Cowboy Pete’s TV roundup: Charmed, Smallville, Veronica Mars, Lost

Spoilers abound…

Charmed: Covering two episodes here. The first deals with Leo wrestling with inner demons manufactured for him as a result of Wyatt feeling neglected…which isn’t a bad story to go with, but it confused the hëll out of me since Leo’s mind has been so fractured and screwed up from the beginning of the season. I swear, by the end of the episode, I thought the floating face thing was disposed of because that was Wyatt’s doing…except it’s back this week, so we have to figure that that aspect of Leo being messed with was NOT, in fact, Wyatt. However, the important thing is…Charisma Carpenter, who basically acted just like Cordelia. Which means either she was playing a demon who was identical to Cordelia, or she’s really good at playing one type of character. On the other hand, she was scantily clad, so that’s a plus. Philosophical question: Was Charisma Carpenter half dressed, or half naked? And which way would the optimist describe her as opposed to the pessimist?

As for this week, the great thing about “Charmed” is that you can always tell which films or TV shows the writers really liked. Obviously “Pirates of the Caribbean” was a big hit because, Arrrr, we had undying pirates. What’s disconcerting is that we’re getting portentous warnings about “the Gathering Storm.” I keep waiting for someone to say, “Oh, and also, from beneath you it devours.” Still wondering whether the source of evil is involved with this.

You sure can tell Piper had a baby recently. That’s one lactating witch.

VERONICA MARS: A conflict and screw-up resulted in my seeing only the second half of the episode, but I liked what I saw. The writers know they’ve got something pretty nifty with the Fonz–sorry, with Weevil. I desperately, desperately want to see that smarmy sheriff caught on film with a høøkër or something. And I’m very curious to see where they go with this whole business about the family who wound up costing her dad his sheriff’s gig. I’m in for a good while on this one.

SMALLVILLE: Lois, displaying remarkable strength, digs up a grave without removing her jacket, getting dirt on most of her clothes, or being noticed in broad daylight for however many hours that took. Pretty impressive. Ma’s expression was priceless upon discovering Clark and Lois in the bathroom. I can tell you right now that people are either really gonna like or really gonna hate Lois and the way she’s being portrayed. Personally, I fall into the latter camp. And hey, kids, Chloe’s back, just in time to be menaced by the T-1000 Terminator. I’m dubious about the way that she survived considering it sure looked the end of last season like there was zero time before when she closed the door and the house blew up, but okay, at least she’s back. Sam Lane, however, is criminally stupid. He left staggeringly obvious clues for Lois and Clark to find Chloe. Then again, this is a guy who is so dumb he’s uncertain of his own name, since he feels the need to have his desk nameplate facing toward himself, rather than outward toward the rest of the room like any normal person. All in all, an up and down episode with some questionable leaps, but some great set pieces (including the face off with Clark and the T-1000) and Lois has some great self-defense moves.

Just an observation: I think they’ve started using the people who do the promos for “Charmed” for the “Next week on Smallville.” Kryp/Tuck? Bwwwaahahahaha.

LOST: Wow, everyone is not what they appear to be. Didn’t see that coming. A *polar bear*? Oooookay. Well, at least it wasn’t a dinosuaur. Still, if the castaways are concerned about food, I’m surprised they’d leave something with that much meat on its bones behind. I’m still waiting to find out that the Asian couple actually speaks perfect English, but is just playing it close to the vest. Meantime if the series goes for several years and the really rotund guy doesn’t start dropping tons of weight, that’s going to strain credulity. This outing was far more character driven than the previous one, and I have to say I liked where it was going. Totally did not see coming the reveal on who the prisoner was, so they got me on that one fair and square. Tensions are building nicely; I particularly liked the hostility directed at the Arab guy, which you can just SO see happening. And the reveal on the message being broadcast, and for how long it has been, was great.

I suppose at this point my only concern is that I’m not sure how they can sustain this as a series. It’s possible, I suppose. After all, all you need for drama is a few people in an enclosed place, and Abrams has also proven on “Alias” that he’s not afraid to shake up the status quo. I know I’ll be hanging around.


