Freak Out Friday – April 13, 2018

It’s Friday the 13th, so what could possibly go wrong?

For Trump, the answer is simple: Everything. In the past week, every single thing that could possibly have gone wrong for Trump has done so. It’s like he’s lived through a week of Murphy’s law, Word from insiders is that Trump is figuratively falling apart: lashing out at everyone, fuming incessantly, shouting, having fits. Remember that this is someone who is haunted by two things: the investigation into Russia, and his utter inability to handle criticism. This week has been a banner seven days for both.

1). Never pìšš øff someone who can write a book about you. Once upon a time, James Comey was considered a major villain by the Democrats. His dûmbášš decision to announce, a month before the elections, that they had reopened the investigation into Hillary’s emails was the final nail in her coffin. Despite the fact that the investigation once again turned up nothing, it was sufficient excuse for many Democrats–who either didn’t know or didn’t care that it was a fruitless undertaking–to stay home since they were unable to see any different between Trump and Clinton. The fact that they can sure as hëll see it now should do a lot to convince them to get their áššëš to the polls next election, but in the meantime took a lot of šhìŧ from people.

Yet now opinion is starting to shift and Comey has been a peoples’ hero since Trump stupidly decided to fire him. What’s insane is that the reason for the firing keeps changing. First he was nuts enough to say that it was because he hadn’t treated Clinton “fairly.” Then when the accusation came that it was because of Russia, all of Trump’s people said that wasn’t it, right up until Trump said that was exactly it. Yet his latest rage tweet asserts that it was because Comey had failed to lock up the woman Trump had sworn he would see jailed.

We all understand that’s wrong, correct? That specifically using government agencies to persecute political rivals is straight out of the dictators’ playbook?

Certainly polls are indicating that the rest of the American public understands that. Trump’s supporters have been willing to forgive a ton of things that they would have persecuted Obama and Clinton for, but Trump’s clear disregard for the system of justice has become exceedingly flagrant. So much so that even his core is beginning to wilt.

Meanwhile, the press is going to down on Comey’s book, “A Higher Loyalty,” which is already the number one title selling through Amazon even though it doesn’t come out until next Tuesday. Comey describes Trump as a man “Untethered to truth and institutional values,” and “living in a cocoon of alternative reality. .His leadership is transactional, ego driven, and about personal loyalty.” Which, y’know, we’ve seen saying for the past year, but when someone on Comey’s level is putting it in print, that kicks it to a new level. Meanwhile Trump, whose excuse for firing Comey keeps changing, trumpets that Comey is a liar.

And that isn’t flying, because everyone knows Comey is so fixated on the truth that he used it as his excuse to sink Hillary. Even the Trumpites are realizing they can’t accept him as a truth teller in one instance and buy into him being a liar in the more recent.

Meanwhile is assaults on Comey are not going unnoticed. John O. Brennan, the former head of the CIA, tweeted at Trump, “Your kakistocracy is collapsing after its lamentable journey. As the greatest Nation history has known, we have the opportunity to emerge from this nightmare stronger & more committed to ensuring a better life for all Americans, including those you have so tragically deceived.” I, of course, immediately did the same thing that you’ve have done upon reading it: I looked up “kakistocracy.” It means a government that is being run by the worst people available. I’ve no idea if the nickname for feces is at the word’s root–probably not–but it certainly could be.

2). Meanwhile, back at the office… The office of Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen was raided by the FBI because the justice department suspect that he was up to something criminal. This would put aside attorney/client privilege. And considering that Cohen is notorious for tape recording conversations, that is more than enough to make Trump’s head explode. His excuse that the whole “grabbing pûššìëš” tape wasn’t actually him might have been enough to convince some of his most ardent supporters, but no one is going to accept the notion that any Trump voice on Cohen’s tapes aren’t the president. I’m quite sure that even Trump, with his addled brain, recalls that tape recordings were what sank Richard Nixon, and Cohen’s tapes could have a similar effect. Cohen is so desperate to undo it that today he approached a Federal judge, asking the judge to block the Feds from reading documents related to his representing Trump. I kind of doubt the judge will approve it, because the entire concept of raiding a lawyer’s office for information about his clients is such a rarity that it was doubtlessly vetted up and down the line before the warrant was granted. Which means we might have audio evidence of Trump agreeing to everything from threatening Stormy to advocating aligning himself with the Russians, which would be treason.

