuclear negotiating team, the USS John McCain being hidden from Trump’s sight, Trump declaring that North Korea’s latest missile test means nothing.

    It’s a veritable cornucopia served on a silver platter, if you’ll allow me to concatenate some tropes.

    And climate change might not be causing this crappy weather, but I do not doubt it is exasperating it.

  3. And now, you can add insulting the mayor of London to the list. Oh, and also insulting the Duchess of Sussex, and then denying it, even if there’s evidence he said it.

  4. This website has been arduously slow to load for at least two weeks now. My iPad is quite old, but I’ve noticed the problem on more recent devices as well, so I think it’s a flaw in the site. Is the issue being addressed?

  5. Lots of stuff to freak out about for sure, but the highlight of the past week for me was that I got to meet Peter David. Thank you Peter for that!

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