48 comments on “Cowboy Pete’s TV roundup: Charmed, Smallville, Veronica Mars, Lost

  1. Yeah, the revelation of who the prisoner is came as quite a nice surprise.

    I sort of expect the fat guy to die before too long, for the reasons you mention and also just to show us that the show is willing to off likeable characters. My advice to the actors is to not get too greedy when negotiating their contracts next year.

    It looks like next week will be when our many stranded castaways run out of airplane food and have to fend for themselves…let’s see if they turn down any asian delicacies then (and I’m no big fan of sea urchin roe but in a situation like this I’d be eating pretty much anything, even those that only the Japanese would consider edible).

    I hope they really spend some time thinking about the difficulties in making wilderness survival work–it’s an interest of mine. I hate it when they show normal people making fire by rubbing two sticks together, which almost nobody can actually do with the kind of wood you find lying around in a forest.

    As far as the longevity of the show…granted, it would get a bit dull if it’s just Gilligan’s Island with better actors but, as you say, Abrams obviously has a bigger story to tell. I do hope he has an exit strategy, so that if it looks like a season will be the last they can give us a proper send-off.

    Also, I hope the Harlem Globetrotters show up.

  2. When it comes to Smallville I find it easiest to just check my brain at the door when it comes to plot details (like, for instance, the whole plot) and just enjoy Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, and whichever of the rest of the cast is “on” that episode.

    I enjoyed the portrayal of Lois, though it is vaguely dissatisfying that Chloe won’t grow up to become Lois. I wonder if they’ll work in a Bruce Wayne episode before the end of the series?

    Looks like we’re in for another season of Millar and Gough yanking our chain about the Kryptonian stuff. Sigh. Well, at least the story’s gradually going somewhere, unlike The X Files, on which I hit the eject button in the third season.

  3. Just a couple of thoughts about the above:

    1. If you’re a T-1000-type killer guy, wouldn’t the last place you decided to hang out would be a foundry?
    2. Peter, I agree about the grave robbing. That was the simplest exhumation since Seinfeld dug up Fredo the parrot.
    3. Personally, I don’t think fat guy is going to last that long. If some giant monster is chasing them all across the beach, I think even shrapnel-in-the-chest dude is going to be able to run faster than him. And by the way, it’s nice to see a gratuitous bathing scene without having to think about a tribal council coming up in 40 minutes.

  4. About Veronica Mars, I posted my theory as to Lily’s murderer on my blog ( but I don’t get a lot of conversation there and I wanted to see what others thought. I don’t think any of this could be considered spoilers, but be warned, just in case.

    I think Veronica

  5. Peter: can you elaborate on why you dislike the Lois portrayal? I’m one of those in the other camp; I don’t see the problem. Care to enlighten?

    Re: Lost: I caught the Saturday repeat of the two-hour pilot, and I’m definitely hooked.

    > Still, if the castaways are concerned about food, I’m surprised they’d leave something with that much meat on its bones behind.

    I’m thinking that the reality of their situation hasn’t entirely sunk in yet. Give ’em a couple weeks, and their priorities will be very different. 🙂 Plus at this point, their main goal was to get to high ground to use the radio; if that worked as hoped, there’d be no need for polar bear meat. (Or blubber as the case may be.)

    Prediction time: right now Sawyer (gun totin’ redneck guy) is set up as the most unlikeable of the group. So expect him to turn out to be a pretty good guy in the end. Note the scene with him on the beach reading a letter – I expect that he was upset about something in the letter, and that will be used to explain why he was such an unlikeable jáçkášš at first. Personality aside, I think it speaks well for the guy that he stood his ground against the bear. Gun or no gun – I’d have gone running after about 3 shots if I wasn’t seeing some definitive results. That thing just kept coming…

    For future reference: 9 rounds were shot into the bear. How many remain? Anyone recognize the make of gun? (Did we see it clearly enough?)

