Freak Out Friday – June 22, 2018

In the early days of the Trump administration, people were worried that Trump would emulate Hitler. Others sought out rationality, claiming that while Trump was no prize, he certainly wasn’t Hitler and the USA of 2018 could not remotely become Berlin of the 1930’s/’40’s.

And then racist right wingers and the KKK endorsed Trump, and Trump talked about how there were a lot of good people in the array of Nazi protestors in Charlottesville, and suddenly the comparisons to Hitler seemed more spot on. In fact, even Godwin of the acclaimed Godwin’s law stated that his rule was suspended for the foreseeable future. And now the other shoe has dropped.

1). We have camps. Just as the Nazis had concentration camps that served as carrying out widespread execution and just as the United States had camps in which they incarcerated the Japanese, including many who were American citizens and had done absolutely nothing that was illegal (read George Takei’s column here to see insight from it by someone who was there) we now have a new generation of camps where children–ripped from their parents arms–are being held.

Meanwhile brand new holding facilities–jails, basically–are being constructed by Trump friends who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaign because the executive order Trump signed this week stipulated that families had to be kept together. In prison. Sound familiar?

You remember the executive order, of course. The one that just a few days ago, Trump stated he couldn’t sign.

Even the Secretary of Homeland Security agreed. Kirstjen Nielsen (whose first name was even able to stump my Spellcheck) stated, “Congress and the courts created this problem, and Congress alone can fix it.” The day before she tweeted, “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.”

Except yes, they did. It’s been thoroughly documented. Trump’s right hand áššhølë, Stephen Miller, proposed it, and Trump embraced it. They did it to try and wrestle the Democrats into a hole where they would agree to give him enough money to build his gøddámņëd wall in exchange for letting children return to their parents. Except Miller, Trump and Nielsen clearly had no idea what a spectacularly bad–not to mention illegal on an international level (could you imagine the three of them being summoned to The Hague to stand trial?) this undertaking would be. He managed to pìšš øff Dems, GOPs, the Pope, not to mention Ivanka (the jury is still out on Melania who was seen heading for a surprise visit to kids in Texas wearing a jacket that said “I don’t really care. Do U?” Thank God she left it on the plane when she disembarked.). Trump clearly overreached just how far he could push people. Since he has no heart and no empathy, it didn’t occur to him that the enforced splitting up of families would freak out as many people as it had. His popularity began to sink, and his insistence that it was all the Democrats at fault was fooling nobody except his most devout, intransigent followers.

Even the news media is beginning to lose it, ranging from shouting matches between interviewers and Trump’s enablers to poor Rachel Maddow (when did we ever think we would combine those words?) losing her composure on the air while reading an AP report about camps targeted specifically for children. They’re building one camp two miles away from the camp where George Takei was imprisoned back in the 40s. Oh, and the document Trump signed? It doesn’t put forward any way of reuniting the families that have already been shattered.

Meanwhile the Charlottesville Nazis are planning a march in Washington D.C. demanding white civil rights. I swear to God, I’m hoping that two guys in black suits, sunglasses and hats and driving an old police car drive them into the Potomac.

It would be so easy to say that this entire fiasco is the absolute nadir of Trump’s presidency, but there’s no point in making that claim. Because if there is one thing that Trump has absolutely proven, it’s that no matter how low he goes, he will invariably find some new lower degree to which he can sink.

2). Spaaaaace Forrrce. Any reasonable and sane president, if he were interested in expanding the space program, would be solidly behind mounting an expedition to Mars. That’s the next logical step. Now to be fair, Trump did say that he endorsed exploring Mars. But most of his enthusiasm seemed to be powered by Elon Musk’s interest in launching a rocket. Back in the 1960s we were competing with Russia; now Trump is competing with a billionaire. Meanwhile NASA’s budget has been cut so far back that developing a serious endeavor to reach Mars is a non-starter. But what is Trump strongly endorsing? Basically he wants to create Starfleet. Something on par with the navy and marines. He wants to weaponize space, which is a concept specifically forbidden by the Outer Space treaty we signed with Russia over fifty years ago. Even Reagan couldn’t do it when he launched what he referred to as the Star Wars initiative, which Bill Clinton eventually pulled the plug on because nothing they were developing worked.

Trump also loves claiming that Hillary Clinton wasn’t the least bit interested in exploring Mars, which is of course yet another lie since she repeatedly did endorse it.

He never changes. His priorities boil down to three things: His own interests, competing with other rich people, and lying about Clinton.

At least he’s consistent.

Did he do anything right? No.


