We will not laugh.

This is serious business.

We are * heh * we are adults here and we will not laugh at the situation.  There are * heh heh * there are lives on the line and we will not chuckle, guffaw or otherwise spread any sense of amusement over the…




Okay.  Okay, I’ve composed myself now.  God, for the first time in my life, I know exactly how Mary Richards felt at the funeral of Chuckles the Clown.

For anyone who has just woken up or was living under a rock or is recovering from a coma and doesn’t know what I’m talking about:  Both Trump and Melania have tested positive for that notorious hoax, Covid-19.  It seems most likely that he contracted it from Hope Hicks, although amazingly a day or so ago it was clear he was trying to lay groundwork for the notion that he got it from the police or military.  “I’m with them so much.  And when they come over here, it’s very hard to say, stay back, stay back.  It’s a tough kind of situation,” he asserted, implying that if he contracted Covid, it would be from enthusiastic soldiers or law enforcement.  Gee, what a shame that he doesn’t have a coterie of body guards who could stand between him and those who want to approach him and keep them back.  Oh, wait…

There’s one other thing that’s certain now:  the whole Trump family must have it.  They were all sitting together, unmasked, on Tuesday night.  Ivanka, Eric, Don Jr., Barron…the odds are Yuge that every one of them will test positive.

This, of course, should solve the entire next debate problem.  At the very least, he’ll still be in quarantine.  And if it sickens and weakens him, he will simply not physically be able to attend.  That means that the only way he would have to be a presence at the next debate would be over video feed, and suddenly muting him becomes VERY feasible indeed.  There were those who claimed that muting him wouldn’t help; he’d simply shout so his voice would be picked up by Biden’s microphone.  Yeah, not so much when he’s on a video screen.  

And if he dies from it…

Understand, I wish death on nobody.  But if he dies from it, I believe that will finally be the wake-up call that the purblind idiots who follow his example and don’t wear masks or social distance will require to realize the disease doesn’t care about your toughness or your politics or your arrogance.  It cares about nothing except existing and spreading.  And if you give it leave to do so, it will take that invitation and run with it.  

Still, I think it behooves us to address this development in the way that Trump himself would.  Ahem…

This is going to be the best case of Covid-19 ever.  

I mean, I’ve heard others talk about getting Covid and either getting completely better from it or in rare instances, expiring from it, although you know, if they did, it’s because they were already old and lived their lives and made bad decisions that left them open to dying from it.  But they’re nothing compared to Trump.  Trump’s Covid is going to be the biggest, the best case of Covid ever.  Doctors are already saying how impressed they are by his Covid.  That they’ve seen many cases of it, but they’ve never seen a case of it like this before.  They’re all saying that shooting bleach into his body wouldn’t have done the trick because no one has ever had a case of Covid like this before.  (Of course, they said it sarcastically, but still…). Yes, sure, Herman Cain had it, but his wasn’t nearly as bad.  Trump’s is the biggest, the most Yuge, the most Covid any coronavirus has ever seen.  In fact, after this, no one else is going to have to worry about getting it because theirs won’t be able to match up.  In fact, we should stop testing altogether, because no matter what kind of Covid anyone else has, it won’t match up or be anywhere near as bad as Trump’s.  However big it is, Trump’s is bigger.  In fact, his Covid is the rarest of all:  It’s perfect.  It’s the perfect case of Covid.  All other cases of Covid have been leading up to this one.  It’s the top, the ultimate, the absolutely most perfect case of Covid in not only the history of Covid, but the history of all diseases that have killed hundreds of thousands of people.  All the other Covids can just be forgotten about.  In fact, Sleepy Joe will probably get it just to show that he can have a better case, but his won’t be nearly as perfect.

(Much thanks to Debbie Sohn for suggesting the “biggest case of Covid” approach.)