    > and I’m no big fan of sea urchin roe but in a situation like this I’d be eating pretty much anything, even those that only the Japanese would consider edible)

    I was under the impression the two Asian characters were Korean. The actors certainly are, anyway. Can anyone who speaks the language confirm? Is urchin roe popular in Korea as well as Japan? If not I suppose the DDK character could still be a Korean who spent some time in Japan…

    I agree that Hurley (“the fat guy”) is not long for the world. My understanding is that episodes will cover 1-2 days on average, and the first season is planned to cover about 40 days on the island. Best-case scenario for Hurley is if the producers have had the actor wear some extra padding for his initial appearances, which he’ll start losing soon. (Note that we haven’t seen him with his shirt off yet.) So OK, they could keep him around awhile like this. Several weeks of island time anyway; maybe a full season of viewer time. But I don’t see him lasting much longer than that. (And possibly much less.) Unless they discover a really, really good source of food at some point. Too bad, I like the character. Which is probably the point…

    > 1. If you’re a T-1000-type killer guy, wouldn’t the last place you decided to hang out would be a foundry?

    No kidding. Saw that one coming several miles away.

    > And by the way, it’s nice to see a gratuitous bathing scene without having to think about a tribal council coming up in 40 minutes.

    Yeah, but just wait until they discover the waters are shark-infested. 🙂

  6. LOST

    The plus AND minus for LOST is that it reminded me a lot of the show 24: a show with such amazing originality and intensity that I don’t know how long they can keep it going at a high level of quality. How will it keep going as a series? Will it be the same people, finding new things every week (Amelia Earhart! Cold fusion! The missing 9 1/2 minutes of the Nixon tapes!)? Will they strand a different group in a different location each series — like SURVIVOR, but less manipulative?

    That said, very impressive. One strength on a show like this is that there’s no guarantee who’s good and who’s not (heck, the lady who was a federal prisoner seems to be good), or who’ll survive. I’m sointerested in seeing where this goes, I’m resisting the urge to watch the coming attractions!


    I like Lois — she’s spunky, she’s not making doe eyes at Clark all the time (unlike Lana), she enjoyed baiting the Kents with the shower scene; and she can dig up caskets without anyone noticing! Now we just need a plausible reason for her to stay in Smallville since she came to find out who killed Chloe and she found out that it was, ‘y’know, no one.

    Was that the quickest murder trial in history? Lionel must have had the best defense team since O.J, and we go straight from Chloe testifying to Lionel in jail???

    Finally, shouldn’t Clark and/or Lois have felt guilty about killing the T-1000? One of the bigger tenets of the current Superman mythos is that Supes doesn’t kill, and he & Lois blew up the Metal Man and didn’t say anything about it or show any sort of guilt.

    Alas, I won’t be able to watch both shows: With satellite TV and a basic VCR connection, I can’t watch one and tape the other (plus I often go out Wednesday nights). So I’m gonna have to go with… LOST. I can always find out what happens on SMALLVILLE here, and it’s more likely to be rerun in the summer than LOST. Plus, I can guess more or less what’ll happen on SMALLVILLE (Lex acts sinister and suspicious, Clark learns responsibility, struggles with his kryptonian heritage, and fails to get laid), but I have *no* idea where things are going on LOST.

  7. A small “notice” that someone on another board caught about Lost and the polar bear…

    The comic the kid was reading was a real one…DC’s “Green Lantern/Flash: Faster Friends, Part One.” I, myself, only saw the shot of page 38, but there’s also apparently a (very) quick shot of the sequence on pages 36-37 with Kyle Rayner facing…a polar bear. Is whatever’s on the island feeding off and/or appearing in the form of images from the passengers’ minds? As they start to piece this together, will we, for example, get another – longer – view of that sequence? I guess if aliens lookin’ like the ones in the book show up, we might be on to something here.

  8. “Peter: can you elaborate on why you dislike the Lois portrayal? I’m one of those in the other camp; I don’t see the problem. Care to enlighten?”

    You know what? I screwed up. I did some rewrites as I was going, restructered the sentence, and forgot to change it from “the latter” to “the former.” I’ve got no problem at all with the Lois portrayal. She’s got spunk and, unlike Lou Grant, I don’t hate spunk.


  9. I wonder if Lois is going to leave Smallville now that Chloe is back, and I’ll miss Veronica Mars this week when everything Tuesday night is pre-empted for the Vice Presidential debate.

  10. Two schedule notes: per the UPN website, Veronica Mars is on tonight (since UPN doesn’t have even a pretense of a news outfit, they don’t cover the debates). Also, Peter, if you want to catch the first half of last week’s ep, they’re showing a rerun of last week’s ep on MTV at 7pm Eastern time.