63 comments on “Freak Out Friday – June 22, 2018

  1. Jesus…
    I should have expected you to write something like the first bit. I just didn’t think about it because I’ve been somewhat distracted by, well, what I was working on around the same topic to post elsewhere. But, screw it, I’ll post it here.
    This last week has not been a good one. As a matter of fact, it really sucked.
    The thing is, I’m not even talking specifically about Trump’s Family Separation policy or the vulgar displays from Trump and his administration officials as they danced and lied their way around what was essentially the United States government enacting a government sanctioned policy of child abuse. I’ve come to expect Trump and crew to act like the lowest of the low, and seeing them prove they have no morals and less soul is basically old hat to anyone who has paid any attention to Donald Trump over the last few decades.
    What’s made this week suck so bad was the Trump supporters. They did something I really wasn’t expecting them to do. Well, I was expecting it from some of them. There are those special few groups in Trumplandia whom you expect certain actions from because, well, it’s what you expect from white supremacists, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis. I pretty much expect the worst from that crowd when it comes to certain matters, but that was true even before Trump took office.
    No, what caught me off guard was so many of the Trump supporters who don’t fall under those umbrellas, and how what they did caught me off guard proved me wrong.
    For the last two years, I’ve said that calling Trump supporters Nazis (outside of the ones who were unabashedly white supremacists, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis) was totally off base. I said it watered the word down and, frankly, had become an overused term in political discourse by both sides. Hëll, Glenn Beck, frequently sounding like a mentally ill man off his meds for much of Obama’s time in office, practically killed the true stigma value of the word by labeling everything he could as Nazi this and Nazi that. Plus, well, there are a lot of things you have to do that are a lot worse than saying bad things about minorities and voting for Trump to qualify as being an actual Nazi.
    After this last week, I can no longer say that comparisons of Trump supporters to at least one aspect of Nazis and Nazi Germany is incorrect.
    I should say here that what we’re seeing under Trump was not caused by Trump. Trump simply capitalized on it in a way that no one else on the American Right has been able to until his run for office, and the increased visibility of some things is simply an emboldening of what was already here rather than a new creation under Trump. Because, what we’re seeing under Trump has been here a very long time.
    I want you to follow this link and just quickly look at a few of the photos. Don’t read anything, just scroll down through some of the photos and then come back.
    Now, if you just looked at the photos, tell me what era in Germany’s history those photos are from. Here’s a hint- they’re not. Those photos were all taken in America in the 1930s. Those are all Americans in places like New Jersey, New York, California, etc. And, yes, that one photo of a Nazi rally on American soil does in fact have a giant portrait of George Washington on the stage. I’ll get back to that.
    This last week put me in mind of the 1930s. It put me in mind of the 1930s of America, but even more so the 1930s of Germany. And that is where I was proven partially wrong in what I’ve said to people to the left of me for the last two years.
    Despite the best attempts at lying and propaganda pushing by media outlets like Fox News and Breitbart and by the average conservative in the general population, what came to a head this last week was the results of a Trump policy. This was not because of a law passed 15 or 22 years ago. There is no law that requires children, toddlers, and infants to be torn screaming and crying from their mothers’ arms so that they can be thrown into makeshift cages and Trump’s tent cities while being drugged into submissive states. This “law” that Trump supporters and propagandists kept insisting exists has never been a US law in my lifetime.
    This was a policy enacted by Trump and crew. We know this to be a fact because we have ample documentation to support this as fact. We can point to a year of Trump administration officials discussing in interviews the idea of enacting a policy of family separation as a form of terror tactic to deter future border crossings. We can also point the actual release of the policy directive as signed off on by Trump and Jeff Sessions. See the following links.
    Attorney General Announces Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry
    Friday, April 6, 2018
    Kelly says considering separating women, children at Mexico border
    MARCH 6, 2017 / 5:38 PM / A YEAR AGO
    “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Monday confirmed a Reuters report that he was considering a proposal to separate women and children who cross the U.S. border with Mexico illegally, a policy shift he said was aimed at deterring people from making a dangerous journey.”
    John Kelly: It’s not ‘cruel’ to separate families at the border — children will be ‘put into foster care or whatever’
    May. 11, 2018, 2:52 PM
    “The White House chief of staff, John Kelly, defended the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy toward immigrants who cross the border illegally, telling NPR that separating parents from their children could be a “tough deterrent.””
    Sessions threatens to split children from their parents if they cross the border illegally: ‘If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children’
    May. 8, 2018, 12:31 PM
    “The Trump administration announced a new “zero tolerance” policy on people caught illegally crossing the border. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday that 100% of border-crossing cases will be criminally prosecuted, thereby separating immigrant children from their parents. Top Trump officials have previously suggested separating families would deter illegal entries.
    How The Trump Administration’s Family Separation Policy Is Playing Out
    May 28, 20184:18 PM ET
    “JOHN KELLY: Yes, I am considering – in order to deter more movement along this terribly dangerous network, I am considering exactly that. They will be well cared for as we deal with their parents.”
    These are facts. These are indisputable facts. Trump was not ordering the enforcement of an existing law, but rather enacting a new policy designed to be a terrorism tactic via the abuse of children.
    But here’s where it got even more ugly.
    A large number of Trump supporters proved this week that facts don’t matter to them. We knew this before, but we knew this about things like jobless rates, economic growth, and other things Trump loves pounding his chest about while pulling claims out of his backside. But up until this week, there were things that I had thought even a majority of Trump supporters would be unable to turn a blind eye to the facts over. I also thought they would take some stands they obviously wouldn’t.
    I won’t even get into the professional punditry áššhølëš who decides to call cages rooms made of fencing, called migrant children child actors, or responded to the suffering of migrant children with womp womp. I expected that. What I didn’t expect was what I saw from, in many cases, people I knew.
    I watched people who support Trump, including some I’m tied to by blood, do everything they could to excuse, rationalize, and even support a policy that was nothing more than child abuse and human rights violations carried out by and in the name of the United States government. I watched people who support Trump, including some I’m tied to by blood, do everything they could to deny facts and reality in order to do that.
    But what was the worst of it, I watched some of those people who support Trump, including some I’m tied to by blood, act almost gleeful about seeing children abused and talking about how “those people” deserved what they were getting.
    And all I started to think to myself as this week wore on was… This is Germany in the 1930s.
    I watched people go all out to excuse Trump’s actions. I watched people pretend to be against it, but then prove they weren’t with “but, well…”
    “This is bad what they’re doing to the kids, but it has to be done because they broke the law.”
    “I’m not in favor of seeing kids treated cruel like this. But it’s their fault for coming here like they did.”
    You lose a lot of credibility when you say that something is wrong to do, but you then explain why it’s okay to keep doing it.
    But it was the ones who were open about excusing, rationalizing, and supporting the abuse of children or the ones who were even gleeful about it that made me think that this was 1930s Germany in 2018 America.
    People for years have asked, many innocently and honestly, how on Earth an entire country could stand there and let something like the Third Reich rise to power and then act like they didn’t see it coming after the fact. We just got a week of seeing the explanation play out in front of us in the form of a large number of Trump supporters.
    Hitler preached hatred to his people. He played to the hate, fear, and bigotry of a part of the German population. He told them over and over again that their problems were all because of “those people” and only he could fix that problem. And then, when he started to target some groups, those people he preached hate to in the German population turned a blind eye to it. After all, he was fixing their problem.
    But the worst ones were the ones who were active about their support. They were the ones who actively excused, rationalized, and supported the actions of Hitler’s political party, some quite happily, because it conformed to their hate and bigotry and fear. They were willing to abide by atrocities being carried out in their country’s name, because they were being targeted at the people they held bigoted views towards. Besides, Hitler wrapped it all up in nationalism and patriotism and making Germany great again. Hitler was doing it for them, they were supporting their country by defending and supporting Hitler’s actions.
    And that is what we saw this week with so many Trump supporters. We watched in real time in 2018 America as 1930s Germany playing out right in front of our eyes.
    And while this was playing out in a big way, another example of this played out on a smaller scale. Trump once again floated the notion at a rally that disagreement with his policy or negative coverage or news of him was treasonous. This mirrored his comments at another rally after his first State of the Union where he floated the idea that the political opposition not applauding him when he speaks was an act of treason.
    Him saying that wasn’t an unexpected thing or even very shocking. He’s been open about the fact that he wants to be a third world dictator rather than an American President. What is (or should have been) shocking was the response from the crowds. They cheered these statements. Trump supporters cheered the idea that disagreeing with Trump, being critical of Trump, or simply not applauding him when he speaks is tantamount to treason against this country.
    And, of course, as was seen in 1930s Germany when the leadership made it clear that it was all about love of country, he likes to hug the flag and declare it’s all about making America great again.
    That also goes back to the George Washington reference I made earlier. Go back to that first link I sent you to and look at those photos that show a Bund rally in America with George Washington in the background. Do you know what the Bund claimed as one of their own? George Washington. They did it in part because it allowed them to wrap their hatred up in the cloak of being about our Founding Fathers and about patriotism and loyalty to and love of America. Sound familiar? It’s been Republican 101 for years, but it’s huge in the Trump playbook; especially the preaching of hate. So now, Trump can not only speak hatred, he can act on it in very real ways. He can engage in activities that had they been done in a third world country the Trump supporters would condemn them in a heartbeat.
    But they’ll support Trump no matter what. They’ll even support him and make excuses for him as he orders the abuse of children in the attempt to use that abuse as a form of terrorism designed to deter future border crossings. They are supporting abusing children, toddlers, and even infants. They are happily, even gleefully, supporting human rights abuses (even as Trump and crew pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council) against the children, toddlers, and even infants.
    And saying “those people” deserve it.
    And saying “those people” made it happen.
    And saying we “have to do it” because it makes our country great and strong again.
    So they’re fine with turning a blind eye to or even supporting hurting children.
    And I know some of these people. Some are even blood relatives.
    And I still can’t bring myself to say they’re actual Nazis, because they’re probably not. But they are absolutely the same type of people who in 1930s Germany allowed and supported the rise of Nazi Germany. They might not be actual Nazis, but they’re little better than actual Nazis when it’s all said and done.
    And, now, I, and likely many others, have to decide what we’re going to do.
    I’ve said for years now- for decades now -that one thing people should not do is stop being friends with other people because of politics. I’ve kept to that belief over the years. I’ve disagreed with people on any number of social and political issues, but remained friends with them because we are all more than our politics.
    But this feels like a very different thing altogether.
    This isn’t a matter of I support one form of tax reform and they support a different kind. This isn’t a matter of I support gay marriage and someone else doesn’t. This isn’t a matter of my supporting trans rights and someone else not. This was people willingly, happily, and in some cases gleefully supporting children being abused in the name of our country because it meant they got to keep supporting Donald Trump.
    I can look people in the eye and know we don’t vote for the same people, we don’t support the same causes, and that we may in fact be on the far opposite ends of the political spectrum and still be friends with them. It’s just politics, and, more often than not, despite their claims to the contrary, they’re on the wrong side and the losing side of history.
    But this transcends politics, and feels like it enters into the realm of human evils.
    These people proved that they’re okay with children being abused in the name of our country so long as they can tell themselves it’s okay to feel good about it because it’s their side and their guy doing it.
    That’s 1930s Germany in many ways. That’s also something that cannot be ignored when it comes to deciding who you want to have in your life.
    This last week has not been a good one. As a matter of fact, it really sucked. Because it showed me just how wrong I was about a large segment of the American people, and it showed me how truly dead and shriveled the souls of people I know truly are.
    And something has to be done about both problems, and neither problem will have easy or pleasant solutions. We are witnessing our version in 2018 America of what people saw happening back in 1930s Germany. The difference between reading a history book and seeing what’s happening now is that we actually know the people who are willing to sell their souls to the devil and excuse evil so they can feel like “their side” is winning.
    And I honestly don’t know what we’re going to have to do, what we can do, to correct these issues before they reach the point that we’re looking at 1940s Germany in present day America. I also don’t know how far those people, many of the same people who once cheered Tea Party calls to turn to the bullet box if they didn’t get their way at the ballot box, who are now emboldened like never before will go in order to ensure that no one stops them from making this happen.
    And I have no idea how bad things may get when they act.

