DNC–The Last Night–The Live Blog

9:00–Welcome to the DNC liveblog. I’m tuned to PBS at the moment, although I will switch to CBS at 10 PM. I’m looking forward to listening to the Dems talking about how we need to come together as a nation and then tomorrow listening to the right wing dissing and dismissing them just to underscore the challenge that continues to face us.

9:07: Julia Louis-Dreyfus is speaking. Honestly, she should be at the RNC convention. Watching the Trump presidency is like watching a real-life “Veep,” as was evidenced with his recent Axios interview.

9:11: The newly named Chicks singing the Anthem. Sound great. Oh, I switched to CNN because PBS kept yakking rather than just play the convention.

9:16: So apparently much of the purpose of this gentleman’s speech is to underscore Biden’s faith, in direct contrast to Trump’s baseless assertions that Biden hates religion and is opposed to God.

9:10: “Remember, Joe Biden goes to church so frequently that he doesn’t need tear gas to clear his way to get there.” Louis-Dreyfus wins.

9:27: You just know that if John Lewis were still alive, he would be a featured speaker at the DNC this year.

9:34. Oh my God, Louis-Dreyfus is just ROASTING Trump. I wish they’d stop cutting away and just do a straight half hour of her laying into him.

9:36: The thing is, all the bashing of Trump is based on things he’s said and done (or promised to do and never did) whereas Trump’s attacks on Biden are rooted in total bûllšhìŧ, lies and fabrications. We realize that. Why doesn’t the right?

9:44: Every time I hear them saying “Text to 30330” I keep hearing Louis-Dreyfus saying, “That would be Donald Trump’s golf score if he didn’t cheat.”

9:45: Just curious. Anyone reading this?

9:48: I love that we are seeing all of Biden’s former competitors coming out in support of him, while some former competitors of Trump’s are also endorsing Biden. Thanks, Cory Booker.

10:00: “Or as Donald Trump will call me tomorrow, a washed-up, low ratings TV has been. Well, it takes one to know one. Louis-Dreyfus should host ALL the Democratic gatherings.

10:08: “The coward in chief.” So says Tammy Duckworth, who knows what she’s talking about. Gee, I wonder if Trump will complain that she didn’t say enough nice things about them as he did with Michelle Obama.

10:20: Brilliant. ALL of Biden’s competitors forming a United front. Best five minute so far.

10:21: But Bloomberg gets to talk by himself. Yeah, okay, I guess.

10;25: The problem is that we’re not going to be able to do ANY of those things–remove the millionaire tax breaks, rebuild the infrastructure, job training, dealing with the environment–if we don’t manage to regain control of the Senate along with the White House. If we don’t, they’ll just block everything Biden wants to do.

10:28: Brilliant. Having a kid who stammers speaking on behalf of Biden. Absolutely brilliant.

10:37: Joe…please…DON’T HIRE YOUR KIDS TO WORK IN THE White House. I’M BEGGING YOU. I mean, I’m sure they’re nice but we don’t need that grief.

10:48: We’re getting Biden’s entire backstory. We need it because, unlike Trump, there aren’t dozens of books about him describing his upbringing.

10:49: “An ally of the light, not the darkness.” I like that. Very Star Wars.

10:50: Yup I called it. He’s talking about being united, about coming together as one. Something that the right will immediately reject.

10:56: The sad thing is that yes, that is the America that the right wing wants. They want it because it upsets liberals, and that is ALL they are interested in. We want Biden to save the country; they want Trump to anger the libs.

11;05: Talking up Kamala. Good move. Remind voters she’s on the ticket.

11:07: Just watch. The right will accuse Biden of trying to “cash in” on the memory of his son in order to seem sympathetic.

11:08: God it’s so great to see someone preaching the notion of unity instead of attempting to preach division. Of trying to appeal to the best of us rather than the worst.

11:12: He meant to say, “Nothing we HAVEN’T been able to accomplish together.” A minor glitch; I wonder if they’ll play it up tomorrow.


19 comments on “DNC–The Last Night–The Live Blog

    1. That would be an incredibly stupid thing to do – going after the distraction instead of the substance. How very Trump-like.

  1. Bloomberg’s spotlight is a shot directly at trump. More so than Warren, Obama, Clinton… Bloomberg is a real billionaire…he’s what trump wants the world to think he is, and that he knows inside isn’t. trump shies away when people like Bloomberg (and Cuban) go for him…cuz it’s hitting him when it really hurts.

  2. I think the complaint will be that he was angry. But democrats are angry. We want someone that feels the same way. Good speech but I think he should have done the angry stuff earlier and ended on the more hopeful stuff. It flowed really well though. It was strong enough for him to ride it out until the R convention next week.

  3. “The right will accuse Biden of trying to “cash in” on the memory of his son in order to seem sympathetic.” i’ve been surprised that they haven’t been shooting for that angle already. Other years I would have said they were be tasteful; this year, I have to wonder if they weren’t smart enough to think of it.

  4. Not that any of this means anything. The Repuglicans have the theft of the election well underway. I fear for my country, but we’re getting four more years of the orange one, I believe.

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