Let’s face it:  this was inevitable.  I mean, it just was.  He ignored the advice of scientists.  He held indoor rallies, he didn’t social distance, he almost never wore masks.  It all really stems from a simple psychological reason:  He considers doing what one is told a sign of weakness.  Rules, orders, dictates, laws, those don’t apply to him.  Weakness must be avoided at all because if you’re weak, you’re a loser, and a loser is absolutely the worst thing you can be.  Better to die than to lose.

Now we see if he gets his wish.


38 comments on “FREAK OUT FRIDAY – OCTOBER 2, 2020

      1. More than you may know, Turns out he likely got it at the special fété the White House threw in what used to be the Rose Garden before Melania decided to give it a makeunder, for the purposes of celebrating RBG’s passing before her funeral, and ostensibly for “vetting” the new nominee to replace her (I won’t give her the dignity of calling her by her initials — that’s RBG’s honor — since she seems to be a female version of Barr-Lite, I call her “Barr-ette” which is close enough to her surname). Some of the event was held indoors. Almost nobody wore masks. There was no distancing.

        Multiple attendees of that event have now tested positive, including enough GOP Senators to assure that Barr-ette can’t make it out of the Nominations Committee since it won’t have a quorum.

        A vetting. In a garden that at least used to host red flowers and was named for them. Multiple people taken by a pestilence as a result.

        So now there’s a new hashtag trending. Help make it trend further: #RedVetting

        (Game of Throne fans should get the reference). Say it out loud: it sounds like the GOT version with a Russian accent! X-D

  1. No one should be laughing. For anyone who is liberal and thinking of anything but a speedy recovery for President Trump and his wife I have two words for you that ought to force you to maybe pray for some divine intervention in this: President Pence.

  2. I keep hearing Cartman going “NANANANANANA Now you’ve got the virus! NANANANANANA Karma is a bi-itch!”

  3. I am worried. The only source I’ve seen was Trump tweeting it last night and all the news outlets running with it. Is it confirmed? Because I can seem him coming up with the notion of getting the China Plague just to miraculously “recover” from it a week or so later to get a new talking point of how not-bad it is. That whole hypocritical thing modern conservatives seem to do of accusing others of what they themselves are doing. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy for whom “fake news” is like a meditative mantra is adding this to his impressive docket of half- and whole-lies.

    The other thing I’m worried about is already happening, per this morning’s news. Since he can’t do the debates, “the election needs to be postponed”. Let’s take the weekend to see how much traction THAT gets, but it is worrying how much in the last several months he’s been pushing for the election to be delayed, cancelled, or declared irrelevant because of “all the Leftist voter fraud” (never mind that, again, nearly every case of voter fraud has been perpetrated by a Republican, by a Yuge ratio).

    1. Trump’s infection has been confirmed.

      The date of the election is not changing. The fact that Trump and/or various far right elements might dearly want it changed or just cancelled after having him declared president ‘because’ will not change it.

      Perhaps his supporters hope for a sudden groundswell of sympathy votes that lead to an unexpected Trump victory. Since the words ‘sympathy’ and ‘Donald Trump’ simply don’t go together well don’t hold your breath.

  4. Well, after dodging 24 accusations of sexual assault, a beautiful woman has finally been Trump’s downfall. Now THAT’S karma, baby.

  5. Now don’t get too worked up about this, PAD. We’d hate for you to have a stroke or something over this.

    (It’s called “sauce for the goose,” I believe.)

  6. Hopefully this will cause all the Covid deniers to finally start taking the virus threat seriously and take appropriate, effective health measures. Far more concern should be shown for the multitude of White House secretaries, guards and staffers who actually work for a living. Must admit this is sure to distract from the revelation of the National Disgrace’s tax returns, slew of lies and despicable behavior during the so-called “debate” and rallies held during the week.

    1. Hopefully this will cause all the Covid deniers to finally start taking the virus threat seriously and take appropriate, effective health measures.

      Not a chance. Those selfish morons are so entrenched in their denial and hate that their hero trump could die of the virus and they’d still refuse to wear masks. Probably claiming it’s “in his honor”.