    1. Unfortunately the signs of the impending rise of fascism in our government can be traced to the Bush Era. It was then that fox really took the reigns of being a propagandist state broadcast. By the end of Obama’s term all the signs that we were in the early Hitler era of Germany were painfully obvious. The fascists just needed to find their Hitler.

      The moment it became obvious that Trump was a new Hitler was during cabinet nominations and known Nazis like girls started appearing out of the woodwork of cabinet choices. Hitler did not ascend as a full blowing genocidal maniac, even though in hindsite it is obvious. I think one of the things that hid it until this blatant move is how totally stupid and incompetent trump is. People could look at him and say no he’s just stupid and makes stupid decisions. And there is the self denial aspect of it, no one wants to think their family member, friend, neighbor would fall for a Hitler type ruler.

      The parallels have been too obvious for too long for many who have studied history and paid any attention to who trump is. He is not as smart as hitler but all the ingredients for another Hitler were obvious.

      But at the same time not wanting to think this country could sink so low does lead to denial of the obvious. I never thought that a very good friend would in the last 3 days start proclaiming how great torturing brown babies was. A woman who has a 1 Year old granddaughter. I refuse to associate with a person who would do that. It is truly astonishing how people are able to hide so thoroughly a river of evil running through them until it bursts free. I am still trying to remember any warning signs and I can’t find any.

      That is at least why I have been calling trump a Nazi for a very long time.

    2. >And I honestly don’t know what we’re going to have to do, what we can do, to correct these issues before they reach the point that we’re looking at 1940s Germany in present day America.

      Well the first thing we can do is vote out the GOP in November, we need control of the House. That is a short term solution though because the main problem still exists.

      We need to make some hard decisions in this country.

      We can not continue to allow large amounts of money flow into political campaigns. Even though it’s “illegal” nothing is being done about it flowing from foreign powers. The NRA and BBB are two of the worst.

      Fox News and hate radio brought us to this point, Sinclair is quickly emerging as a massive threat across the nation too. I don’t see an alternative, we must censor what these propagandist and liars spew. They created/are creating the environment in which this madness was allowed to flourish and their lies are allowed to be called “news”. No they are propaganda and should be labeled as such.

