Freak Out Friday – June 7, 2019

One of the key responsibilities of the President of the United States is to be the face of America to the world. Trump endeavored to undertake that task this week and, no surprise, has consistently made a bølløçkš of it. Whether he was touching the Queen–something that the Right Wing went batshit over when Michelle Obama did it but shrugged in indifference with Trump–or denying the presence of thousands of protestors (this from the same guy who claimed that his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama’s when it was demonstrably much smaller) Trump was his usual idiot self.

Where to begin…

  1. OLD SOLDIERS NEVER DIE. Trump’s track record with the military is legendary. Whether he’s dissing the parents of dead soldiers, announcing he wants to spend millions of tax dollars on an unnecessary army parade, or declaring that trans people can’t serve, Trump has proven no supporter of the US military. So his behavior on the 75th anniversary of D-Day was naturally no exception: He dismissed Robert Mueller as “a fool.” Yes, the man who stated he had no respect for John McCain because he was captured labeled Mueller a fool. Let us keep in mind that this fool received a Bronze Star and a Navy Commendation medal for his service in Vietnam, the war that Cadet Bone Spurs came up with five deferments to avoid. Oh, and he also claimed that the fake news never reported the letter that Mueller had to write to “straighten out his testimony.” What testimony? No clue considering Mueller never testified. The only letter we know about was the one he sent blockhead Barr to complain about how Barr characterized his report. Yet again the most powerful man in the world lies and makes no sense.
  2. “LOCK HER UP”. He also didn’t hesitate to slam Nancy Pelosi for allegedly claiming (her office hasn’t verified it) that she didn’t want Trump impeached, she wanted him in prison. This was naturally echoed by professional presidential ášš-kìššër Sean Hannity who declared that wanting a political opponent in jail was something that happened “in banana republics.” So according to Hannity, every single Trump rally that had Trumpers loudly declaring “Lock her up!” in reference to Hillary Clinton must have been happening in a banana republic. So say nothing of Trump’s own repeated tweets asserting that Clinton should be prosecuted and jailed.
  3. THINGS OF BEAUTY. Trump has an astounding litany of things that he describes as beautiful, and now he has added “tariffs” to that copious list. Specifically, it was how he described his proposed tariffs on Mexico in retaliation for immigrants. Five percent a month until Mexico manages to…well, we don’t know what. He’s provided no specifics other than they should “stop” the immigrants without providing the slightest guidance as to how they would do that. Of course, if the tariffs do go into effect, they will be paid for by Americans and very likely tank the economy. It’s almost worth it because if the economy goes off the rails, it will likely sink his 2020 reelection bid. But the GOP doesn’t see it that way, and there is actual talk of them growing a spine and standing up to the lunatic. It’s fascinating to see that, in the face of all the šhìŧ they have stood by and supported, this may be the thing where they draw the line.
  4. A PRINCE OF A GUY. Prince Charles sat down with Trump for ninety minutes to explain to him why climate change is a genuine problem that threatens mankind’s continued existence on this planet. Yet despite all this, plus the concurrence of just about every scientist on the planet, Trump still doesn’t believe it. At least various states around the country are stepping in where Trump is falling down and making their own endeavors to clean up the country.
  5. ABORTIVE RESEARCH. Scientists use fetal tissue from elective abortions to investigate infectious disease, human development and eye disorders. Well, no more, if those scientists work for the government. According to, “US President Donald Trump’s administration is ending fetal-tissue research by government scientists and placing restrictions on academic researchers seeking grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for studies involving fetal tissue.” It’s bad enough that individual states are intent on eliminating a woman’s right to choose; now the US government is endeavoring to curtail scientific research that could potentially improve millions of lives. Naturally.
  6. WAIT, WHAT? Trump posted a Tweet that I have read repeatedly and still don’t understand it: “For all of the money we are spending, Nasa (stet) should NOT be talking about going to the Moon – We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things that we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part) Defense and Science!” No matter how long I ponder that statement, I can’t discern what the hëll he’s talking about. The Moon is our single satellite; Mars is another planet. How in the name of God the Moon a part of Mars? This Tweets are typically either lies or nonsensical, but this one goes to a new level of incomprehensible idiocy. That’s the thing about Trump: No matter how stupid he is, he always manages to attain new lows.

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