  7. This morning he was quarantining in the White House. This afternoon he was moved to Walter Reed, where it was decided he needed to be given an experimental drug.

    If I’m BIden, I’m spending a little time in the next two weeks preparing to debate Pence. I don’t think Mango Unchained is going to make it to November.

    And if tRump dies, “I really don’t care. Do you?” (Actually, I do. I’ll be f****** thrilled!)

    1. Oh, no. I don’t want him to die. I want him to SUFFER, and he can’t do that if he’s gone.

  8. I have a friend who, years ago, had a cousin die while bungie jumping from a bridge over a river during a torrential downpour. No joke, that’s really how this fellow met his end. When I expressed my condolences to my friend, he thanked me, and then paused for a minute. I could tell he was trying think of a way to express his feelings correctly. Finally he said “I mostly feel bad for his parents. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone who suffers through his own stupidity.”

    I don’t wish Covid on anyone, but yeah. These idiots got caught idioting, and now they’re sick idiots. They’re using up resources that might have been better spent helping people who didn’t get Covid by tempting fate with a candy bar. Ðûmbáššëš.

  9. The irony is staggering. I find myself struggling to NOT feel a minute sense of pleasure at this development (Jehovah forgive me) for all those red hat wearing ignoramuses flaunting and revelling in their presumed imminent return of an Anglo ruled world and the destruction of all POCs, both citizen and immigrant. THEIR leader now laid low by the very lie he crafted, his own platform of medacity, greed, corruption and criminality

    1. I just don’t get the need folks on the left have to feel guilty for being pleased when something bad happens to bad people that they insisted on bringing on themselves. Republicans and their supporters demonstrate over and over that their main purpose is to cause harm, and we feel bad about wishing them ill? No wonder they keep getting away with it.

      trump has Covid. Yea. He deserves it. And if all his followers come down with it as well, then good riddance.

      They were warned. Repeatedly. They made a deliberate decision to ignore the warnings. Hëll, not just to ignore them but to embrace doing exactly the opposite. And it exactly the predictable thing happens to them as a result and they suffer, well, good.

      I do not feel the slightest sympathy for people who chose to hurt themselves and have deliberately tried to harm me and mine. Nor do I have the slightest guilt about that.

    1. Below is what Trump said last February. Fact checkers have argued that Trump didn’t specifically say the words “Covid 19 is a hoax” all together in a sentence, but he’s clearly implying that its not serious, and uses the word hoax repeatedly. If trump didn’t say it exactly then he at least implied it, and his stance has been to downplay covid 19 at every turn. What is the point of playing word games when its obvious that Trump is expressing that sentiment, even if he didn’t say exactly those words?

      Trumps words:
      “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus — you know that right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.
      One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in.” It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”

      1. Would you rather your President (I’m not Americano) ran around screaming “we’re all going to die”?! I mean, there’s a clear spectrum between “What shark? the beach is totally safe” and “Nothing to fear but fear itself”. A lot of people seem to really really want to run around with their hair on fire. I thought doomsday preppers were generally right-wing in the US? Not this year…

      2. Would I rather he ran around screaming “we’re all going to die”? Well… yes. Admittedly that isn’t the ideal reaction, but it would be better than his response. The one good reason to shout “fire” in a crowded theater is when the theater is really on fire. At the risk of extending that metaphor, the theater was on fire and the ushers were asking people to calmly evacuate and then Trump stood up and told everybody there was no fire and that they should just stay in their seats. That didn’t work so great.

        Don’t think that I missed the fact that you demanded proof he called covid a hoax, got it and then moved right on to the next argument on your list to support Trump. It seems like you didn’t really care if Trump had actually said it was a hoax or not. So what do you call somebody who is blindly devoted to a leader regardless of what that leader does or says?

