As Trump’s presidency crumbles all around him, it is fascinating to watch how his pathology to seek approval from racist, anti-American Covidiots is causing him, without fail, to land on the wrong side of every major issue facing this country.  His tricks are no longer working and even his attempts to try and do the things that he should have done six months ago are falling flat.  Why?  Because those who oppose him don’t believe him, and those who support him figure that he’s just saying what he thinks he needs to say to satisfy the dûmbášš libtards, so they’re ignoring him as well.  They’re too brainwashed by half a year of bûllšhìŧ to be dissuaded from believing in anything else.  

Peaceful protests about police brutality?  Pretend that random, scattered acts of violence are the norm and send in your own troops.  Masks?  Claim that people should mask up, and then be photographed at a function standing there with no mask.  Black Lives Matter?  Tear gas them in order to have a photo op.  The Yankees and the Nats take a knee?  Decry them for it (God, I’m hoping they all take a knee at the game August 15 that the Yankees unwisely invited him to come throw out the first pitch.  I wonder if they’ll have recorded boos blasting over the loudspeaker.). People are worried about sending their kids to school?  Ignore their concerns and threaten to financially punish schools that don’t open fully.  As we hit four million Covid cases, admit on one hand that “it will get worse before it gets better” but then double and triple down on magical thinking by declaring, “Sooner or later, it’s going to go away.  I’ll be proven right.”  He seriously still believes that one day you’ll be able to dispatch the Coronavirus by claiming that you don’t believe in it, maybe under the impression that it’s being spread by fairies from Neverland.  (Which I guess makes sense, actually, since it generally spares children.).  

Under the impression that they were doing him some good, he has reinstituted the insane 5 PM mini-rallies disguised as press conferences.  Devoid of the presence of anyone who actually knows anything about viruses, he tries to reinvent himself and the idiot press is actually playing along, declaring that Trump has taken a new attitude.  We all know that’s nonsense; he’s done this half a dozen times in the last three years, attempting to reinvent himself.  The press dutifully reports the endeavor as if it means something and within a couple of days—hëll, sometimes the same day—he reverts to his previous persona.  He’s not going to change because of the old saying:  The first step in solving a problem is realizing that you have one.  And Trump is psychologically incapable of doing that.  He absolutely cannot admit anything that he’s done wrong, ever.  He has literally said he takes no responsibility for the shambles that the US has made of the Coronavirus, although he is happy to take credit for the fact that Northern states, temporarily at least, have the virus under control.  Why do they? Because they ignored his orders to open the states too soon.  The states that followed his instructions are now Coronavirus hot spots.  Of course they are.

Now people are hailing his decision to cancel the GOP conference in Jacksonville as part of his maturation process in realizing how dangerous it would be to have it occur.  No, that’s not the reason at all.  He’s doing it because a sizable number of representatives made it clear they had no intention of entering the vast Covid petri dish that that assemblage would have represented.  He wasn’t worried about people getting the disease because he NEVER worries about that.  He was concerned he was going to have a replay of Tulsa.  In the US state that he switched to because the previous venue wouldn’t allow him to pack a convention center to the rafters, he was clearly worried that he was once again going to be standing on a stage facing thousands and thousands of empty seats.  Tulsa was bad enough.  If he failed to pack out the dámņëd GOP convention, it’s game over.  THAT was the risk he didn’t dare take.  So Trump now has a month to scramble and pull together a virtual convention while the Democrats have been planning theirs for four months.  So, y’know, good luck with that.

Meanwhile he’s busy wishing well Jeffrey Epstein’s handler for underage girls.  Brilliant.  Freaking brilliant.  I wonder if the same bozos who have tried to paint Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as pedophiles have taken note.  I doubt it.  I’m sure they’ll be as aggressive about this as all the NRA members who claimed they needed their weapons to stand against the US government if it ever dispatched goon squads to round people up…and have vanished into the woodwork as those squads invade Portland and are being threatened to be turned loose on New York, Chicago and Philadelphia.  All Democrat-run cities.  I’m sure that’s just coincidence.

One thing is becoming clear:  getting him out of office will require a massive, indisputable showing at the polls.  Because any races that are close, Trump and the GOP will find some way to flip it to their side, no matter what.


8 comments on “FREAK OUT FRIDAY – JULY 24, 2020

  1. Yeah. That election. The one that’s totally going to happen.
    Within the next month, half this country is going to be homeless.
    States and cities did not suspend rent, they suspended evictions. And over the last month, most of those states and cities have been processing evictions again – as part of the country’s brilliant “phased reopening plan,” championed chiefly by the chimpy-in-chief, and supported by his conservative gubernatorial, state legislative, or mayoral cronies – starting before the big COVID surges really showed up. And in the next month, the 30 days notice for all those people who have already been evicted are going to expire, and unless something DRASTIC is done, they’re all going to lose their homes.
    No homes, no jobs, no incomes . . . and all coinciding with the government escalating their anonymous gestapo kidnapping and assault tactics in multiple cities.
    . . . And ALSO coinciding with the government demanding that parents send their children and teachers to their potential deaths when schools reopen, or face repercussions. (Yeah, financial consequences for the schools, but don’t tell me that local law enforcement and case-workers and judges of the right-wing persuasion aren’t going to be looking for any excuse to steal the children of already impoverished homeless parents who try to keep their kids out of the public school cesspool.) Not to mention the additional threats that they’re going to deport foreign students who don’t return to college.
    . . . And ALSO also coinciding with the collapse of both the healthcare system (due to lack of ANY BEDS AT ALL, to treat either COVID patients or ANYONE ELSE, because we are BARRELING towards overflow of basically every hospital in the country) AND the food production/distribution/transportation networks (because surges mean food service and manufacturing workers get sick and food sources shut down) leading to shortage riots as people get desperate because they’re sick and can’t treat AND can’t eat.
    Yeah. The current violence across the country? Is going to be like unto a slap fight at Turnip’s beauty pageant, compared to the chaos that could very possibly sweep this nation before September.
    I hope I’m wrong. I don’t like to portent worst case scenarios . . . but seriously, WHAT election?
    – J

    1. On a long enough time scale, Trump’s right, it’ll all disappear. Eventually the Sun is going to swallow the Earth and then bye-bye Coronavirus.

