Live Blogging the first Presidential debate

7:51: Right wingers are already saying that Biden 1) already knows all the questions and 2) is taking drugs. There are, to my knowledge, no performance enhancing drugs for mental awareness, and *I* know what the questions will be.

7:52: I’m still convinced that Trump will ignore the social distancing rule and immediately come over to try and shake Biden’s hand.

8:40: Here’s why Biden has the advantage, bottom line: in recent months, when faced with hard questions during press conferences, Trump oftentimes bolts without replying. Because since he is in fact a bully and a coward, his instinct is to run from a fight. That’s not an option here. He’s going to go in feeling Biden and Wallace are teaming up against him and he’ll be fighting his fight or flight instinct to flee the entire time. That’s going to be distracting.

8:59: Biden’s family is masked. Trump’s family isn’t. Of course.

9:00: Nope, Melania is masked.

9:05: Nope, Trump didn’t try to shake his hand.

9:07: He’s assuming he’s going to win the election. Which figures.

9:08: Wait, wait, the Democrats DIDN’T have the election during Merrick Garland? They HAD THE White House, you moron.

9:11: Trump is NOT GOING TO SHUT UP. He’s not going to let Biden express any thoughts without interrupting with lies.

9:13: Jesus, Roe v. Wade IS on the ballot, it’s being challenged right now in courts, and Trump’s candidate wants to do away with it.

9:14: I can’t wait to hear this. Trump has NO medical plan.

9:15: Keep laughing at him, Joe. That’s going to get to him.

9:17: Cut Trump’s mike off.

9:18: No, Trump has NOT guaranteed preexisting conditions. He is currently in the courts trying to get rid of it.

9:20: Well , Biden dodged that question.

9:23: He couldn’t even let two minutes pass without interrupting.

9:25: No, they didn’t say Trump did a phenomenal job. More fabrication.

9:26: Notice that Biden is looking into camera, addressing America, and Trump is staring at Biden.

9:28: YES! Nail him with the šhìŧ he’s said in the past. “That was sarcastic?” Seroiusly? Now he’s trying to roll it back.

9:30: Again Biden is talking right at us. Good.

9:32: “Will he shush for a moment?” No, he won’t.

9:33: Trump is wrong. Covid has long-term effects, even on young people. Saying they’re immune to it is just wrong.

9:34: Yes, Fauci changed his approach on masks because that’s what scientists do, they learn and change. So you don’t dismiss the latest thing because they’ve learned things in between.

9:36: NO NEGATIVE EFFECT? Tell that to Herman Cain.

9:38: Oh yeah we’re doing record business. That’s why Disney has just announced it’s laying off 28,000 people.

9:40: And again, he can’t go two minutes without interrupting. They should really cut his mike.

9:41: “Excuse me, I should be allowed to ignore the rules to say whatever I want.” And no, Ohio isn’t very proud of him. Polls indicate he’s 9 points behind Biden.

9:43: He’s just saying the same old šhìŧ. “I paid millions.” “You’ll see my tax returns.” Yeah? Biden and Harris posted his.

9;44; Wait, so now he’s saying it’s OBAMA’S fault because of the tax codes? Seriously?

9:47: Why didn’t Biden do more when he was VP? Because McConnell did everything he could to prevent Obama from doing pretty much anything. God, the fact checkers are going to be going insane covering Trump’s slew of lies.


9:54: Thank God Biden is going first. Let’s see if he can get through it uninterrupted.

9:54: Twenty-three seconds. That’s how long he was able to be quiet.

9:55: Go, Joe. Demolish him.

9:59: And he’s doing it again. Biden let him have his say and then Trump has to come back and start shouting again.

10:00: Race training is radical? I mean, I’d ask if he was insane, but we already know the answer.

10:03: Biden is starting to interrupt him, to do what Trump does. He should do it more, loudly, and frankly he should start using profanity. “Shut the fûçk up, dumb ášš.

10:10: He wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t tell the white supremacists to knock it off. Jesus.

10:12: No, he doesn’t. There are plenty of vets who can’t get help, who have been abandoned.

10:12: They left openings because McConnell blocked them all, you sack of šhìŧ.

10:14: That was indeed a rhetorical question because we know the answer: Trump cannot, will not keep his word or keep to a promise.

10:15: Give it to him, Biden. The part where he defended Beau is great. High point.

10:17: Once again, “people” believe something. People are against the Paris accord. Really? I’ve seen no one save for extreme Trumpies who endorse leaving the accord.’

10:18: Forest cities. He’s back on Endor.

10:27: Almost over. Thank God.

10:29: Jesus, Trump’s body language during that speech was appalling.

10:29: They’ve caught no one. No one. This is all total bûllšhìŧ. Plenty of Trump’s people have been caught and jailed. There is no fraud. No matter how much he claims it, it isn’t true.

10:35: Oh yeah, that’s not instigating trouble. Trump’s armed followers walking in and watching voters so they can scare people off. Great move.

10:38: God, unless they cut Trump’s mic, I’m not sure I can handle two more of these.