So let me see if I understand this Jennifer Lawrence thing

When right wing evangelicals declare that LGBTQ are responsible for Hurricane Harvey rather than, y’know, climate change…when even Ann Coulter declares, “I don’t believe Hurricane Harvey is God’s punishment for Houston electing a lesbian mayor. But that is more credible than ‘climate change,” that’s just standard issue and can be ignored.

When Rush Limbaugh states that Hurricane Irma is actually being amplified out of all reason by the news media, well, he’s just talking like a wrong headed righty.

When Pat Robertson says Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for abortion, well, that’s just Pat Robertson being an idiot.

But Jennifer Lawrence does an interview in which she comments about how hurricanes are representative of nature’s wrath (poetic but okay), that climate change is due to human activity (it is), and that the only voice we really have to try and do something is through voting (that’s right.). She said that Trump’s election was startling (it was; Hillary Clinton wrote a whole book about it) and that was pretty much it.

And insanely, news coverage is declaring that she’s blaming Trump for the hurricanes. And naturally Twitter idiots who aren’t bothering to actually READ the articles and realize that she’s saying no such thing have erupted and declared that she’s an idiot and should be boycotted.

Basically, this is genuinely fake news, but the idiot Trump supporters aren’t capable of realizing it as such and are fully embracing it.

Me, all I can notice is that Mar-a-Lago is right in Irma’s path and might be obliterated. I would find that further proof of Voltaire’s statement that God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.


9 comments on “So let me see if I understand this Jennifer Lawrence thing

  1. They are all idiots. Madrox/Carosella 2020 “Multiply your chance to make America Strong again”

  2. In my experiences with them, the average Trump supporter can’t read more than a headline and an opening paragraph on a good day. Beyond that, they have a staggering inability to distinguish between what they want to believe is true vs what is actually true. They then compound these two issues with a habit of growing incredibly angry and lashing out when you put facts in front of them that contradict what they want to believe.
    Basically, they remind me of the average Tea Party member if the average Tea Party member had the emotional and mental maturity of a nine-year-old.

    1. Basically, they remind me of the average Tea Party member if the average Tea Party member had the emotional and mental maturity of a nine-year-old.

  3. Interesting fact: the two Texas counties most devastated by Harvey went very strongly for Hillary. Trump may have won the state, but he lost those two counties.
    Interesting fact #2: Whatever suffering Trump would face from the destruction of Mar-A-Lago would be utterly dwarfed by the suffering of its employees and neighbors.

  4. All you can notice is that Mar-a-Lago is in the hurricane’s path and might be obliterated? Small islands like Barbuda and St. Martin, some of them with a 90% black population, have been severely hit, and all you can see is damage to Mar-a-Lago. This is because you are so poisoned with hate that you have left ordinary human feeling and logic far behind. Or maybe “nature” is “punishing” them for something.

    1. Uhm, no, it’s because I was commenting on Trump in relation to Jennifer Lawrence. But thanks ever so for implying that I’m a racist or that I don’t care about anything the horrific hurricanes are doing aside from what I chose to comment on. It takes a certain kind of mind to find the worst possible personal commentary in a throwaway comment on a website.


      1. It takes a certain kind of mind right wing troll to find the worst possible personal commentary in a throwaway comment on a website.


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