Artist change on my “What If”

“What if General Ross Became the Hulk?” will not feature art by Bart Sears. Instead the pencils will be by Pat Oliff with inks by Sal Buscema. I’ve seen the first five pages of pencils and they look pretty good.


24 comments on “Artist change on my “What If”

  1. It is good to see the name Sal Buscema back on a Marvel title, especially one involving the Hulk.

    Now if only you could get Herb Trimbe to do the cover. . .

  2. I suppose it’s too early for you to share even one of the pencils with us, Mr. David? If Disney can show pencil tests for their animated features, Marvel could do the same for their panels.

  3. That concept gives me a nagging feeling of deja vu. It hasn’t been done? Maybe I’m just thinking of the old Rick Jones thing (and all the other “what if X had become Y” issues).

  4. What’s the problem everyone has with Bart Sears? (I’m not trying to be confrontational, I just don’t know).

  5. John,

    I’m not a huge Sears fan. No huge issues with him that would keep me from buying a solidly written book, but I really dig Oliff’s work and Buscema is a god….. demi-god anyways.

  6. If you’d seen Bart Sears recent work on Captain America and the Falcon you’d know exactly what the problem is. Sears–at least for that title–has eschewed storytelling for panels he can sell at conventions. His work on CAF was really, really less than stellar.

  7. Okay, thanks, that’s interesting.

    Peter, do you write full script or Marvel-method on something like this? (Not really related to my previous question, but I’m always interested in the translation of words by one person into pictures by another).

  8. It’s been a while since I last saw some Bart Sears art and was actually looking forward to seeing it here. Still, Oliff and Buscema are excellent artists, so I know that this will still be a solid gold, soul train story.

  9. Peter,

    This makes me think of something, I missed my chance to buy “Hulk: The End.” and now I really want to get a copy but it’s completely sold out. Is there any possibility Marvel will reprint this book? I sure hope so.

  10. Love Sal buscema!!!He was THE hulk artist for me as a little hulk freak.Cant wait
    BTW I checked out the first 2 issues of HULK /THING by Bruce Jones……are they gonnna fight or just talk each other to death.SHEEESH!!

  11. SAL! Woo hoo! One of my all-time favorite artists. I’m a huge fan of his run with JM DeMatteis on Spectacular Spider-Man. This guy can draw anything. And Oliffe’s not too shabby either!

    I’ve never liked anything Bart Sears draws. I’m amazed the guy gets work, to be honest. That’s a harsh comment, to be sure, but his art rarely serves the story.

  12. Hulk showed up in my dream this afternoon. He and Genis were in a kareoke bar singing Mister Jones.

  13. I generally liked Sears, particularly years ago when I saw his Justice League and Violater work, but his work on Cap/Falcon, I must agree, was not that good. His anatomy and facial construction were just not very good.

    From what I saw of Oliffe’s work on Untold Tales of Spider-Man, his work seems nice, but I’m not sure how it’ll look when inked by Buscema. Still, Peter’s writing a Hulk story again, so I’m there.

  14. Nice to see a “hometown” guy on the book (i.e. Pittsburgh area). Pat’s a great guy and he deserves great projects. And Sal’s inks…better and better! Just wish we’d see his pencils one more time.

    (PAD, can we get a savage Hulk flashback or something in the regular series, if you come back full-time past the 6, and have Sal draw it, for old times’ sake?)

    Seriously, you, Pat and Sal are all great guys. Sounds like this project will be even more fun than I first thought.


  15. Not a huge Bart Sears fan…I prefer Sal artistic style it is just easier on my eyes.

    I believe that Pat was/is the artist on Spider-Girl, and these 2 artist’s styles compliment each other.

    Solid writing and great artwork…I can’t wait to read this What If storyline.

    Warren S. Jones III

  16. Always nice to see a veteran artist doing new work.

    Sears’ style just doesn’t appeal to me on traditional superheroes.

  17. Great to see Sal back. I think Iam right in saying that he and PAD have never worked on a Hulk book together. Also a couple of unrelated issues: If Pad stays on Hulk past the said amount, will we see the Leader issue resolved properly. Iam sure either that big headed mouse or the white cat we kept seeing had something to do with it. Maybe see Omnibus again?
    Maybe The Leader could come back in Rick Jones’ shower and issues 75+76 were just a dream! (continuity huh? why carry on with what’s gone before when you can make up new stuff!).
    It would be nice to see PADs’ take on this whole ‘Joe and Professor/Devil Hulk’ thing too.



  18. Loved Olliffe on Untold Tales of Spider-Man and Sal Buscema since I first came across his art in Captain America and The Falcon #174.

    The first run of What If? is among my favorites.

    “What If Rick Jones Had Become The Hulk?” is a particular favorite and I’m curious to see what will happen with “Thunderbolt” Ross.

    Steve Chung

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