  2. Trump has said that if he loses, cable news ratings will plummet.

    I strongly disagree. I think The Nuremberg Trials: The Next Generation will be even more successful than the original.

  3. Someone spat this retort at me in a youtube comment section:

    “You must be one of those leftists who sits around watching CNN and MSNBC. President Trump is probably the best President we’ve ever had! Check out the Walk-Away movement or Jericho Green, or Candace Owens, and start realizing what’s really going on. The mainstream has been taken over by Communists and cannot be trusted. They only push a completely false narrative.”

    These people have made their stance completely invincible against everything: Common sense, logic, you name it. They’ll find a way to paint themselves as persecuted victims in any kind of situation. If this was 1943, they’d rationalize how the Jews in Auschwitz and Dachau were the REAL monsters for being insistently uncongenial towards their hard-working supervisors. Come November, they’ll emerge from the soil like worms after a heavy rain and slither into the voting booths in vast clews to keep their messiah in office.

    Don’t leave ANYTHING to chance, folks. Get out of the house, and FIND A F***ING BOOTH, even if you have to undergo a full-blown odyssey into the reddest of red states (the only places where Trump and his cronies would have left any booths standing).

    1. Right?

      Today, I had a friend post an article about how the Commander in Cheeto praised his Brute Squad for tear-gassing the Mayor of Portland, saying “They knocked the hëll out of him.” The article showed a photo of the mayor with minor bruising and a jaundiced face with red eyes (what you’d expect from someone who just got teargassed).

      Then, some neo-con gas drilling management mega-capitalist MAGAt she used to go to high school chimed in with the idiot opinion “That pic is photoshopped, lol.”

      Not a response to the article. Nothing about how what the Terra Cotta Tyrant said was scummy and wrong. He mocked the photo of the assaulted Mayor of Portland.

      I responded simply [Citation Needed] hoping he’d take the bait. He did, and posted a justification by way of a renowned ultra-right red-pill “oh, I’m REALLY a centrist, tho” YouTube blogger. That was his “proof.”

      After clarifying that the citation I was looking for was whether he had any working brain cells and calling him a moron (no, I was NOT polite, I already looked at his profile, the POS is a COVID denier and Blue Lives Matter @$$hole, so @#$% civility), and telling him that the photo is irrelevant, the point of the story and my friend’s post was that Turnip is praising jackboot tactics and the assault by hired mercenary DHS agents of a duly elected mayor of the city, and even if the photo WAS doctored, he still hasn’t provided a shred of actual proof, like say THE ORIGINAL PHOTO . . . his response was, verbatim:

      “I figured video evidence would be far better than any citation i could have provided you. But If this still doesn’t work for you your liberal hivemind is beyond help. At least I have left this evidence here to assist any free thinker that truly cares about facts and desires to cut through the lies. [. . .] Anyone who has a brain can realize that is a photoshopped pic. Really going conspiracy theorist on me there broski. Unmarked Fed Thugs??? Source Needed And try to stick to the night involving Wheeler and not three days ago when the clearly marked tactical federal officers put the Antifa Marxist thug into a mini van for questioning. Is it hard to understand that If you attempt to overthrow our country you will be met with force? I figured that was a given? [. . .] The federal officers are in full tactical gear with badge information on their shoulder. Fake news liberal propaganda yes there has been lots attempting to push this new narrative. In fact, liberal mismanagement has been destroying their own city’s for months now killing their own people trying to get Trump to move in to push this exact idea. Me and the rest of the country are ready for massive felony arrests to then revoke libtard voting rights. Nice right? Don’t like America GTF outta here.”

      So . . . there’s your narrative. “Libtards” being opposed to, you know, MILITARISTIC FASCISM AND POLICE BRUTALITY AND VIOLENCE AGAINST US CITIZENS is apparently hivemind think. ACTUAL free thought means obey the police and cry “fake news liberal propaganda” at anything the left says. “Antifa Marxist thugs” are trying to overthrow the country, and deserve to have no voting rights, we’re TOTALLY not being fascist! The agents are all clearly marked, and saying they aren’t is just a BS narrative and a conspiracy theory and there are no sources that can demonstrate otherwise. And of course, the old standby, if you don’t like it here, leave.


      I know he’s talking out of his @$$, but let’s get real: November’s election is going to be meaningless. Even if Trumple-krill-skin DOES lose, even if ALL their voter fraud fails, even if he DOES lose by a landslide, even if he DOES concede and agree to leave . . . his dip$#!+ followers are just going to go out and start shooting.

      I’m so tired.

  4. I will note that, amazingly, I think Trump might be right about something.

    I think the coronavirus may well simply disappear one day. Granted, under Trump’s ‘inspired’ leadership in this matter and how closely he’s (not) listening to doctors who actually know what needs to be done we will all be dead by then. When there is be nothing left for the virus to breed in, it will vanish. Of course, since everyone will be dead, we will never really know for sure but it makes a certain amount of sense.

    [I think the sarcasm is strong in this message, but that could just be me.]

  5. Nah, there will be very few if any shooting rampages if/when Trump loses. Most Trump acolytes are too cowardly for that. They’re more of the “plant pipe bombs in mailboxes” types. I can see a lot of that activity happening.

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