  10. But, Chris, what OAD actually wrote doesn’t matter. After all, MordWa knows what PAD thinks better than PAD does.

      1. I don’t know what happened to it, but I swear there was a reply to MordWa’s posted by a Chris.

        He noted that PAD had not actually written that trump said COVID was a hoax but was referencing a claim trump’s supporters have repeatedly made.

        My reply then should have followed Chris’s in the thread MordWa started.

        No idea where the Chris comment went.

      2. But, Chris Jordan & Sean, what PAD Trump actually wrote said doesn’t matter. After all, PAD knows what PAD Trump thinks better than PAD Trump does.

        This is getting too complicated to code the text *chuckle*

      3. Wow. A “I know you are but what am I?“ response. How impressive. Can’t wait to see what he comes up with when he gets to the third grade.

      4. Sean, I was always taught to aim the level of the audience, so if you think I’m being [I’m not American; I believe third grade is early education?], then consider that I’m pitching at the level of argument I think you have earned.

        If you’d like to be intellectually honest (a first, I’m guessing), you would continue your post above: “They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that . . . we’ve lost nobody, and you wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.“

        So… he treated it seriously early on (I’ll accept in good faith if people think it was and has since been inadequate – reasonable people may disagree). But he never said the disease itself was a hoax, and you are disingenuous verging on openly lying to argue otherwise.

        This is my problem with the American left; it’s so openly dishonest. Our opponents are Nazis! They’re racists! They hate women! They’re anti-Semitic! Romney killed dogs! It justifies everything – punch a Nazi, do a little ballot-fixing, it’s all justified because you’re opposed to evil people.

        No, they just disagree on economic and social policy. They think you’re idiots – but you think they’re evil. I’m yet to see the first gas oven being assembled, and the Israelis seem pretty chuffed about current policy.
        Trump is the Worst. Hitler. Ever.

        At what point do you start to re-evaluate your hatred for the man?

      5. (for the record, I apologise/ would like to correct some confused referencing; the quote I asked Sean to continue was from Jordan’s post, that Sean later himself referenced. I’m sorry for any confusion caused, but my overall point stands – it shouldn’t have been cut off prematurely and I consider it bad faith to do so at the point it occurred.)

      6. “If you’d like to be intellectually honest…”

        And then you continue to be just about anything but in the remainder of your post. Jordan has already pointed out your dishonesty in blowing past being shown that Trump did indeed use the word hoax in reference to Covid. I’d add to that your “intellectual honesty” has you claiming those opposed to trump exhibit only the most extreme of behaviors while ignoring that the vast majority of people opposing trump do so, yes, vigorously and stridently, but peacefully. While your “intellectual honesty” has you ignoring completely the extreme actions and constant blatant lies of trump’s supporters, his administration and trump himself.

        I suspect you are actually intelligent enough to recognize that you’re dishonest. And then are consciously choosing to be dishonest anyway. What does that say about you?

        (That’s a rhetorical question. If you choose to answer it anyway, knock yourself out. I’m done here. You’re a troll I’ve fed enough.)

      7. There, fixed that for ya:

        This is my problem with the American right; it’s so openly dishonest. Our opponents are Communists! They’re in favor of terrorists! They hate America! They’re anti-white men! Obama killed dogs! It justifies everything – punch a Commie, do a little ballot-fixing, it’s all justified because you’re opposed to evil people.


        And as a bonus, as opposed to the American left, the right actually does the ballot-fixing thing and the punching political enemies thing. What is the body count of the radical American right versus the Radical American left? 300 to 1?

      8. But, Rene. I didn’t you heard? The right is “intellectually honest”. They said so themselves. And they’d never lie, would they?

      9. Rene, good job – mind, I’m not from the US, so all those ‘dámņ American right’ jibes… well, you did make me smile, I must admit.

  11. As ever you are right on the money ! I can’t believe he is going to “beat this thing together with Melania ! “. When we ALL Know that he would rather beat it with HOPE HICKS !!!

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