  11. Peter David: Still, if the castaways are concerned about food, I’m surprised they’d leave something with that much meat on its bones behind…Meantime if the series goes for several years and the really rotund guy doesn’t start dropping tons of weight, that’s going to strain credulity.
    Luigi Novi: You know it’s funny, because I was thinking of those exact same two things myself.

    And as was pointed out for T2, steel mills do NOT have open vats of molten steel lying around.

    As far as the grave scene, what I didn’t buy was the idea that the casket was not locked, and easily opened. My friends at also pointed out that it would take ALL DAY to dig up that much dirt, that Lana would be dead tired when it was done, and that caskets are not buried in dirt, but in concrete “boxes” with a concrete slab on top.

    Jim Yingst: Peter: can you elaborate on why you dislike the Lois portrayal?
    Luigi Novi: Well, even though Peter actually liked her, me, I thought she was obnoxious and pushy, and as far as her telling Martha that she and Clark took a shower (singular), a real troublemaker. I mean, if you’re hanging out at someone’s house, why would you bait them by implying that you showered with their son, especially if you didn’t? Why not wait until Clark gets out of the shower before using it? Every previous incarnation showed her to be only as pushy as was necessary in her job as a aggressive reporter, but not obnoxious.

    Jim Yingst: I was under the impression the two Asian characters were Korean. The actors certainly are, anyway. Can anyone who speaks the language confirm? Is urchin roe popular in Korea as well as Japan? If not I suppose the DDK character could still be a Korean who spent some time in Japan…
    Daniel Dae Kim’s character is Jin, and the name of Yoon-jin Kim’s character is Sun. If anyone here recognizes the nationality of those names, now you know.

  12. LOST:

    I can honestly say that I got chills when the guy said that the broadcast had been airing for 16 years. Not what I was expecting.

    Do we really know that they are even on an island? Has any of them actually walked around the thing?

    The guy playing boardgames with the little kid interests me. It was pretty mean to have him ask the kid if he wants to know a secret and then never follow up on that. Though I’m sure that we will here more about it next week.

    The polar bear was a suprise. Though it fules my imagination into thinking that this island is like the home for some genetics lab. I can see the monster being some creature that they made and their experiment turned on them.


    The story telling here really reminds me of Fallen Angel. We pick up this story In Medias Res and are only fed more questions with a few answers given in flashbacks and hints. This makes the show all the more interesting and keeps bringing me back…just like Fallen Angel.

  13. People’s comments on the grave scene makes me ask one question:

    Is this Lois a metahuman?

  14. As long as we’re nitpicking…

    Yeah, as I recall from digging up a septic tank, dirt is very heavy and, well, dirty. And it took all day. How nobody in Smallville even notices the new chick digging away in the middle of the afternoon is beyond me, until you realize that this is Smallville and they are probably all busy filling out auto insurance forms.

    Also, polar bears wouldn’t last 3 days on a tropical island. They are so well insulated that thaty spend time in the arctic rolling around in the snow to cool down. The poor thing would have been suffering from major heat stroke.

    The idea of the island somehow creating monsters from thoughts is intriguing…kind of like Solaris…

  15. My comments on Smallville pasted from my LJ:

    -Great to see Michael Ironside in this past week’s episode unfortunately his part was cut short which was a shame since I think it could’ve really saved it but was overshadowed of Chloe and a T100 wannabe.

    -Some plus points was Lois Lane kicking ášš doing some martial arts oh and the shower scene…lol… surprised to see teenage sexual inneundos (or some extent to that) applied to Lois and Clark.