      Jounalism is all but dead in this country. Oh there are a few bright spots, WaPO, New Yorker and a few others. But the major media journalists are bringing on blatant liars and letting them spew without challenge. Chuck Todd famously declared that his job wasn’t to challenge their lies. WTF yes it is. It also doesn’t help that a handful of conservative controlled corporations control the media outlets, their owners are obviously influencing what gets put out into the public.

      As a society we must decide what is “freedom”. True freedom where you can do as you wish, murder your neighbor, steal everything in site, everyone doing what they want is chaos or anarchy. We as a society are “free” within the bounds of what that society decides are the boundaries.

      This is no longer the world of Edward R Murrow or Walter Cronkite or any of those true old school journalists. This is the world where one side is breeding sedition against the very democracy we live in and the other side are barely saying a thing.

      We can get rid of trump, the wannabe Hitler, but the real core of the problem will not be fixed until we fix the guardians of our democracy, the media and jounalists. Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, O’Riley should not be able to use the airwaves, internet and lie without challenge. I remember the time when a graphic was put up saying “editorial” when a journalist wanted to spout off an opinion and not always was that opinion a fact, sometimes they were lies. But we knew it wasn’t “News”.

      1. “We can get rid of Trump, the wannabe Hitler, but the real core of the problem will not be fixed until we fix the guardians of our democracy, the media and journalists. Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, O’Riley should not be able to use the airwaves, internet and lie without challenge.”
        You make the same mistake many make.
        Getting rid of Trump doesn’t fix the problem.
        Getting rid of of the people you list doesn’t fix the problem. Besides, you would run into fundamental Constitutional issues if you tried.
        But none of them are the problem, Trump least of all. They are symptoms of the problem. Push the problem underground and it still remains and just finds new ways to be a problem.
        Besides, as I said, now that they’ve become so emboldened, it’s unfortunately likely not going to be as simple as that to deal with this.

      2. Where did I say getting rid of trump would fix anything? It won’t. We will be surffering the radical and unqualified appointed judges for decades.

        We need to improve teaching in schools like critical thinking, government and civics.

        Bring the broadcast rules raygun destroyed back.

        And bring back a true oppositional political party.

      3. Many years ago, talking to a Jewish friend (Kathleen would know who it was if i mentioned his name – he was managing The Book Nook in those days) who was advocating suppressing fascists and anti-Semites and banning their publications and books.
        I said we shouldn’t do that.
        Like most of the folks at The Book Nook he assumed i was a liberal, and sarcastically asked me was i that extreme on freedom of speech.
        I replied that, while ai was a solid advocate of freedom of speech for everyone, in this case,

      4. So0mehow, my previous post got posted before i finished typing it.
        It wound up ending

        I replied that, while ai was a solid advocate of freedom of speech for everyone, in this case,

        That sentence was supposed to end “…it made them easier to find, if necessary.”
        Always let your enemies rant – suppressing them makies them martyrs, and it’s good to know what they’re contemplating.

    3. “They might not be actual Nazis, but they’re little better than actual Nazis when it’s all said and done.”
      Yeah, they’re Nazis. End of story.

      1. I can’t go that far yet, Craig.
        You have to do a lot more than champion cruelty and bigotry to be an actual Nazi. A lot of Trump supporters are walking that line, but not going over it. Simple fact of it is even a lot of the people in 1930s Germany that let that happen couldn’t go as far as to become full fledged Nazis. They were bigoted, hateful, ignorant, and in many cases callous enablers of something far worse than they, but not full on Nazis.
        Hëll, Craig, I’ll tell you something that might screw with your head. Go talk to a LEO- local, state, or federal -who handles hate crimes, gangs, and hate groups. There are some white supremacist groups in this country- freaking white supremacists -are starting to turn away Neo Nazis and hardcore Nazi wannabees because they’re too extreme for them.
        In the end, they may be little better than Nazis if they’re willing to allow or enable the actions of Nazis, but they’re not Nazis yet.
        And, frankly, we really might need a new term. We call them Nazis because they were part of the Nazi Party. Not all German’s were Nazis; even in their hardcore support. We’re seeing something that mirrors that time and place in history, but is not (yet) identical. To accurately address it, we may need to acknowledge that we have to find something else to call it that doesn’t carry its own meaning already.

    4. The problem isn’t that hard. Take it from an Australina – we don’t have a wall here, but the moat is pretty good.

      Families that approach a ‘point of entry’ and apply for asylum are not split up. This is a true thing.
      Those that try to sneak in away from a ‘point of entry’ DO get separated. So what sort of parent effectively set their kid up for abandonment by not going to a point of entry? Irresponsible ones, that’s who.

      Luckily, there is a solution that’s pretty simple to implement, to ensure irresponsible parents can’t continue to put their kids at risk.
      Build a Wall.

      1. Except, Mords, in violation of several laws the Trump administration now tells asylum seekers they can go away.
        People come to the proper point of entry and get told to pìšš øff because we’re too busy to deal with them right now.
        And we don’t need a wall. We will also never see one built here no matter what the simple minded Trump supporters want to believe.

  2. He wants to weaponize space, which is a concept specifically forbidden by the Outer Space treaty we signed with Russia over fifty years ago.

    No treaty we have previously signed is safe while Trump is president. Any day, I expect to hear that World War I has started up again because Trump has decided to pull out of the Treaty of Versailles.

    1. Nah. It was signed by white guys, and Trump can’t pronounce or spell Versailles so it’s not good tweet material. Now if he finds out Obama endorsed it, all bets are off.

    2. Not true: the “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies” only covers weapons of mass destruction. There is no treaty covering conventional forces in space.

      Whilst you may be leery about the terms, there really is nothing stopping colonial marines, x-wings, submarines on the moon, or a tollbooth just outside Betelgeuse.

      …as long as they don’t use nukes.

  3. Even back in 2016, before the election, there were over ½ a dozen people I knew of who said that Trump and his rise to power reminded them of Hitler and his rise to power. Now, you might dismiss out of hand people who say such things — except that these people were bona-fide Holocaust survivors! One of them was even Eva Schloss, the stepsister of and fellow death camp inmate with Anne Frank! Others include names such as Martin Weiss, Irene Weiss (no relation that I know of), Al Munzer, Margit Meissner (or Meißner?), Zeev Hod, Johanna Gerechter Neumann, and others I don’t recall just off hand (feel free to Google / Bing those names in conjunction with “Trump Hitler”). There’ve been more since then.

