Freak Out Friday – April 21, 2012

A busy, busy week for Trump and the Trumpettes.

1) Finally North and South Korea agree on something–They both hate Trump. He’s been waging a Twitter war with North Korea and now he managed to pìšš øff South Korea by stating in an offhand and inaccurate manner that Korea used to be part of China. So now both the good Korea and the evil Korea are angry at him. I’m not certain whether a united Korea is a good thing or a bad thing, but if they are united in their hostility toward us, I don’t see how that can possibly benefit us.

2) THIS guy is the Attorney General?–On a conservative radio show, AG Jeff Sessions declared, “I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the president of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and constitutional power.” It is of course hugely insulting that we would dismiss one of the states in the Union as “an island in the Pacific.” I suppose technically it’s true that that’s what it is, but the patronizing attitude cannot be ignored. The fact that the judge is in Hawaii is irrelevant; if the ruling had happened in a Manhattan court, would he have referred to THAT as “an island off New Jersey?” Furthermore, why in the world is he amazed that a judge can do this? Of COURSE a judge can do this. It’s a Federal Court judge and he naturally tossed out Trump’s insanely unconstitutional Muslim ban as a matter of legal principle. How can the man who ostensibly oversees law in this country be amazed at how the law works?

3) You can’t criticize him! He’s the President!–Trump naturally launched an attack on protestors who demanded that he release his tax returns. He dismissed them all as the actions of paid organizers, which is his usual stunt. Funny thing: it has been pointed out that when people are hyper obsessed about something, it is typically because they themselves are guilty of it. Look, for instance, at the over-the-top ministers who decry gays that are subsequently caught out as being sexual predators on young boys, or the anti-gay senators who get snagged in gay scandals. Since Trump is constantly ascribing bribery to the opposing side, it makes sense that he himself routinely paid people to be supporters for himself or attackers of his opposition. Furthermore, Trump decries as “ridiculous” the charting of what he accomplishes in his first hundred days. Which makes sense considering that his accomplishments during that time include his utter failure to overturn Obamacare, his failure to keep Muslims out of the country, and his failure to hurt the Syrians by lobbing missiles at them that did nothing to stop the Syrians from launching more airplanes from the bombed runways within hours of the bombing. Any sane observation seems to be that his major accomplishment is that he managed to last a hundred days in the office.

Did he do anything right? Well, this is a definite win: His administration managed to free one Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian-American air worker who was held for three years in Egypt, charged with human trafficking and child abuse. Let’s just hope she’s not Muslim or Trump might not let her back into the United States.


12 comments on “Freak Out Friday – April 21, 2012

    1. TBF, this isn’t a Trump thing. It’s happened quite often. Customs gets upset about what they perceive as working in the US without a work permit.

  1. You have to remember, Sessions’ mind set is from a period before Hawaii was a state

    1. Not to mention a near-decade mindset where a person born in Hawaii isn’t really an American.

      1. Well, that fits right in with this administration’s general mind set that anybody who isn’t Christian white bread isn’t really an American.

  2. Let us not forget that it was revealed that the “armada” he was sending to N.Korea was in fact actually heading towards Australia.

    And that he defended Bill O’Riley. During a month dedicated to awareness about sexual harassment.

    And signed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood even though no government funds can be sued for abortions…

    And then there’s that lovely picture Palin, Nugent, and Kid Rock took in front of Hillary’s portrait. Real classy.

    1. Swiped from someone else.
      “Let’s see. These three folks sought to be disrespectful toward Hillary, but who are they? Someone who hits his spouses, someone who quit their job as Governor, and someone who çráppëd his pants to try to avoid serving in the military and adopted an underage girl so he could have sex with her. Seems to me that having these folks against you is a positive.
      “Another friend described the trio as “The hitter, the quitter and the šhìŧŧër.”

  3. Aya Hijazi just *sounds* Muslim, just look at her name, I know Muslim names, I’m the best at Muslim names, and that right there is a Muslim name.
    She’ll probably just find herself in another prison if she tries returning.

  4. Busy week for Trump and the club of dictators (and dictators-to-be). He congratulated Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for winning a dodgy referendum that granted him dictatorial powers, and he’s thrown his support for France’s far-right demagogue Marine Le Pen. On the other hand, Trump doesn’t seem to know the difference between Kim John Il and Kim Jong Un.

    Oh, and as an Australian, I would like to put on my sarcasm hat and say how lovely it is to have Mike Pence visiting us right now.

  5. Peter David: “Furthermore, why in the world is he amazed that a judge can do this?”
    Because he’s a ignorant, misinformed idiot who can’t open his mouth without evidence that he’s not qualified for the Presidency escaping from it.
    Even Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch called Trump’s attacks on judges “demoralizing” and “disheartening.”

  6. His use of “island in the Pacific” is just a standard belittling term to dismiss the opposition as unimportant, no different than “podunk”, “flyover state”, or “liberal urban enclave”. Don’t get worked up over his attempt to pooh-pooh the judge or the state as provincial, backwater, and meaningless, when he’s just saying that as a distraction from the idea that it is astounding that any individual judge should be able to halt a directive of the president.

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