    -Ohh and another plus Lionel getting stabbed (in jail) was a nice well done scene although would’ve liked to see a follow-up on that…I don’t know why…

    -Oh Lordie just when The WB (I’m TRULY hoping they’re behind it) can’t be campy but nicknaming/labeling or whatever you wanna call it…Kryp/Tuck

    I must say I’ve become a fan of Lost and Veronica Mars just from discussions in here about it. In Lost do you think that plane somehow went into a time warp (not sure if I mentioned it on here)…I mean that radio signal has been broadcasting 16 yrs repeatedly (BTW a bit surprised she’d keep repeating her message over that time and manage to keep track of time)…and I get the feeling the polar bear floated on an iceberg or glacier to that island. Veronica Mars…a shame I missed the pilot but enjoyed the episode I saw…and she does sorta remind me of Chloe from Smallville. Was surprised to find out the guy who plays Weevil is Frank Capra’s grandson…

  16. What bugs me is that Michael Ironside can’t play Darkseid. And I suppose that Carl Lumbley won’t guest star as detective John Jones. But who knows, maybe Wil Freidle will be a young Bruce Wayne. If you can connect the dots, you have as much time on your hands as me.

    BTW, I was trying to think who Trent was analogous to in the DCU. I remember a scrap metal guy from Doom Patrol, but all I could think of was Warblade from Wildstorm.


  17. “People’s comments on the grave scene makes me ask one question:

    Is this Lois a metahuman?”

    Nah. She’s just a TV character. That means that even though certain types of things are impossible, she can do seven of them before breakfast if it will speed up the plot.

    Oh, and PAD. Charisma is half-naked to the optimist(half-way toward and good thing) and half-dress to the pessimist.

  18. LOST:caught the 2 hours on Saturday,not bad at all.Better than i expected.Terry o quinn ,one of my favorite actors,for being a creepy guy.what was the secret he told the little boy?The reference to backgammon and the black and white pieces got me thinking of Bete Noire and its ramificatons on the outside world.Havent caught many charcters names but the hot brunette who was in love:)Didnt watch all of this cause Teen titans and a Smallvile marathon was on ABC FAMILY.
    SMALLVILLE: Put me in the liking Lois camp so far.
    Her personality doesnt bother me given that we are to believe her dad is a special ops soldier and she is in the teen rebellion phase.The digging a grave and then being able to defend herself against metal man was a bit much.The girl would have almost superhuman stamina.Do like the the self defense moves though,she is not a total hostage of the week candidate.What i did find funny ,was while Martha had a problem with them in the shower/bathroom at the same time Jonathan was more concerned about Clark using his powers to take out a helicopter.Hot chick in the shower cool,using powers in public bad.
    Kryp/Tuck that was pretty funny too.Glad to See Chloe back.Didnt realize til I saw her in a interview Kristin Kreuk is a tiny girl,and she kinda has an elfin thing going on with her features.She is very attractive ,im just saying if there are any more Tolkien movies she would be a great elf princess.

  19. > That means that even though certain types of things are impossible, she can do seven of them before breakfast if it will speed up the plot.

    So when does she drop by Milliways? 🙂

  20. For my money I was hoping that Chloe’s save would have been how they were going to introduce Bart Allen, but I guess I was wrong. I did have to think that when they first flashed to Chloe all tied up, trying to escape, that she seemed more like Lois that Lois. Sigh. I’m just glad she’s back.

    Whenever they mention “the Gathering Storm”, all I think about is that Stephen King mini-series where a demon wants a son to raise as his own. Now it might have some parellels since some demon might want to steal away Wyatt or Chris but my guess is that Mr. Floating Head is going to push Leo into doing Something Bad which will start creating the world with the evil Wyatt.

  22. David Hunt said:
    “Oh, and PAD. Charisma is half-naked to the optimist(half-way toward and good thing) and half-dress to the pessimist.”

    And fully naked in that pictoral a few months back. But that’s neither here nor there…

    As far as the grave scene goes, I just love how she was able to dig straight down in a rectangle…you know, like a machine. I’ve dug a lot of holes in my life, only some of them to bury bodies, and if I knew that I could dig STRAIGHT DOWN AT PERFECT ANGLES (with, I might add, a shovel that is shaped like a scoop) for four or five feet, I wouldn’t have put so much more effort in it. Is there a Legion of Super-Hero named Grave-Digger Lass?

    And while I don’t want to be Mr. Nit-Picky (no, wait…Nit-Picking Boy!) the repeated message in Lost really bugged me. It seemed to me that it was pretty short until the woman started translating it. And then it stretched out a looooooong time so she could get dramatic pauses in. Still, great show.

    And Kristen Bell is really hot.