    I post under this same username on FARK. Over a year ago a FARKer said that his great uncle (IIRC) was a Holocaust survivor. Over the years, when people would say that, say, Nixon or Bush or Clinton or the Bushling or even Obama was another Hitler, he’d say, basically, “Don’t make such comparisons. I was there for the real Hitler. None of these guys even comes close. Comparing them to Hitler cheapens our very real sufferings under the real Hitler. That’s not to say that a new Hitler might not rise, but if I’m still around, I’ll recognize the signs, and I’ll warn you.” While Trump was still campaigning, this great uncle basically told my fellow FARKer: “You know how I said that if a new Hitler started to rise, I’d recognize the signs and warn you? Now’s the time. This Trump guy? He’s the real thing!

    Yes, these people are really old, but they’re also Ashkenazi Jews, who are practically genetically immune to Alzheimer’s and other forms of old-age-related dementia (the only form of dementia that Ashkenazi Jews are particularly vulnerable to is Tay Sachs’s disease which manifests in infancy or toddlerhood and kills within the early grade school ages). They live longer and keep their minds and memories intact pretty much until their final breaths. So no claiming that their memories are faulty.

    These people were there for the original Hitler, and personally suffered under him. They of all people should know. Arguably more than anyone else on the planet, they should know!!

    Why didn’t we listen when we had the chance!?

    1. A lot did listen. However, a lot of those who thought Trump didn’t have a chance in hëll–even after seeing the primaries–thought it was a sure thing that Hillary Clinton would get in. They felt they weren’t needed. Still others, at least in Pennsylvania where I am, felt Stein or Johnson was a better choice, which handed the state to Trump.

  4. I want to talk about the tariffs for a second. Trump just tweeted that he would be raising tariffs on cars to 20% so that companies would build them here.
    Which is fine and good, (or not) but what people may not realize (and Trump certainly doesn’t because it requires a basic understanding of economics) is that 90% of the tooling supplies and parts used to build things like cars, farm equipment, motorcycles, and military vehicles COME FROM CHINA. Companies that sell these parts will be hit with 25% tariffs and, again, basic economics, will pass that on to the end users (again, Boeing, Blackhawk, Harley Davidson, Caterpillar, GM, etc.) which, say it with me…will make ALL machinery built in America more expensive.
    In other words, everything America buys will be more expensive, no matter where it’s manufactured. Anything currently built in America will be more expensive when shipped to other countries.
    Following the logic (sorry…I know how difficult that is for some of you) Trump is ACTIVELY INCENTIVIZING American companies to build products elsewhere, ESPECIALLY products normally built here and exported to places like Canada or Mexico.
    Even more basic – car built in US that is shipped to, say, Mexico. Why would Ford (again just an example) pay 25% to bring in the parts to build it here when they could ship everything to Mexico and build it there?
    Donald Trump is making American business the middleman…and making it financially worthwhile to send jobs overseas. DIRECTLY as a result of his actions.
    Make Americans Unemployed Again!

    1. Not to mention the EU just launched tariffs in response to Trump’s.
      The idiot brigade shouting #MAGA at the drop of a hat haven’t the brains to understand what’s going on or even a basic understanding of how things work. They seem to think that things work by the magic of Trump Says = It Happens That Way.
      They’re too fûçkìņg stupid to know or admit that Trump is screwing them over. Trump keeps doing this šhìŧ that screws over people in flyover country, and they praise him for it. I saw an interview with farmers who have seen their livelihood hurt by Trump’s trade war policy stupidity. Their response? Well, it’s getting worse for them right now, but they have faith in Trump that it’s all going to turn around and be better than ever once Trump really gets things moving.
      I swear, watching some Trump supporters on TV is like watching someone trapped in an abusive relationship swearing that, yeah, their partner beats the šhìŧ out of them regularly, but it’ll all get better when they eventually stop.
      But, of course, they never will…

      1. “Oh but that’s not even all the problem Florida is having. Not only do they NOT have the workers to pick tomatoes, they have no one to sell them too because it’s a large export crop and foreign purchasers have turned to other countries for their needs.”
        But Trump supporters will tell you it’s no big deal. Let the prices go up a bit, They’ve got that whole $1.50 a paycheck extra thanks to Trump’s budget busting taxcut.
        That’ll cover the increased costs. No problem.

    2. Tarrifs worked before the world was so interconnected. If a country suddenly flooded your country with grain at a cheaper price than your own farmers could grow it and you didn’t export enough grain for it to matter, then tarrifs would save your farmers. It would make the grain of the exporter the same price as your farmers’ grain and save their jobs.

      That is all that donnie understands. An old concept that died 50 to 60 years ago. We no longer have the factories that produce the products needed to produce what our factories make, as you pointed out. Heck emerging technologies most likely have never been made here.

      I sell parts to use in 3d printers on ebay, 90% of which you can not find a domestic version of. They were never made here, came from overseas. Since April my costs from China have been skyrocketing. Trump hasn’t thrown a tariff on everything I but but it is China revolting because of the tariffs he has invoked.

      Should we talk the produce rotting in the fields? Last year because of his migrant worker hate, California alone lost 1 billion in produce rotting in the fields.

      This year, if you like guacamole prepare for some sticker shock. I read the avocado crop this year is in desperate danger of rotting on the trees. No migrant workers to pick them.

      Oh but that’s not even all the problem Florida is having. Not only do they NOT have the workers to pick tomatoes, they have no one to sell them too because it’s a large export crop and foreign purchasers have turned to other countries for their needs.

      Who the hëll calls this winning? Is sure as hëll don’t.

      At this point even if we get rid of him, this isn’t like Obama saving us on the world stage from Bush. That was the first time. Now a second time here comes trump and really let’s the foreign nations have it. I can’t help think about the old saying “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”… And I’m now adding “fool me twice and we are done for good”. Are they going to come back and risk a repeat for a third time? I doubt it.

  5. So many issues, so little time…

    On Trump is Hitler – No, he is a narcissistic egotist with delusions of grandeur. He is not a genocidal paranoiac with delusions of godhood. Is he bad? well, yes, of course. Is he evil? No, not really except in the eyes of those who consider any opposing opinion as evil.

