Defending Max Anderson

Word is being spread through various news sources that JC Lee is suing Max Anderson, the man who oversaw Stan’s convention appearances and shepherded him time and again through fans and autographings.

The articles are thoroughly unresearched. Max is not quoted; only JC’s press releases. Just one example: JC accuses Max of stealing a ton of money from Stan at the New York Comic Convention in 2017. Good trick; Stan didn’t attend that convention.

Over the last decade+, I had many opportunities to observe Max and Stan. Stan trusted Max thoroughly, and that trust was entirely deserved. Max would never cheat him or screw him over in any way.

This made him an opponent to JC and others. I suggest you check out a site call There you can listen to a podcast where a former “employee” of Stan’s, Keya Morgan (currently under arrest in LA for elder abuse), is tape recorded (without his knowledge) referring to his and JC’s desire to get rid of people who were “protecting” Stan. His word: protecting. You protect someone from something that is a threat, so basically Morgan acknowledged that that was what he and JC were.

Yet JC is now endeavoring to savage Max with an utterly BS lawsuit in hopes to convince the suckers to turn against him.

Don’t be a sucker.