  23. [quote]I was under the impression the two Asian characters were Korean. The actors certainly are, anyway. Can anyone who speaks the language confirm? Is urchin roe popular in Korea as well as Japan? If not I suppose the DDK character could still be a Korean who spent some time in Japan…[/quote]

    Yes they are certainly Korean. And I didn’t catch any Japanese accent. While I spent a year in Korea I didn’t encounter “urchin roe” as a norm however I wasn’t actively seeking it out. ( I saw a lot of squid that’s for sure. ) However I’m sure it is eaten there too. I missed what they called it on the show though as I missed the first episode. But I’m hooked.

  24. My guess is that Terry Quinn’s character on LOST is either from the island or has been there before. He’s the only one of the survivors who not only at ease with the situation, there were times (the rainstorm) where he seemed to revel in it.

  25. “I mean that radio signal has been broadcasting 16 yrs repeatedly”

    If it was broadcasting for 16 years it probably wasn’t a time warp.

    I’m thinking “Island of Dr. Moreau” or some sorta Lost Atlantis typa thing…

  26. Re:’Lost”

    Hmmm… fat guy who may have to disappear after a while and a need for a source of food… anyone see a connection here….?

  27. “I mean that radio signal has been broadcasting 16 yrs repeatedly”

    If it was broadcasting for 16 years it probably wasn’t a time warp.

    ****Wait is that woman speaking French going on a loop or has she been saying it right then and there? Anyways didn’t notice that about the transmission breaking up when that girl was at first trying to translate…

  28. There’s something that the Lost characters should have realized about that recorded message. If it’s been repeating for 16 years, then there’s got to be a source of electrical power that’s lasted that long. And any source of power that’s been going that long means civilization. At least it means that if you’re limited to present day technology…

  29. On the Lois Lane, Super-Ghoul, issue, from someone who once worked in a funeral home:
    The big concrete boxes are called vaults, and I don’t think they’re required everywhere. They’re really expensive, so I’m sure there are funeral directors who would like customers to think they’re required, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t.


  30. Paul1963, you’re correct about the vaults not being required everywhere. Having helped my father recently plan my mother’s funeral, I know that they are not required. The funeral home was very upfront about that.

  31. LOST:

    The close captioning identifies their speech as Korean

    It holds up that Kate is the prisoner when you watch the first episode again. when she meets Jack, she’s rubbing her wrists 😉

    Same thoughts for the power source, however it’s possible too that it’s once again related to the polar (either created from their mind or something akin to the movie “Cube”)

  32. Someone said:
    I agree that Hurley (“the fat guy”) is not long for the world [snip] Best-case scenario for Hurley is if the producers have had the actor wear some extra padding for his initial appearances, which he’ll start losing soon.

    Not based on this publicity photo from Becker…

    Kim said: My guess is that Terry Quinn’s character on LOST is either from the island or has been there before.

    He’s visible on the plane in the flashback scene when Charley-emmm-Jack is talking to the woman across the aisle shortly before the crash, so he was definately on the flight.

  33. Ditto on the ups and downs of LOST’s future…ie, can they keep the tension without resolution?

    However I’ve already seen 90% of Episode 3 and they’re doing fine so far. Definitely on the ‘to watch’ for the forseeable.

    John M

  34. Dig Lois. Lost Veronica Mars. But a quick thought on Lost. “The Lost World” (the original, not Crichton’s) took place at the poles, like The Savage Land. The link between the names is, likely, not coincidental. And often transcontinental flights now go over the arctic. Any idea where they were going at the time? They were, if I remeber correclty, coming from Fiji. Still, at the moment, I think it’s a twilight-zone/time travel thing.

    Rodney Dangerfield just died. S*it. Well, my respects to him and his legacy, I guess.


  35. Kim said: My guess is that Terry Quinn’s character is either from the island or has been there before.

    Don said: He’s visible on the plane in the flashback scene when Charley-emmm-jack is talking to the woman across the aisle shortly before the crash, so he was definately on the flight.

    I think you misunderstood. I didn’t mean he was on the island waiting for the plane to arrive. I meant he had been on the island at some time, left it and travelled around for a while, and then got on the plane when it left Australia or wherever and crashed on the island. Maybe he was even, in some way, responsible for the crash.