    Are the tariffs a problem? yes, but not just because of Trump. The basic problems began when some idiot wrote the world is flat, and business schools agreed with him, and America sent out all its heavy manufacturing (and light manufacturing!) out to China, Vietnam and whatever lower bidder they might find. At the same time, the envirowhackos placed such heavy burdens on American production that they killed off any local competition, and so we have the situation today in which vital production HAS to come from overseas, and many Dems are PROUD of that!

    As for immigration, that problem FAR predated Trump. He is just the first president to SERIOUSLY take a shot at it. Too many have benefited by the illegal immigration to ever make it possible to stop, but until the congress critters finally man up and come up with a legal solution, the problem will remain.

    1. So, Trump isn’t evil and, hey, half-assed defense of his policy attempt.
      You’re wrong. Let me make this as clear as possible to you and anyone else who will try to defend Trump.
      You can throw around all of the whataboutisms and false equivalencies you want to, but it does not change one very real, very fundamental truth here. What the Trump Administration chose to do to these children was 100% their choice. They were not forced into doing this because they had to obey a law. They did this because they chose to enact a policy requiring these actions in April of 2018. It was ordered by Donald Trump on the advice of Kelly and Miller and put into official effect by Sessions.
      This was their baby all the way.
      Now, let’s be clear exactly what this policy was, because “Zero Tolerance Policy” and even “Family Separation Policy” are sanitized names for what this policy really was.
      This policy was child abuse on a large scale as enacted by the Trump administration and done in the name of the United States.
      The abuse of those children, toddlers, and infants was not an accident or an unintended consequence of the policy. This wasn’t like a law being passed with good intentions where after its passage people start discovering there are side issues and consequences created by the law that have minor or major negative effects that have to be addressed.
      The abuse of those children was the intended, sought after effect the policy was designed for.
      That’s not hyperbole. That’s not opinion. The repeatedly stated goal of this policy before it was ever put into play was to do something so horrible that it would scare people enough to be a deterrent against future attempts to cross the Southern border.
      What the Trump administration was doing to children, toddlers, and infants was not an accident. It was not an unintended consequence of their policy. It was the point of it.
      By their own statements, this was a policy meant to use children, to use the abuse of children, as a form of terror policy to scare adults into avoiding crossing a border.
      American government sanctioned child abuse as a form of terrorism against illegal immigration.
      That was their goal.
      And that is absolutely an act of evil.

      1. Ok, Jerry, I will discuss this with you…

        Ok, so forced separation of mothers and children is now defined as child abuse. You should visit family services sometime…

        Obviously, you have seen the law that REQUIRES a child to be detained with its mother when she is arrested. Funny, I haven’t seen that many prisons with child care…

        Wait, do you believe that ONLY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE REQUIRED to be detained together. Another interesting legal delusion…

        So, the cages would be alright AS LONG AS THE MOTHERS AND CHILDREN ARE TOGETHER??????

        Sorry, yours and the media’s overreactions are not amusing.

      2. And CharlieE comes along and gives us all so perfect an example of what I talked about on my first post that you’d think I wrote it for him.
        In this country, we have come to accept the fact that, in some cases, children have to be removed from a parent or from both parents when the action taken is for the child’s best interest. We do not do it lightly, we do not do it as a default action, and we do not apply this practice to children when it is not in their best interest.
        When the child is taken, they are placed with relatives when at all possible. If not possible, they are placed in properly prepared, regulated care facilities.
        In CharlieE’s world of excusing, defending, and rationalizing Trump’s actions, this compares to the following.
        Enacting a policy where the goal is not the best interests of the child, but is in fact using the child as a tool to terrorize future border crossing migrants into not coming here.
        In order to do this, all children of all ages are stripped from their parents or family at the border whether it warrants such action or not. A practice we did NOT have in place before Trump’s policy order. The children are then taken away and stuffed into makeshift cages in disused Walmarts or stashed in slapdash tent cities in the scorching heat. The children are then drugged in order to make them manageable.
        The children are then moved around the country in such a secretive and poorly organized manner that even the people in charge apparently can’t tell you what child was sent where in all cases.
        And as this is happening, some of the parents are being sent off so that the children might never be reunited with them.
        And, again, this is being done not for the children’s benefit, but in order to use the children and the abuse of this system and the abuse of these children to terrorize adults on the hopes they don’t attempt a border crossing down the road.
        In CharlieE’s world of whataboutisms and false equivalencies in the quest to excuse, rationalize, and defend Trump and his actions, these two things are totally the same.
        To paraphrase Bill Kristol about Trump’s words this week- To be fair to CharlieE, it probably sounded better in the original German.

    2. One minor point I left out. To seek to be President, one is basically assumed to be a narcissistic egotist with delusions of grandeur. It is basically a job requirement, so in this, Trump is no different from any of the other choices…

      1. I’m sorry, no, he is very different.
        The fact that you can’t or won’t allow yourself to see the difference speaks volumes.

      2. So, basically, CharlieE and Pat have surrendered on the grounds that they’ve got nothing worth offering s intelligent points, but they both want to still post something and decided on the utterly nonsensical.
        So, yeah, Trump Cultism 101.

      3. Sure thing Inspector Clouseau, you forgot to call me a Nazi by the way. You know I could maybe take some of what you say seriously but when you claim That windbag Clinton would make a better POTUS especially in light of current events. Well your street cred becomes a bit weak. I know Blah Blah Blah right wing hack, Blah Blah Blah fox news is bias, Blah Blah Blah drink the cool aid, Blah Blah Blah whatever. Come on Jer Jer you are a fûçkìņg cop for Christ sakes swallow your pride and admit the bìŧçh is a criminal that felt she was entitled to the seat in the oval office. You know if they didn’t screw Bernie out of his shot, he sure as šhìŧ just might have beat Trump but dámņ that Clinton privilege.
        Here’s a suggestion…..Start looking for a real candidate now and you should stay as fûçkìņg far away of anything that might even sound like Clinton and beat the guy in 2020.