3). Trump goes postal. Literally.. Trump loudly declared that the post office was losing money in handling Amazon packages, despite the fact that delivering Amazon packages is actually quite lucrative for the USPS. Their most recent yearly report stated that while they’re making less money over delivering letters (naturally) the losses were somewhat offset by an increase in package delivery. Amazon might well be keeping the USPS afloat. So naturally Trump issued an executive order to explore the post office’s finances.

Naturally Trump couldn’t give a dámņ about the post office. Instead he has Jeff Bezos–the owner of both Amazon and, more significantly, the Washington Post–in his sights. He wants to find some way to justify banning Amazon from using the USPS which would hurt both businesses.

Why? Because for someone in Trump’s screwed up mindset, the world boils down to two things: winners and losers. Trump believes himself to be a winner and wants to make Bezos a loser. And if it means causing the USPS to go down in flames, well, screw them, they’re losers, too.

Let’s face it: Trump is in a death spiral. His tweet rants become more hysterical and delusional with every passing day. Everyone in the world except Trump is a liar, even though the countless evidences of Trump’s lies become more pronounced as time passes. Everyone except the most devoted staffers are fleeing him, and for good reason. There is no reason to work for Trump because he demands endless loyalty while providing none himself. One day he could be singing your praises and the next day he could be firing you and dismissing you on Twitter.

Did he do anything right? A year after withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trump now asked his people about the prospect of rejoining the alliance that he had previously stated was a “rape of our country.” He’s doing it in an attempt to placate farmers who are terrified of the impact his China trade war could have on them. So basically he did the right thing in order to make up for his screwing up trade.


11 comments on “Freak Out Friday – April 13, 2018

  1. Actually, Comey’s revelation that they were “re-opening the investigation” into Clinton was less than TWO WEEKs before the election. Talk about your October surprises! I remember it well, because I was attending the World Fantasy Convention at the time. With just 11 days to recover, Clinton was screwed. And yet while we might all question Comey’s judgment, no one was going to question his probity. Well, until Trump.

    Is Trump in a death spiral? For the sake of our country, I hope so. But I also fear how much of our country he’ll take down as he plummets.

  2. What’s mind boggling to me is that even up to right now there are armies of Trump cultists who are more than willing to stand in line to tell you what an amazing job Trump is doing, how great a president he is, and how nothing negative about Trump is the least bit true.
    Hëll, I’ve got family (thankfully not directly related by blood) who have declared that Trump was the chosen of God to lead the country out of the Obama years.

      1. How did that bumper sticker go? “Cthulhu for President: Why settle for the lesser evil”?

  3. My biggest Trump worry at the moment is that he will decide (with input from Bolton) that the best way to respond to Assad’s use of chemical weapons is to punish his sponsor – no, not Russia, but Iran. This avoids a direct confrontation with Russia, gives him an excuse to tear up the nuclear treaty (which like all deals not created by DJT is bad, bad, bad), and give joy to his best buds Netanyahu and the Saudi royals who’ve been aching to see the U.S. get into a war with Iran for decades.

  4. As I was driving home from work (I get off at 11 pm), I heard that Trump, Britain, and France (remember when the Right said the French were cheese-eating surrender monkeys?) had done air strikes on Syria. I was remembering when I was working in Kansas seven years ago that some of my co-workers thought Obama was the Anti-Christ. I think they made that accusation one president too early. And I wish I were joking but I’m not!

    1. Mexican? Pity. Otherwise, I’d have him run against Trump and knock him out, too. Maybe you lot can petition for that Constitutional Amendment doing away with that pesky “has to have been born in the U.S.” requirement.
      It applies to the Presidency. What about the Vice-President?

      1. 12th amendment says anybody ineligible to be president is ineligible to be VP as well. But you can be a congressman as a foreign-born citizen, so a foreign-born Speaker of the House who would be third in line for the presidency is a possibility (and would probably be skipped over for the fourth in line, in the case of a succession crisis).

  5. Meanwhile, Cohen’s mysterious unnamed third client turns out to be Sean Hannity. Like, it’ll probably be for something so boring that only Rachel Maddow will give it any air time (and I’ll watch that piece), but just being connected is hilarious. The fact that Hannity didn’t disclose this relationship while interviewing Cohen is just icing. (Seriously, it’s mere decoration, he’s not getting fired for conflict of interest. It’s Fox.)

  6. says “kakistocracy” was only coined between 1820-30; < Greek kákisto(s), superlative of kakós bad + -cracy
    So "Kakistos", that overpowerful ancient vampire who Buffy killed with something the size of a railroad tie after Faith ran off in fear (having seen him before, eating her Watcher and an entire bus full of Baptists) was indeed properly named.

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