The Republicans themselves are getting sick of Trump.

Yes, granted, he still tends to poll well among Republicans in general.  But I think it’s obvious that those individuals are people who have lost sight of what the Republican party is supposed to be.  Poisoned by everything from Newt Gingrich to Fox News to the Tea Party to Trumpism, the party is unrecognizable to those who believed it was idealized during the Ronald Reagan years.  They are appalled by the direction it is currently going and under the guise of Never Trumpers and the Lincoln Project are launching a series of ads not only to stop Trump, but to drive as many voters as possible over to Biden.  They are hoping that those people who refused to vote for Hillary because they saw her as indistinguishable from her opponent are beginning to understand how catastrophically wrong they were and will line up behind Biden.  Because they are convinced that four more years of Trump will leave the United States unrecognizable, not to mention considerably less populated.  

Indeed, the only thing they require is a kicking acronym.  Might I recommend RAFT:  Republicans Against Freaking Trump.  Want to get rid of Trump?  Jump on the RAFT.  

Meanwhile Trump continues on his roadshow of killing Americans. Because we are being forced to the conclusion that he really is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; if you view him from that perspective, then everything he does makes perfect sense.  Trying to force children to attend school as if nothing bad was happening, and ignoring CDC guidelines while doing so?  Great idea, because what else could help kill more people than clustering kids together in confined areas or riding to and from school in crowded school buses?  Upset because the CDC guidelines are too stringent?  Strongarm them into scaling them back.  Throughout the country governors are limiting the number of people who can assemble in a confined space?  Go to Tulsa and have a rally in a confined area where masks are not required.  The Tulsa government put stickers on the chairs in that arena designed to force people to sit in every other seat to at least try and social distance?  Have your staffers insist the stickers be removed so that people can get nice and intimate and facilitate the spreading of the disease.  It’s like the whole thing is being managed by Ðìçk Roman, the leader of the Leviathans from the seventh season of “Supernatural.”  Because naturally it’s two weeks later and the virus has spiked in Tulsa, as we all knew it would.  Meanwhile there are only two states that have shown a significant decrease in Covid 19 cases:  Vermont and New Hampshire.  So guess where Trump’s next rally is?  New Hampshire.  Of course it is.  Where else?  (Well, Vermont, I suppose.  That’s likely next.). 

The only thing to occupy him aside from turning arenas of people ill is complaining on Twitter, and he is doing it royally.  Naturally he had no complaints when the Supreme Court ruled that President Clinton had to testify in the Paula Jones case because no one, not even the President, is above the law.  But when the SCOTUS ruled 7-2, including his two appointees, that the New York grand jury was entitled to the documents and returns it wanted, good lord did he go out of his mind.  Endless capitalized tweets about how other presidents got much better treatment at the hands of the SCOTUS (ask Richard Nixon about that) but there was no such consideration for him.  How dare the SCOTUS not treat him with the same fabricated deference his addled imagination believes they treated his predecessors.  Remember, this is the same guy who claims he was treated worse than Lincoln, who was assassinated. Indeed, those close to him describe how he is engaged in an endless pity party, beginning meetings by delivering lengthy monologues over how badly the press is treating him, how unfair it is that the police killed a helpless black man and suddenly the country is rioting and there’s nothing he can say to stop it, how unfair it is that there is a pandemic which has killed 130,000 people and hurting him personally because it’s destroying the economy that he single handedly built.  

Everything is about him.  Absolutely everything.  

Not that he takes any responsibility for it, of course.  His denials of the virus, his magical belief that it would just vanish in April, that the handful of cases we had would quickly dwindle to zero and his complete ignoring of Obama’s playbook on how to handle a pandemic…none of that is at all related to the virus spreading like wildfire.  His attacking of peaceful protestors so he could have a photo op, his inability to present any sort of national speech on race relations, his tagging Black Life Matters and Antifa supporters as terrorists, that the BLM message NYC painted in front of his building was a “symbol of hate,” his support of Confederate statues, that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with people believing he’s a racist and a symbol of the worst America has to offer.  No, no, it’s all the fault of the lying media which continues to report the now nineteen thousand lies that he has told in the past three and a half years.

It continues to remain an irony that a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who was loaned millions by his father that he never compensated, who has had people covering for his mistakes and ineptitude his entire life, and who currently holds the office of the most powerful man in the world, paints himself as a victim.

Poor Donald.  One almost feels sorry for him.