  36. LOST:
    The Swiss Family Robinson also had a lot of kooky animals show up. It’s old school.

    SMALLVILLE: How was Lois able to knock that guy out by kicking him in the helmet?

  37. “If it’s been repeating for 16 years, then there’s got to be a source of electrical power that’s lasted that long. And any source of power that’s been going that long means civilization.”

    Or some really well-wired coconuts, with a bamboo antenna… 🙂

  38. For the person who “has satellite and can’t tape two things at once,” go to eBay. There’s a guy there who sells a DirecTV Tivo or “DirecTivo” from Philips that can record two different feeds at once. (And it’s modified; it doesn’t rat out to DirecTV or Tivo, no phone line needed, and you can pull shows off its hard drive and burn them to DVD.)

    As far as “Lost,” I was mistaken on my second estimation. At first I thought they had landed in The Village. Then, I thought they were on the island of “The Most Dangerous Game,” or that “Battle Royale” place where the Japanese have everyone kill each other for their sadistic amusement. (Thus the Koreans; anyone who knows the history between those countries knows how the Japanese TV audience would love seeing a couple of Koreans killed. A real crowd-pleaser.)

    Now, I can’t honestly say who’s running the place. I hope that around the end of the season, Paul Dini will write a script with some better clues.

    And finally, Lois Lane didn’t have to dig that whole pit by herself. Most graveyards, especially active ones with new graves being added, have excavation equipment for digging new graves. She certainly is nervy enough to “borrow” the backhoe enough to get started, then return it before anyone noticed it was missing. We just saw her digging up the last few inches. The neat, square sides of the hole are good evidence for this; a person with a shovel wouldn’t be that neat.

  39. I’m glad to see that someone else out there agrees that last week’s Smallville was a bit up and down. I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

    Did you think they had too much plot and not enough time to get to it all? I think they could have easily left out the T1000 subplot and the show would have been better off for it.

  40. Michael, I totally agree with you…in that they could’ve done without the T1000 subplot…

  41. they could’ve done without the T1000 subplot…

    The f/x were a complete rip-off.. er, excuse me, homage to Terminator 2(last episode, Clark/Kal-el did his best Neo). From what I’ve seen of Smallville, they like to reference Superman material while creating their own mythology. Which bring me back to my question, does T-1000 Trent have anything to do with a Superman/DC character?

  42. What gets me is, what a coincidence that the guy Lex hires to safeguard Chloe just happens to be her uncle — and at the same time, Uncle Sam couldn’t tell his obsessed daughter, “Look, I can’t give you details as you’re destined to meet and get intimately involved with everybody connected to the case , but trust me, your cousin, my neice, isn’t dead, so you can get obsessed about a boy band or fan fiction like a normal teen girl.”

  43. “Kal-El, the Force is with you.”

    Anyone else notice Clark/Kal-El pulling (you should pardon the expression) the Jedi stunt a couple of episodes ago where he used the F2 key, er, ‘Force Pull’ on the crystal?

    As for Lois, there’s potential, but I wouldn’t at all mind seeing her get her comeuppance at least once, if only in the hopse of teaching her to be a little more considerate of others. She wreaked havoc in the Kent household but that was irrelevant to her. She was on a mission and that’s all she cared about. Bzzzzzzzz Sorry, that’s not how the game is played. Try again.

  44. Man… I’m actually surprised you guys didn’t notice who did the voice-over (“Previously… on Smallville”) for “Gone”.

    Does the name Kevin Conroy ring any bells?

  45. Man… I’m actually surprised you guys didn’t notice who did the voice-over (“Previously… on Smallville”) for “Gone”.

    Does the name Kevin Conroy ring any bells?

    Blast! I should have seen this. I said that some of the talent from DC Animated (I’m contracting here) should appear in Smallville. Then again, I get the show through Canadian chls.

    But now my satellite company given a free-view of WB chls for a full year!

  46. You nail the gist of your subject very well, especially “Charmed.” Really dig your take ’cause I’m down wit’ your tude. How ’bout givin’ us dogs the dish on that wacky, metaphysically jarring show on the Gotti family – surely a nugget for a time capsule embodying the worst of Western Civ. Keep up the good works.

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