Freak Out Friday – May 22, 2020

It would be easy to focus on Trump because, as always, not a week passes where he doesn’t say or do something stupid.  This week he threatened two states because their Democratic leaders were endeavoring to make sure that people could vote by mail, threatening to try and withhold financial support because of their attempts to encourage election fraud. This despite the fact that election fraud is not an issue and absentee voting doesn’t tend to favor either Democrats or Republicans.  Basically he’s renewing his whole quid pro quo, threatening to keep help out of the hands of people who need it unless those people knuckle under to his demands.  And why not?  The GOP covered his ášš in January, so he believes he can do whatever he wants with impunity.

Which, so far, he can.  Inspectors General threaten to ride herd on him?  Fire them.  People testified before Congress over his actions or reported their concerns to their superiors?  They’re gone.  Walk around in public without wearing the face mask that his own people are saying should be a part of one’s apparel in pubic?  Screw that:  the press would take delight in depicting him wearing one, so why not risk being exposed or infecting others?

Because with Trump, it’s all about weakness.  He doesn’t want to appear weak in any way, shape or form, because to be weak is to be a loser, and he absolutely cannot ever lose.  Ever.  This is so much a part of his persona that he literally could not say that the tests he’s taken for the Coronavirus were negative, because to him, a negative test was a failure, and failure is a loss.  So he actually said, “I tested positively towards negative.”  This yutz actually has the nerve to claim that BIDEN can’t speak properly when his own twisted psychology prevents him from saying, “I tested negative.”  Meanwhile he continues to attack journalists, especially female ones, who have the nerve to ask him actual questions about his contradictions and vagueness.  Indeed, for some reason he’s started talking like Yoda:  “A rude question that is.”  I know he’s been accused of being a Russian puppet, but it was never intended to be a literal charge.

But you know what?  Screw Trump.  I feel like talking briefly about his followers.  

They are the ones whom experts have been describing as being members of a death cult.  Although they claim that the left wing is viewing the pandemic through the haze of partisanship, this is actually a classic example of something Trump does all the time:  Accuse the opposition of something that you yourself are doing.  Because the fact of the matter is that it’s the Trumpies whose perceptions are being governed entirely through the haze of cult membership and tribal partisanship.  They condemn Democratic governors for the unspeakable crime of worrying about citizens’ health and obeying the advisories of medical experts and epidemiologists while lauding GOP governors who place the economy above health concerns.  Meanwhile evangelical intellectuals are loudly proclaiming that it’s silly to elevate fear of death over spiritual concerns and that people should be ready to die if it will serve the greater good, i.e., the economy and attending services so they can donate to the churches.  

And the reason I say their opinions are tribal is because we all know that if Hillary Clinton were President and she were saying the exact same things that Trump was—that the country should reopen, that doctors’ advice should be ignored—the Democrats would be appalled and the right wing’s heads would be exploding.  They’d be demanding she be impeached and loudly declaring, “That’s what happens when you put a Democrat in charge!”  But no, instead they line up behind Trump, endorse his talking points no matter how stupid they are, and oh, do they hate Democrats.  Indeed, that’s really why they love Trump:  Because they believe he irritates the left, and it’s all about aggravating the left.  Nothing else matters.

So allow me to address their perceptions, their lies, their distortions:

We wanted to be proven wrong about Trump.  We really did.

We wanted our concerns to be groundless, our worries to be misplaced.  We wanted to believe he would grow into the job, that the whole racist, brainless thing was an act to get elected.  That he would rise to the challenges of the position.  That he would protect us, and would protect the United States’ position as leader of the free world.  That he could grow to be the man we needed.

We wanted our fears that, if confronted with a genuine threat to American health and safety, he would rise to the challenge.  


Because WE LIVE HERE, you dûmbáššëš.  Our fates are tied in with yours, and we do not benefit from friends and family members dying, jobs disappearing, and businesses go bankrupt.  

