Dragon*Con, Day 1 and Day 2

Yesterday when pretty well. Had a 1 PM reading and the room was packed. Granted, it was a fairly small room, but on the other hand, if I couldn’t even fill that, it would have been pretty sucky. Read the “But I Digress” column about “the day before yesterday” which got a lot of positive comments when it saw print. Also read the scripts for “Fallen Angel #15” and the first issue of “Tempest Fugit,” and the first chapter from “Hidden Earth,” the new fantasy series I’m writing for Tor. The audience seemed to like them all; either that or they were doing a good job of covering their disgust.

Attended the Atlanta Radio Theater’s production of “Shadow Over Innsmouth,” starring Harlan. Also it was the 25th birthday of Jewel Staite’s (Kaylee of “Firefly”) husband, Matt, so we attended a birthday party thrown for him. Met Nathan Fillion (Mal) and Adam Baldwin (Jayne). Fortunately Jewel warned me ahead of time that he was not, in fact, one of THE Baldwin brothers, so I avoided saying something stupid. Also ran into Ernie Hudson of “Ghostbusters” fame in the elevator–just one of the encounters that makes Dragon*Con so entertaining.

I cannot recommend highly enough staying at the Marriott rather than the Hyatt. Not only is the elevator set-up better organized to avoid endless waits, but there’s no place in the main lobby for people to mass. Because of the way the Hyatt is set up, hundreds of people gather in the lobby and the atrium then becomes a funnel for the noise, so there is a CONSTANT racket. Plus the Marriott atriuim is lined with solid concrete walls, whereas the Hyatt’s atrium is lined with metal vertical rods, like a picket fence…perfect for a fast toddler to slip out of a parent’s grasp, dart through, and plummet fourteen floors. So we rest a lot easier here.


16 comments on “Dragon*Con, Day 1 and Day 2

  1. I can’t agree more about the Marriott. In addition to the conveniences that PAD mentions, the hotel itself is quite beautiful (if you get a chance to take the elevator to one of the higher floors, I recommend it for the cool view down), the rooms are very nice, and they have (or at least had back when I was attending D*C’s back in the mid-90s [1]) an excellent breakfast buffet on the weekends.


    [1] Got to meet you there a couple times, Mr. David. Those were definitely some of my best fandom-related experiences.

  2. You know Peter, I was just in Georgia visiting family and my brother informed me that Dragon Con was an upcoming event. To which I replied, I think that Peter David already attended it.

    OK I am the first to admit when I am wrong, who can keep up with all of these conventions. I just wish I had rescheduled my vacation so that I could have been in ATL to get a preview of the Hulk tempest fugit reading.

    I don’t suppose you would be willing to put a small teaser of any of the readings from Dragon Con on your website.

    Enjoy the rest of the convention.

    Warren S. Jones III

  3. Glad you had a good time, Peter. Sound like after all the stuff you’ve been going thru w/ some people in this board that it was nice to get out & meet people face to face.

    I’ve never been to a comic convention. Living in south dakota there is never a con w/ in reasonable driving distance. (I’m 5 hours away from Minneapolis & 3 from Omaha, but cons always seem to be farther)

    Can’t wait for Tempus Fugit & any of your other future work to come out.

    Joe V.

  4. Peter David: Also read…the first chapter from “Hidden Earth,” the new fantasy series I’m writing for Tor.
    Luigi Novi: Which medium? Prose? Comic? (This is the first I’ve heard this.)

  5. Harlan Ellison was the star in an H.P. Lovecraft reading? PleasepleasepleasePLEASE tell me that will be an audio CD release! It would go so well with Jeffrey Combs reading “Herbert West, Re-Animator.”

    Any chance you (or anyone else reading this) will be going to UberCon in Secaucus, NJ October 15-17? It’s about 5 miles from NYC, so I’ll be staying at a friend’s apartment in NYC and driving there & back; saves a lot with the hotel cost! For more info, check out http://www.ubercon.com/jersey/ (And no, I don’t work for them; if I did, I’d save the admittance fee.) I’ll be running a live KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE reading, and probably MYTHOS 500 and CREATURES & CULTISTS.

    Cthulhu in 2004: Why Settle For The Lesser Evil?

  6. Mr David sir.

    While I’m glad to hear that you had a good time at the Marriot in Atlanta.There are very many more Marriott hotels all over the world for you to try out. Say for example in London, which you really ought to visit. It’s nice here this time of year in case you wondered.

    And besides, I have a copies of Fallen Angel, Supergirl and the Hulk which really need your signature on them!


  7. PAD,
    Glad to hear you’re having a good time this weekend at the con. You deserve it.

  8. …and the first chapter from “Hidden Earth,” the new fantasy series I’m writing for Tor.

    When, pray tell, is the first book in this new series due out?


  9. To Luigi Novi,

    Tor is the publisher of some excellent works of science-fiction and fantasy. I’ve got many of their paper back novels. Here’s a web site I found for you to learn more:


  10. “But I Digress” is found in the monthly magazine, Comic Buyers’ Guide. There’s a link to the website on the right-hand column on PAD’s main page, under “Links,” where you can subscribe.


  11. “The Marriott: We have fewer toddlers plummetting 14 floors.”

    Great ad slogan. >=^>

    — Ken from Chicago

    P.S. Stay dry. Frances is affecting weather even up here in the Windy City so I can imagine what it’s doing down in “Hotlanna, Jawja”, closer to the scene.

  12. Posted by JamesLynch at September 4, 2004 01:40 PM

    Harlan Ellison was the star in an H.P. Lovecraft reading? PleasepleasepleasePLEASE tell me that will be an audio CD release! It would go so well with Jeffrey Combs reading “Herbert West, Re-Animator.”

    Since Peter said it was an Atlanta Radio Theatre production, it would probably have been a full-up radio-play dramatisation, complete with sound effects.

    ART used to record their shows (using my hi-fi VCR in audi mode for one), so it may be available at some time or other.

    I’m a bit out of touch, but PAD or Kathleen can probably give you contact info for ART…

  13. Ah, Canadian film. Adam Baldwin is familiar to every Canadian of a certain age (namely, my age range — between 32 and 38) for appearing in My Bodyguard with Chris Makepeace in the late 1970s. It still holds up as a nice little kid’s film, but I have no idea whether it’s available on VHS or DVD anymore.

    Baldwin played the bodyguard, btw.

    Cheers, Jon

  14. Not just Canadians know and love that film! I have loved it forever and I am American! Admittedly, I am 34. ^_^

  15. Just wanted to say that all of the selections that were read were great. Since I had never read Fallen Angel before I am now furiously trying to get back issues.

    Also, last year I got into quite an argument with the Hyatt staff that prompted me to stay at the Marriott this year. It was MUCH better.

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