      4. So, Pat, your response is to continue to say nothing of intelligence or value. Just a lot more of it.
        Okay then…

    3. If, indeed, tariffs aren’t “just” Trump’s fault – which is patently wrong, by the way, tariffs aren’t the problem, the problem is companies keep sending jobs to other countries because the labor is cheap and not regulated. So in essence calling that a problem is blaming the US for giving workers humane conditions and a living wage. Yelling about raising the minimum wage while crying about jobs going overseas is idiotic. Punish companies that send tech jobs to India, not give them tax breaks (which Trump supports)

      But that’s beside the point.

      IF Trump’s tariffs aren’t the problem, which they absolutely ARE in the instances I mentioned and if you can’t see that you’re simply ignoring facts (surprise), raising tariffs to an irrational amount is like curing a cold by giving the patient a treatment that causes cancer. You’re creating a WHOLE fûçkŧøņ of bigger problems.

      1. Mike,
        He can’t ‘order’ companies to start manufacturing here again, or to stop sending jobs overseas (or, maybe he could executive order it, but the laughter would be overwhelming…) so the only tool in his toolbox are tariffs. Not a good solution, or even a working solution, but at least he is doing SOMETHING unlike congress or previous administrations…

      2. Mike, seriously…
        At least Trump is doing SOMETHING here.
        I mean, sure, he’s basically setting fire to the building and jackhammering the foundations, but it’s better than that nothing all those OTHER presidents and stuff did with smart programs like incentives and stuff.

      3. Jerry, seriously… 😉

        Smart programs like incentives, etc…

        You mean the incentives that gave tax breaks as companies moved jobs and capacity overseas? The ones that the companies ORDERED their congress critters to give them so that they could make more money while shafting the American worker? Those smart programs?????

      4. No, CharlieE, I’m not talking about stuff like the quick con in Indiana Trump and Carrier pulled to sucker Trump’s flock. I’m talking about various tools in the toolbox that can work (but Republicans keep blocking in order to demand things like their recent tax break con.)

    4. Hey, CharlieE…how does it feel to be super-duper-completely-totally-in-every-way-imaginable WRONG?
      Yeah, tell me it’s just an excuse. PLEASE, parrot Trump’s words and prove you have no independent thought.
      And I quote myself – “…Trump is ACTIVELY INCENTIVIZING American companies to build products elsewhere, ESPECIALLY products normally built here and exported to places like Canada or Mexico…and making it financially worthwhile to send jobs overseas. DIRECTLY as a result of his actions.
      Make Americans Unemployed Again!”
      Sometimes I really hate being right.

  6. Our checks and balances are not putting anything in check… they are unbalanced. Term limits is truly the first (and biggest) step to fix all of this.

      1. Understood. Only … can you say ‘gridlock’? Given the intensely partisan nature of both houses, how is anything expected to get done if one house routinely blocks the other? We’ve seen this played out all too often.

      2. Or Priority Voting. You choose more than candidate, setting one as your primary chpice, then a second, then a third choice. Tabulate the First Choice votes. eliminate the first choice candidates that aren’t in the top 3, then check their second choice and re-tabulate the votes. Eliminate the third place candidate and check choice 3 of their voters, re-tabulate and declare a winner based on the results.

      3. Preference voting all the way, Mitch. I’ve said for decades that any national candidate who promises to implement that is likely to have my vote regardless of other policies — that would go so incredibly far to fix things.
        Fingers crossed that the recent experiment in Maine convinces people that it might just work.

  7. Meanwhile the Charlottesville Nazis are planning a march in Washington D.C. demanding white civil rights. I swear to God, I’m hoping that two guys in black suits, sunglasses and hats and driving an old police car drive them into the Potomac.
    Get me an old police car and I’ll seriously, seriously consider it.

  8. Pat Nolan: “Sure thing Inspector Clouseau, you forgot to call me a Nazi by the way. You know I could maybe take some of what you say seriously but when you claim That windbag Clinton would make a better POTUS especially in light of current events. Well your street cred becomes a bit weak.”
    … especially in light of current events…
    And what current events would that be, Pat?
    Would that be President Manchild going to the G7 and pìššìņg on and alienating our allies yet again while advocating for Russia to be returned to the G8 without Russia having to undo a single thing it did to get booted out?
    Would that be President Manchild telling leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea should be Russia’s because its people speak Russian? Do you think President Manchild realizes that under his logic the United States should still belong to England since we speak English?
    Would that be President Manchild throwing our ally South Korea under the bus by announcing moves to stop working with them in training exercises and other ways without letting them know about it before announcing it to the media and giving his new BFF Kim Jong-un the kind of big, sloppy kiss he usually reserves for Putin?
    Would that be President Manchild meeting with Kim Jong-un with essentially no preconditions at all, not preparing for the meeting in any serious way, and then immediately giving Kim Jong-un things he’s wanted for years (see item above) whiole elevating Kim Jong-un’s status as a world leader, saluting foreign generals, praising how great and smart and strong Kim Jong-un is for being a mass murdering, oppressive dictator, and giving Kim Jong-un tons of ready made propaganda footage?
    Would that be President Manchild causing the DOW to repeatedly start tumbling because of his ill advised, asinine trade war tariffs?
    Would that be President Manchild launching his vile “Zero Tollerance” child abuse policy, lying about the fact that it’s his policy, declaring that his hands were tied and there was nothing he could do, using the abused children as a bargaining chip to get his wall funded, and then sending his own White House into chaos by backtracking and signing an EO to stop his own policy?
    Would that be President Manchild pulling a trick out of Hitler’s playbook from when he’d parade German families ion front of audiences who told stories about crimes committed against them by Jews or immigrants in order to assist the propaganda meant to paint all Jews and immigrants as criminal monsters so that he could convince his cult-like followers to support his actions no matter how vile?
    Would that be President Manchild doing this while completely lying by a huge degree about the number of crimes committed in this country by illegal immigrants?
    Would that be President Manchild once again lying to his idiot cultists about the report/review of the FBI and intelligence agencies actions surrounding the investigations into Hillary and him back during the election as well as lying about the findings?
    Would that be President Manchild ordering the military to make a Space Force and thus proving he knows absolutely nothing about what he’s talking about when addressing such things?
    Would that be President Manchild fumbling over his wife’s spokesperson and, after they said the ‘I Really Don’t Care, Do U’ jacket worn in intense heat didn’t really mean anything (yeah, right…) by trying to launch into a Twitter meltdown attack on the media with it?
    Would that be President Manchild’s “tax reform” scheme from last year being revealed to be the soak it to the middle class and poor, funnel it to the rich scam it always was more and more every day?
    And I could keep going.
    Yeah, Pat, Hillary would absolutely be better than him at the job of President. But, well, I guess then we wouldn’t be seeing as many white supremacist rallies or white supremacist candidates like Corey Stewart or a sitting President endorsing a pedophile in an election. Well, I guess that’s just a cherished part of #maga and #winning in Trumplandia.
    “Sure thing Inspector Clouseau, you forgot to call me a Nazi by the way.”
    Maybe, and I know reading comprehension is hard for you based on past discussion, it’s because I’m not calling Trump supporters Nazis.
    “After this last week, I can no longer say that comparisons of Trump supporters to at least one aspect of Nazis and Nazi Germany is incorrect.”
    “And I still can’t bring myself to say they’re actual Nazis, because they’re probably not. But they are absolutely the same type of people who in 1930s Germany allowed and supported the rise of Nazi Germany. They might not be actual Nazis, but they’re little better than actual Nazis when it’s all said and done.”
    You’ve got to do more than what many Trump supporters have done to be a Nazi. However, what many Trump supporters have shown this last week is that they are the 2018 American equivalent of the 1930s Germans who had no real issue with what Hitler was doing as he rose to power because, for them, Hitler was just doing it to the people they hated anyhow. It was okay. Many 2018 American Trump supporters simply proved to the world this last week that, while they might not yet be actual Nazis, they’re no better than the people in 1930s Germany who were more than happy to turn a blind eye to Hitler’s actions or, even worse, support and excuse them until it was far, far too late.
    Your actions define who you are. Likewise, your inaction can as well. Whether or not you were fine with Trump’s child abuse policy is only something you can know right now. But, if you were…
    I’d be smart and keep that fact to yourself.