We are not so obsessed with Trump losing that we’re happy that over 100,000 people are going to be dead by June 1, that the economy has crashed, that the entire country is spiraling down the drain.  Hëll, my daughter was supposed to attend a BTS concert tomorrow; that’s not happening.  Who knows if it ever is.  No one knows anything.  We’re living on suppositions, guesses and speculation, and we’re no more comfortable than you are.  The difference between us is, our opinions are not shaped by cult like devotion, and yours are.  You can and do hate us with all your souls, and by and large, we don’t return that hate.  We just feel sorry for you and shake our heads, wondering if there is anything that can shake your faith.  Apparently the only thing that can is if you die from the Coronavirus.  

Which you’re very likely to do as you hold your idiotic protests and ignore basic safety measures, strutting around with your guns to prove how tough you are.  You’ll infect each other because the virus doesn’t give a dámņ what your political affiliations are.  It’ll just make you sick and possibly kill you.  

To quote your leader:  Sad.


8 comments on “Freak Out Friday – May 22, 2020

  1. What’s amazing to me is watching the laughably named “Pro-Life” crowd keep insisting that other people have to die so they can start hanging out with their buddies at the local bar and grill again. Then they take a deep dive into conservative fake news land to find some easily debunkable garbage (or they cite a real news source while proving they can’t read more than a headline) to come up with some whacko rationale to claim it’s actually them seeking to save lives right now and the evil lib sheep cowering in their homes are the ones killing people.

    Every single post I see from them anymore is like a trip to science and fact denial crazy land with an overnight stay in projectionville.

    1. The laughably named “Pro-Life” crown have NEVER been Pro-Life. As many have pointed out before, if they were then they’d be very much in favor of
      – sex education and readily available birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies (NO abortions would be needed by women who don’t get pregnant)
      – prenatal care for single and welfare mothers while they’re pregnant
      – government supported day care for working mothers after they give birth
      and a host of other items that they are instead absolutely and vehemently opposed to.

      It has NEVER been about “protecting the unborn” or any other excuse they offer up to hide their true motives behind a veneer of self-righteous morality It has ALWAYS been about controlling other people’s lives, deciding what other people will be allowed to do.

      If we all woke up one morning and abortion miraculously became something that no woman ever honestly wanted again, the “Pro-Life” crowd would find some other supposed immorality to rant about by lunchtime.

      1. “The laughably named “Pro-Life” crowD…”

        (Sure wish we got at least a few minutes window to edit what we post to correct typos.)

  2. It’s true. I know two trump supporters at my job. One can’t take ANY criticism of him at all and yells “shut up shut up” whenever he hears any. He also believes some conspiracy theory involving Biden being mentally impaired and being used as a tool by others. The other just yells “the economy!” when asked why he supports him and thinks anyone that doesn’t is hopelessly ignorant. I feel genuinely sorry for both of them.

  3. In some ways the most depressing part is all the people who seem to think that, no matter what, the Covid19 virus will not affect them or their families. Since that is ‘true’ they can do what they want, knowing nothing will go wrong for them. And of course, when reality refuses to comply, they’ll blame everyone else for what happens next.

    Which wouldn’t be quite so terrible if it only happened to them. As noted elsewhere, viruses ignore social, religious, political, economic and physical borders.

    1. Well, not physical borders. Those (e.g., masks) at least slow it down, sometimes quite a lot.

      I take comfort in knowing that, while it’s not going to happen just to them and others will bear some of the cost of their selfishness, by far the greatest cost will be borne by the idiots who flock to “open the economy now!” demonstrations and their local bars to celebrate their freedom stupidity.

      I am long past the point where I feel any sympathy or pity for those who have repeatedly shown that they want to kill me and do me harm. If they get infected and die off in far grater numbers than those of us who are staying home and keeping our distance when we can’t, I see that as a very shiny silver lining to all of this.

      1. Grrrr. Forget to include one little backslash and your “strikeout” tags cross out too much. I really have to proofread better before clicking “Post Comment”.

        …to celebrate their freedom stupidity.

        I am long past the point…

  4. Our fates are tied in with yours, and we do not benefit from friends and family members dying, jobs disappearing, and businesses go bankrupt.

    Yeah, but that’s just not the MAGA-moron priorities. To them their friends and family dying, their jobs disappearing, their businesses going bankrupt don’t really matter as long as “the libs” lose family members, jobs and businesses.
    MAGA-morons aren’t just willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces. They’re willing to cut their own throats if it means “the libs” get a stubbed toe.

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