Cowboy Pete: The online debate commentary

So Kathleen says, “Why don’t you keep a running blog commenting on the debate, since we’ll be watching it anyway.”

Well yeeha, campers, that sounds like a nifty idea. So I’m going to keep this blog ongoing during the debate. Check in as little or often as you wish.


5 comments on “Cowboy Pete: The online debate commentary

  1. Great idea! I don’t have the fortitude to stay up and watch, and I’d already planned on reading transcripts, etc. tomorrow. Now I’ll add this entry as a post-debate stop, too. Thanks!

  2. Personally, I see no point in watching the debates. The whole thing is basically scripted, Bush gets the time limits he apparently needs so badly so he doens’t have to try and explain things (and the opposite for Kerry), and I just don’t see the point.

    I want real questions, from real people, with the expectations that these guys are going to have to answer them by being put on the spot.

  3. Last second bold prediction–Kerry throws the rules out the window, goes for broke, asks Bush direct questions and Bush either has to bring it on (which will give Karl Rove an actual brain embolism of fear)or look weak.

    Anyway, that’s what I would do if I were Kerry.

    Last second not at all bold prediction– unless one of the two rips off his latex human face to reveal the viasage of a rat-eating reptillian alien invader, both sides will be claiming their guy “hit a home run” with expressions normally reserved for women who have just achieved their first multiple orgasm and/or discovered Ben & Jerry’s Mocha Chocko Chunk.

  4. “unless one of the two rips off his latex human face to reveal the viasage of a rat-eating reptillian alien invader”

    Um. . . Bill? If there is something you know about these candiates that I don’t, now would be the perfect time to share.

    My friend Michael Donovan doesn’t trust these guys but I figure, “eh, photojournalists, what do they know?.” I’m just goingt to kick back with my newcomer friends and down a glass of sour milk.

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