    1. Wow jerry I’m honored to received yet another long winded empty bloviation about President Man-child’s (don’t forget the hyphen, I know from past discussions grammar is hard for you) various atrocities. Believe it or not I’m not a 100% fan of the man-child myself but I’m definitely not a fan of the entitled one, the self righteous one. I will celebrate the day when she is led away in handcuffs, which, mark my words, will happen. The pieces are slowly falling into place.
      So man-child supporters are Nazilike but not actual Nazis? Spoken like a true LIB
      One thing about man-child’s immigration move. How many are you currently housing? I mean this is about the children right? So you must be housing a bunch of them and now that we are getting them back with their parents you will have to house them also. Surely you’re helping out with the influx of illegals trying to get here, because under current law that is what they are, illegal. and no matter what you say, Obama did the exact same thing, although not as vigorous as man-child but he did do it. Were you this upset then? I do believe you are sincere in your disgust, though a bit late to the show, but these politicians care nothing for these children other than what they will get politically out of this fiasco. I don’t care for the policy but something has to be done. Figuring out if they in fact are here with their parents and not being trafficked? If the parents are hardcore criminals? Catch and release didn’t work either Jerry. They catch someone here illegally. set them free with a promise to appear in court later and surprise they don’t show. Now keep in mind their crime is crossing the border illegally and also being here illegally right? Now tell me Jer, if you caught someone shoplifting. which is the crime, do you let them keep what they stole? I hope not, so why would we catch someone here illegally and then turn around and let them continue to do what they are doing illegally by releasing them to show up later for a hearing? We cant continue to let everyone in, we don’t have the resources other than you and all the other LIBs who must be helping by taking in a family or two.
      Keep in mind, this is about the children.

      1. Dr Aviva Dautch
        I’ve seen several tweets comparing this to Nazis/The Holocaust and saying things like “this is how it begins”. I teach Holocaust Literature so let me be clear – this ISN’T how it began. This is already several stages along the way.
        Pat Nolan: “… Obama did the exact same thing…”
        Bûllšhìŧ. The facts keep disproving this statement over and over again, but keep telling yourself that to excuse your support of allowing it to happen.

  9. Come on, Jerry Chandler – stop holding back.
    Tell us what you REALLY think.
    {Incidentally, i agree with everything you’ve said.}

      1. Oh, and, Mike?
        Tell your brother some of us who enjoy going to a certain convention in NC are really sorry he’s catching the šhìŧ he’s catching right now.
        Likely won’t mean much, but that whole situation got stupid earlier this year and just seems to be getting dumber now.

    1. Does anyone in the GOP still use that “Party of Reagan” line? Raising taxes and granting amnesty was barely tolerable under W. He seems to have been quietly stricken from the hagiography, even by the people who worked for him.

      1. “Does anyone in the GOP still use that “Party of Reagan” line?”
        Of course. Stopping would require Republicans do two things the modern Republican party never does:
        – think of something new
        – acknowledge reality

  10. His priorities boil down to three things: His own interests, competing with other rich people, and lying about Clinton.

    Four things: “and wiping Obama from history.”

  11. Like most, I get annoyed when people assume that, as someone that dislikes Trump and the behavior of his supports, that I paint them with the same brush. I don’t.
    I do not think all Trump Supporters are Nazis and/or racist. That would be churlish. I =DO=, however, believe that all Nazis and racists are Trump Supporters.

  12. Trump is out there again pushing his idea that we don’t need to bother with due process to handle migrants.
    How very 1930s Germany of him.

  13. I’m amused that people on the right are fuming over Sanders being denied service at the Red Hen. How DARE the management deny her based on their personal morals and values? It’s not like they’re a bakery and she’s a gay couple wanting a wedding cake, after all.

      1. Oh, I agree that the current lack of civility is a problem. It really began with Newt Gingrich’s unwillingness to work with the other side, leading to the two parties opposing one another more than representing the people.

        That would have been problem enough, but then along comes Trump, who thinks nothing of belittling others and encourages violence at his rallies.

        He and his followers, which include white supremacists, xenophobes, and reactionaries, have taken what Gingrich started and turned it into the norm.

        It’s genuinely depressing to see what’s become of civil discourse. And that’s without touching on the hypocritical behavior they’re all displaying.

  14. No Obama turned the children over to the traffickers, Hillary outspent trump 2/1, like Obama did Romney in 2012, and McCain 8/1, the former through a Pac liberally funded by Morgan Freeman and Bill Maher, so citizen United worked very good for him.

    I admired your work on Babylon 5, you should make more references to president clark

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